Hi,To be honest, I don't know anymore what to do.
After one month of having 16 Pro 256 battery seems to be unpredictable. There was a day when I was able to have 4h SoT in 50% battery usage but it was the maximum I was able to achieve (WiFi).
Now, when I am in a business travel, using LTE battery drains quite quickly. But still, 3h SoT is my average with WiFi and moderate usage. It is impossible to have the same issue with 3 different units. And I have a feeling (can't confirm it) but limit set to less than 100% causes battery drains more quickly.
Please disregard the highest stats marked with red. I was charging the phone during the day.
Apple claims everything is ok, service engineer will say it is ok because it depends on apps I use. At the same time I see that other people can use and use and use their phones and have a minimal battery drop.
I really hope that 18.2 will improve the battery efficiency.
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View attachment 2460979
Here my iPhone 16 with 90% limit.