It’s not working for me . It seems broken. iPhone XS Max
It has never worked for me on my iPhone X. Maybe the 8th beta will fix/enable it. Maybe not. Who knows.
It’s not working for me . It seems broken. iPhone XS Max
yeah I am not gonna look through the history of the last 6+ months to select all images one by one.
You have this nice overview of all the attachments if you click on the info I of a contact and they FINALLY implemented the delete button again on beta 7 but they forgot to also add back the swipe gesture to mass select, just like we have it in the photos app basically.
EDIT: it’s actually even worse! If I delete an attached photo, it is actually not being deleted. Looks like the delete button does nothing. The photo is still in the messages app
Mail seems buggy for me still. I get notifications on my watch that I have a new mail message, yet the mail app doesn’t show it right away.
using exchange server. Anyone else notice this?
3D Touch seems very polished and smooth. Try it and give your feedback on the same.
I’ve been having major issues with Mail, and each beta get slightly worse in some areas and “ok” in other areas. I just now tried deleting the mail app, rebooted, reinstalled Mail from the App Store and made active all of my mail accounts (6), and now I’m stuck with the “No Sender / No Subject” problem where every single email (ALL emails for all accounts in all folders) is showing that for the sender/subject. I just went thru after that and tried Edison Mail & Spark, and I’m kinda meh about them.
I am all about privacy, and normally cite it as a reason to stay within 1st party solutions when possible. That’s why my next statement makes me a hypocrite. I use Spark email, which if I am being honest, comes with some serious privacy concerns. I love spark, I really love spark, but because of my usual concern for privacy I will give Apple mail another go on iOS 13That and it just works. In release versions (cant count the beta) the app just works. There is no chance the app will go out of business (Sparrow, Newton once already) and its not a pay app or subscription.
It may be basic but honestly does 95%+ of what all email apps do. iOS13 took that further with formatting emails, color/font/etc, and you can now share sheet an email to reminders which is basically the same thing snooze (get a notification and can go right to that email to take action on it).
There really aren't many functions missing. Sure, things like Airmail and Newton do more, but that much money more? And sure things like Spark are free but at what privacy cost and what are they really using your data for where you cannot see it going on. And seeing how PDFExpert just went subscription at $50/year, my guess is Spark is next as it actually uses their server resources. I dont think it will be free much longer.
I really cant think of one huge feature any 3rd party app does that the stock doesnt. I guess send later really and color-coding of accounts/emails; it would be nice to have but not deal breakers. Read receipts can be done with free 3rd party services out there that you BCC the service in the email and it does the read receipt. Not as convenient as in the app, sure, but perfectly doable just like snooze via Reminders.
And push Gmail has nothing to do with the iOS app but Google removing Exchange from free gmail accounts which it used to have; the stock app is more than capable of doing Exchange mail.
I am all about privacy, and normally cite it as a reason to stay within 1st party solutions when possible. That’s why my next statement makes me a hypocrite. I use Spark email, which if I am being honest, comes with some serious privacy concerns. I love spark, I really love spark, but because of my usual concern for privacy I will give Apple mail another go on iOS 13
It is frustrating that the Mail app still isn’t working properly. I don’t have the feeling that it has improved much over the years. I might have to start using the Gmail app 100% of the time.
Hopefully they put some attention into fixing the Mail app...
Yes same here, neither iPhone or iPadDictating is not function on beta 7 on iphone x and aw4, someone else???
I don’t agree. Sure, Mail has its problems, but over all, DB7/PB6 is pretty solid. Many things are even better/faster by now than iOS 12, like Face ID and launching apps. We have at least two or three beta versions ahead of us before final release so I’d say Apple is on track for a real solid release of iOS 13. Too bad though that many good features was dropped and saved for future updates.The last years the final releases were not much better than the betas. I think the iOS 13 final will be a disaster. Mail app broken, keyboard is not working well, iPadOS 13 is a mess with a lot of lags, bugs, freezes and crashes.
Have they started to accept app updates for iOS 13 yet? Just had an update bit weird because it said update for iOS 12 ready message.
I think I have a weird one regarding mail. I don't believe I've seen this one reported before but if so, kindly correct me.
I'll see notification that I have new mail. I check the app, and the amount of new messages is far less than what the notification dot states. To see the rest of the new mail, I have to filter by Unread. In addition, sometimes I have to switch between the two to actually get a message marked as read.
Thought they start submitting a month before....No updates until it is officially released next month