This very thread - the iOS 17 Speculation Thread - was started on February 27, 2023. I'd say the beginning of March would be a good time for a new speculation thread on iOS 18. The mods will move that thread over to the new iOS 18 forums just after the WWDC keynote.As an aside, when will an iOS 18 Speculation Thread be set up? We’re not that far out from June. It would be interesting to have a place to start discussing some of the features we think will drop in iOS 18.
Now, back on topic, so far the second developer beta for iPadOS 17.4 has been running very smooth for me. 👍🏻
The iOS 18 Speculation thread should be pretty lively, even before WWDC, as I expect a fair number of rumors (and intentional leaks from Apple) on iOS 18.
My own suspicion is that iOS 18 will be The Big One...the one that will replace iOS 7 as the sea change version of the OS. We shall see!