yes, that's the point; nothing changes. and saying that 'people' are complaining still doesn't tell us how many people... out of how many iphone users.
whining and insisting that one's experience is everyone's experience is just... absurd.
'i bought this car, it wouldn't start... so everyone who bought this car can't start it'
if you skip the whiny threads, there's so much good stuff that happens on this forum. so, one more "worst ios ever" thread is just one more distraction (which i am admitting i spent too much time with). and i am not an apple apologist, i have long-standing issues with ios, and used to jailbreak my phones (which i sorta miss).
You know... ah I am not going to bother. I gave examples why it isn’t just my experience and how it is more widespread than you think but never mind. I have to question why you’re here in the first place then if you’re apparently having no issues? While the title of this thread is abit hyperbolic, I do agree with it that it is the worst iOS version in terms of bugs and sloppiness I have experienced. And like I said, no, I’m not saying it is everyone’s problem, but there are more and more people reporting similar on a daily basis, even Apple enthusiasts like iJustine who don’t usually question Apple that much.
If you look through these forums you'll see similar scale and similar level of long discussions about the early versions of pretty much most of iOS releases. Certainly a number of long ongoing threads about it in regards to iOS 11 already, just as there were in regards to iOS 10, and 9, and 8, and so on.
I did mention that in my post. I recall there being complaints about iOS 7, 8, 9, 10 etc. but from personal experience, iOS 11 seems to hold more merit with the experience I’ve been having with the notion that it is the worst in terms of bugs out of all of them. I can’t speak for 7 but I heard that was a s**tshow too, and that’s where I think the issues have steamrolled from since Apple redesigned it. It’s like it messed with the inner framework of the software and it’s been messy year after year ever since. There were some complaints about iOS 6 and prior too, but from experience I don’t recall as many performance issues or bugs when using those, and iOS 5 and 6 are still considered the pinnacles of iOS.
With iOS 11 though, there are countless YouTube videos, threads on here, articles from other sites, threads everywhere else saying how buggy it is and how it is the worst version they’ve ever used. So it’s not just from one persons ramblings who created this post. Will it get better? Probably, but having to wait for months worth of point updates just for a smooth sailing experience never used to be as prominent as it is now.
Who does Tim think he is? He thinks he’s god or something and everyone is a conformist. Like you know why iOS has a lot of big UI interfaces and bolder fonts now? Because everyone there is getting old! Their eyesight has been slowly deteriorating since Steve died. And by having their eyesight get weakened, their vision has too. Their vision of Apple has become a blurred thing. It’s no longer how it was from the beginning. Steve was the man who changed the world, without Steve, there would be no iWork.
Although I realise your post is satire, it’s not that they’re getting old, it’s the thin fonts and blinding white space everywhere that they introduced with iOS 7 that have (literally) made them lose sight.