You speak as though the software update's sole purpose was to slow down the phone, while adding absolutely nothing of value to it.
The way I see it, iOS devices slowing down is simply a consequence of code getting more bloated as more features are tacked on to it. And given the breakneck speed at which Apple operates, the software team simply didn't have the opportunity to get round to giving iOS the overhaul it so desperately needed.
We can argue until the cows come home as to whether Apple made the right decision to prioritise newer features with each new iOS release over stability and fluidity. Bottom line is - Apple didn't set out to deliberately slow down your iOS devices with the express intention of irritating users to the point where they felt "compelled" to upgrade their devices. Which doesn't make sense when you think about it. Apple dicks around with my phone and my first impulse is to thrash it and buy another phone from the very company who just screwed me over?
Intent matters. And I don't believe Apple was being malicious here when they did what they did.
If their intent is noble, why not allow the user to downgrade? I absolutely hate what they did to the home button in iOS 11. I also do not like the small stutters here and there on my older iPhones which happen on iOS 11. All I want is to be able to downgrade to an enjoyable experience. I had to buy an iPhone X because the slowdowns irked me. I am very sensitive to stuttering and performance and coupled with the lack of downgrades, this recent story about how they shipped a throttle for older iPhones without telling anyone makes me doubt their intentions. Why all this secrecy? Were they trying to avoid a recall? Why is Apple the only company incapable of supporting multiple versions?
I perfectly understand adding features compromises performance but why not have the option to choose? I had a factory image of Android 4.3 Jellybean an OS from 2013 which I used on my Nexus 7. Yes its insecure but it worked fine like it did on Day 1. Google released Android Lollipop which was the iOS 11 of Android to me.It ruined my tablet. But the freedom to downgrade tells me Google's intentions. If that was Apple, Lollipop would be forcibly downloaded and I MUST buy a newer device to escape the lag.
And while on the subject of features, iOS 11 added almost nothing to the iPhone apart from some minor design tweaks. Most of whats added were simply app updates. Why are simple app updates slowing down devices? iOS 12 added more to the iPhone than iOS 11 did to iOS 10 and yet iOS 12 manages to be faster than iOS 11 but iOS 11 is slower than iOS 10.
And as far as why buy devices from a company who screws the user? Answer- Integration. I like the integration between the Watch, iPad, and the iPhone. Currently changing even one of these makes for a disjointed experience. Its already somewhat disjointed as I use Windows. If I change my phone to Android, for one there is no Watch, and secondly, it wont work with the iPad as well. I also lose iMessage. So all things considered, there is simply no alternative at this point. And Apple knows this very well and exploits it.
I've seen the videos comparing ios 10 and ios 11 and why it disproves planned obsolescence. Why is it not surprising ios 12 is faster then ios 10? Ios 9 was faster then ios 8.
Link to the video which shows iOS 11 faster than iOS 10.
I can think of other reasons.
- newer functions that make my life easier better
- new methods
- better display
- dropped my phone, screen shattered and now I want a new one
- newer form factor
- new models have a better look
- newer models have better performance
Where is slowness and planned obsolescence on this list?
Definitely those are factors. But slowness is also a factor. People upgrade when devices become slow. Theres at least 10-15 persons I know who upgraded from 3-4 year old iPhones in the past year because they were slow. Slowness is a consequence of planned obsolescence.
I never denied there were other reasons people upgrade phones. I am saying this is also one of them and speed is a very important factor.
And yet that doesn't mean a malicious conspiracy is behind it.
If their intentions are not malicious, Apple should have no problem restoring all my devices to the performance and battery life I paid for.