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macrumors 68040
Mar 26, 2010
I think most of you guys will be dissapointed when iOS 6 features are announced.

You know what kind of new stuff Apple likes to bring with each new iOS?

Lets remember what happened last year... Reminders App? Oh, cool! New newsstand App? So cool! And they called those two of the ten biggest new features... So be prepared to be dissapointed again...

The things Im expecting surely are new Maps App, facebook integration and, as always, new stuff for the classic apps like Safari, Mail, Photos, etc.

Nothing more.

Dont ask what Apple wont give you.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2002
Middle Earth
Not enough for me to want to go back to tethered updates, lack of Wifi Sync and iCloud for backups.

I use Reader & Reading List in Safari Mobile every day.
I have Shortcuts that I rely on for text expansion
Notification Center is light years beyond the previous mess.

iOS 5 isn't perfect but man Apple nailed it with PC Free. Now it's time to close up loose ends.


macrumors G3
May 28, 2005
On a superficial level, iOS is old and boring. Sure there's a few new features, reminders, etc, for iOS 5 that weren't there in iOS 4, but to people like my girlfriend, she sees iOS 1 -> iOS 5 as the same OS. And for people like her, iOS is getting stale.

I hate to say it, but Apple needs to change how iOS functions on a basic level if they want to keep their market share.


Aug 11, 2008
Seriously Apple needs to make some drastic changes to iOS to make it look less stale and more modern.

According to whom?

Then again I enjoy wasting time every time I pick up an Android phone because each manufacturer has a "fresh" UI that isn't universal.
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2002
Middle Earth
On a superficial level, iOS is old and boring. Sure there's a few new features, reminders, etc, for iOS 5 that weren't there in iOS 4, but to people like my girlfriend, she sees iOS 1 -> iOS 5 as the same OS. And for people like her, iOS is getting stale.

I hate to say it, but Apple needs to change how iOS functions on a basic level if they want to keep their market share.

You can say it all you want but it's not true.

There are still thousands upon thousands of people using flip phones that want to move up to Smartphones.

iPhone availability is only getting better. Now pre-paid iPhones are available.

Folks the primary goal of the OS is to stay OUT of your way and let the applications shine. That is why the iPhone continues to beat out all challengers. In the end it's not about iOS but what iOS can do to support great apps.


Aug 11, 2008
Folks the primary goal of the OS is to stay OUT of your way and let the applications shine. That is why the iPhone continues to beat out all challengers. In the end it's not about iOS but what iOS can do to support great apps.

That is something lost on a tech forum.
"geeks" see smart phones as computers to tinker with.
Consumers see smart phones as any other consumer electronic (think appliance) and just expect it to work and work well.

macbook pro i5

macrumors 65816
May 13, 2011
New Zealand
Yeah I swear the Samsung Galaxy SII came out two months ago and now there is already the SIII. Its ridiculous. Fragmentation is the biggest problem with Android, You have so many shapes and sizes that app development can't possibly optimize for one phone like Apple can.

Simplicity is what people want, they just want their phone to work. While Android phone developers seem to think everyone wants specs.


Well done man, I'm tempted to jailbreak my iPad.

Ok I love the iPhone as much as the next guy,But the sIII came out a year after the SII


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2012
Ok I love the iPhone as much as the next guy,But the sIII came out a year after the SII

Yeah but the SII was getting alot of advertising late in the game I didn't hear about till about February of this year,but then again im not really big into Android rumors.My animosity isn't with Android either its entirely with google


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
You can say it all you want but it's not true.

There are still thousands upon thousands of people using flip phones that want to move up to Smartphones.

iPhone availability is only getting better. Now pre-paid iPhones are available.

Folks the primary goal of the OS is to stay OUT of your way and let the applications shine. That is why the iPhone continues to beat out all challengers. In the end it's not about iOS but what iOS can do to support great apps.

Yeah outside of Safari, mail and having Siri set up reminders for me I don't use much of iOS itself; it's all apps. And I think iOS apps are still much better than the competition.


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
My feeling is that IF (and that's a big if) the rumors we are seeing are true, we will likely see some unique feature to iOS6 that won't be available on any of the previous iPhones. Otherwise, I see no reason to simply elongate the screen at all. Being that I haven't seen the actualy product, it's a little harder for me to say what I think it will look like. With a bigger screen I was hoping for a drastically reduced bezel. The leaks tend to suggest that isn't the case. I suppose only time will tell. What we are seeing today may be complete baloney anyway.


macrumors G3
May 28, 2005
You can say it all you want but it's not true.

There are still thousands upon thousands of people using flip phones that want to move up to Smartphones.

iPhone availability is only getting better. Now pre-paid iPhones are available.

