With the change to PB5 and I took the step to unload, delete, readd app, readd email accounts, I thought my stock email app woes were pretty much behind me. Sigh ...
1. I now have blank blacked or whited out sections in some emails.
2. After not touching it (the email app) for 12 hours, the app badge says 16 unread emails. Open the app and it says 16 also. 30 seconds later it is now saying 67 unread emails. Appears that in the 12 hours, the system only queried the main email account, none of the other 4. Until I opened it.
Trade in one set of bugs for a different set of bugs. Concerning that an uninstall and reinstall of the email app fixed then uncovered new bugs.
Have to see what the next PB brings. Crossing fingers.
ps: trying a couple of things with my AW4 on 5.3 - battery issue seems to come and go.
My only issues with the Mail app were with the first PB. Since then, the only issue I have is that it opens to the latest email I've received at all times instead of the overall email list. Annoying, but nothing much more than that.