iOS 12 was a boring release because they had to focus on performance as after 3 major iOS releases (I think iOS 9 was also a performance focused release?), things were starting to slow down on older devices and even newer devices. iOS 13 will be the big one now that they got the performance-focused release out of the way. But, don't expect the ability to hide the home indicator in iOS 13 either. It was there with iOS 11 and it stayed with iOS 12 as well, so I don't see iOS 13 adding the ability to hide it. At this point it's an iconic indicator and its a very good visual cue. So Apple most likely won't be doing that. Anyways iOS 13 should be major since it's going to have the features that were planned to be in iOS 12 but were later postponed, plus loads more, along with the rumored design overhaul. So you only have to wait until early June to be able to get that goodness.