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Is there a difference between developer and public beta?

Or is it the same, just one das later?
Majority of the time if release close together its the same build. Occasionally in much early beta cycles a public beta could be a slightly newer build if problems detected and show up later then one day. The very first public beta usually arrives end of June or early July, usually like iOS 18 beta 3 as an example.
Interesting we have the May 7th event occurring on the day of the RC. Should work out as the event has a calendar time of 7AM to 9 AM PST and the iOS/IPadOS 17.5 RC seeding start slightly after 10 AM PST.

LOL. I’m glad Apple can make its own product and software releases work out timing-wise! I’ll bet they have people whose job is to make that happen.

(I would not be terribly surprised if the RC was seeded immediately after the event, much like the iPhone and iOS each year).
Last year 16.5.1 came a month later. The year before that between 15.5 and 15.6 there was nothing. It's not the time of year (May thru June )for minor increments happening much, unless security related.
I was gonna say, could be anywhere from a week to a month or more or not at all :)
Any updates like that for iOS 17 would be security fixes only, right? Save for the 'oops we broke it in the official release of iOS 17.5' release...
Last year 16.5.1 came a month later. The year before that between 15.5 and 15.6 there was nothing. It's not the time of year (May thru June )for minor increments happening much, unless security related.
I think that IOS 17.5 is already well polished with its 4 betas, so now there is only the RC left to validate the version, from my point of view it is the definitive one!! But we'll see!! Have a nice week!!
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