Folks the primary goal of the OS is to stay OUT of your way and let the applications shine. That is why the iPhone continues to beat out all challengers. In the end it's not about iOS but what iOS can do to support great apps.

And you can deny all that you want, but that doesn't make it true either. And maybe I'm wrong, but when my non-techie girlfriend starts telling me how old and boring iOS is, there's something up. And it's not good for Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 18, 2011
You can say it all you want but it's not true.

There are still thousands upon thousands of people using flip phones that want to move up to Smartphones.

iPhone availability is only getting better. Now pre-paid iPhones are available.

Folks the primary goal of the OS is to stay OUT of your way and let the applications shine. That is why the iPhone continues to beat out all challengers. In the end it's not about iOS but what iOS can do to support great apps.


Are there some features that I'd like built into the OS, yes. But there is always an app to cover it if not, and a great app at that. I have to pay for a great app, but in the long run, money is what makes developers make great apps.

IMO, Android Market is less likely to succeed long term because developers don't make near as much cash as the App Store. Most Android users I know refuse to pay for apps, they always look for the free alternative. I on the other hand see value in paying for something that does exactly what I want, not settle for something that does some of what I want.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2002
Middle Earth
And you can deny all that you want, but that doesn't make it true either. And maybe I'm wrong, but when my non-techie girlfriend starts telling me how old and boring iOS is, there's something up. And it's not good for Apple.

I'm not discounting her personal opinion which is every bit as valid as anyone else. What I'm saying is that consumers tend to value familiarity over flashy. For every person that is bored with iOS there are 5 that will be happy that iOS 6 has not changed so significantly that they don't have to relearn much.


Are there some features that I'd like built into the OS, yes. But there is always an app to cover it if not, and a great app at that. I have to pay for a great app, but in the long run, money is what makes developers make great apps.

IMO, Android Market is less likely to succeed long term because developers don't make near as much cash as the App Store. Most Android users I know refuse to pay for apps, they always look for the free alternative. I on the other hand see value in paying for something that does exactly what I want, not settle for something that does some of what I want.

Yeah I have a friend that had a Verizon rep say "Android is cheaper because 70% of the apps are free"

Way to perpetuate that people shouldn't buy apps. Yet Verizon is more than happy to try to sell you a bunch of superfluous services.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2009
I actually feel the same way about IOS6. I had an android for about 2 years before switching to the 4s in Feb. I had the Evo then the Galaxy S2. Do I think IOS is a great fluid OS? Hell Yea! But does it lack functionality? Of course!

All i want with IOS to not even consider the GalaxyS3 is an improved status bar. Apple, I don't need to know what service provider I have. Tell me something that can help me!!

Apple, u gotta give me widgets in the notification center! The main thing I miss about android is the widget that u can control Bluetooth, wifi, screen brightness ect. I hate having to ALWAYS go to setting for everything. Why not make it easier?


macrumors 65816
Jan 10, 2008
I'm new to using iOS so am wondering, are major iOS upgrades free for users with the devices or is it something we buy through the Appstore?


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2002
Middle Earth
Apple, u gotta give me widgets in the notification center! The main thing I miss about android is the widget that u can control Bluetooth, wifi, screen brightness ect. I hate having to ALWAYS go to setting for everything. Why not make it easier?

"Siri turn on Bluetooth"
"Siri turn off Wifi"


I'm new to using iOS so am wondering, are major iOS upgrades free for users with the devices or is it something we buy through the Appstore?

Yes iOS upgrades are free.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2003
I think most of you guys will be dissapointed when iOS 6 features are announced.

Definitely some people will be disappointed. But the threats to go to Android will be forgotten. It's kind of like when Alec Baldwin threatened to leave the country.


macrumors 68000
Nov 15, 2010
If I had a dollar for every time someone made a thread about iOS 6, I'd have enough money to buy a Mac Pro.

...Fully maxed out.


iOS 4 & 5 were both lacklustre compared to iOS3, so yes, it really does need to be good this time. iOS has so many fundamental flaws that need significant work.


You're kidding right? iOS 3 to 4 was HUGE, especially in UI, with the new dock and wallpapers. It was probably the biggest change of UI in iOS history so far.


macrumors member
Apr 18, 2011
It would be a beautiful thing if they opened up siri to all third parties, like a siri app store for certain function sets. For example a McDonalds app that holds commands in siri such as "where is the closest McDonald's". Instead oftelling us international users "i dont freaking know I only work in the USA", itcan pull info from the app. If Apple doesn't want to input every single detail pertinent to my life why not let others do it? Think McDonald's would pay Apple a premium to input there info into Siri? Hmmmm.... Maybe?
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