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macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Has anyone been experiencing any issues with Slack, in particular having it crash (and exit) fairly regularly?


macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2020
Amazon Prime playing perfectly fine for me since I updated last night to B6.

This prompted me to do some more testing after a re-install. Turns out it seems to be just specific shows on Amazon that aren't playing for me, and it just so happened to coincide with the B6 update. I tested about 30 different shows with episodes of various lengths, doesn't seem to be related to the length of the episode or anything (thinking file size) but it seemed to occur with about 20% of the shows I tried.

I'm assuming it's not related to the update since I don't see how an iOS update could break some content but not all content in a 3rd party app, must just be something dodgy on Bezos' end.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Slack has been working fine for me on multiple iOS devices running the latest beta.
Interesting. I don't think I can make it through more than about 5 minutes (often less) without it just randomly exiting. Tried reinstalling, even changing some options, but doesn't look like that had much of an effect. Strange.


macrumors 6502
Jul 27, 2014
Interesting. I don't think I can make it through more than about 5 minutes (often less) without it just randomly exiting. Tried reinstalling, even changing some options, but doesn't look like that had much of an effect. Strange.

See if your workplace requires VPN connection at all times running Slack. The malfunction could be related to that. I have not had any issues running Slack on my beta iOS devices since PB1.


macrumors 6502
Jun 24, 2010
Has anyone been experiencing any issues with Slack, in particular having it crash (and exit) fairly regularly?
Not here, thankfully but I just updated last night. I've still used it a decent amount without issue. That could change.


macrumors 6502
Jan 20, 2008
Chandler, Arizona
Having trouble with the native “Health” app. I’m able to input my weight but the weight chart only displays the same days weight. It will no longer show month, week or year. I’ve tapped on the “W, M, F” on the screen but it does nothing as if it’s frozen. Weight shows up in “Summary” view. The path for that is Health App>Summary>Weight.


macrumors 6502
Aug 4, 2014
Niantic, being a typical snobby company that makes a product thats quite liked, will probably drag their ass till iOS 14.1...
They will probably just fix it when the GM comes out. They don't have any obligation to fix their app during the beta period as something could break it again in the next beta anyway. Installing a beta, especially for a major update, is at the user's risk. Pokemon Go is the only thing that keeps me from installing this beta, but I fully expected them to not fix it until the end of the beta cycle.
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macrumors 6502
Aug 4, 2014
I am blown away by the number of people who play this thing. Who knew?
I've been playing since Day 1 but a bunch of people at my job started playing this week. Really surprising how relevant that game still is.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 8, 2018
Manchester, UK
Not sure I buy the perspective that Niatic is blocking anything. Just because Pokemon Go doesn't work with the yet-unreleased iOS 14, it doesn't necessarily equate to some sinister motive.
They have the ability to to turn an app off for versions of the OS. Initially PoGo worked on iOS14 and then they turned it off within 24 hours of the dev beta being released.


macrumors 603
Apr 21, 2012
Not sure I buy the perspective that Niatic is blocking anything. Just because Pokemon Go doesn't work with the yet-unreleased iOS 14, it doesn't necessarily equate to some sinister motive.

Exactly. Of course there is no sinister motive. Developers are under no obligation to update their apps to work with beta software as the underlying code can change with each release and their apps may then not function. People shouldn’t be using beta software if they’re worried about certain apps not working.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 8, 2018
Manchester, UK
Exactly. Of course there is no sinister motive. Developers are under no obligation to update their apps to work with beta software as the underlying code can change with each release and their apps may then not function. People shouldn’t be using beta software if they’re worried about certain apps not working.
I never said there was any sinister motive. I did say that it had worked and they turned it off. Blinking annoying but not sinister :)
And yes I'm aware I can go back to iOS 13.x and play again on my phone..... Just that a lot people play the game adn Niantic are annoying us with their attitude ....


macrumors 603
Apr 21, 2012
I never said there was any sinister motive. I did say that it had worked and they turned it off. Blinking annoying but not sinister :)
And yes I'm aware I can go back to iOS 13.x and play again on my phone..... Just that a lot people play the game adn Niantic are annoying us with their attitude ....

What do you mean “they turned it off”? I might be missing something here.
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