I second the chain of the last 5 posts.
no software release is perfect, be it one of Apple’s OS’s, Google, Microsoft, or Joe bloggs little indie developer.
As stated, this forum is mainly a vocal minority, power users that like to tinker, and some tend to have unrealistic high expectations, which then leads to very negative posts, which are not helpful to the people who are not so much of a power user, but curious about tinkering.
We just have to try and be as helpful as we can, and provide constructive criticism, rather than resorting to dramatic hyperbole.
no software release is perfect, be it one of Apple’s OS’s, Google, Microsoft, or Joe bloggs little indie developer.
As stated, this forum is mainly a vocal minority, power users that like to tinker, and some tend to have unrealistic high expectations, which then leads to very negative posts, which are not helpful to the people who are not so much of a power user, but curious about tinkering.
We just have to try and be as helpful as we can, and provide constructive criticism, rather than resorting to dramatic hyperbole.