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macrumors 68000
Jul 22, 2010
United Kingdom
You have to factor in the messiah is now gone. He was famous for coming up with new ideas, and forcing his staff to work 24/7 to make it happen. Now Steve no longer steers the ship, there is not the same kind of pressure to produce. Apple are still making a shed load of sales, and their products are massively popular, if it ain't broke as they say.

Now of course this is similar what happened the last time Steve left, and within 10 years they were a shell of a company. Now while I don't think it will happen this time, I think the loss of Steve with mean Apple will feel less need to innovate.

Another thing to take on board is that Apple have always been about hardware. Their software has always been buggy on initial release and took multiple iterations to perfect. Once this has been achieved, they continue to tweak and improve. You only have to look at OSX to see that Apple really are not interested in reinventing the wheel.


macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2012
never had an issue with battery drain. Like a previous poster stated, don't use location services for every app since it causes the phone to constantly update the location.


Jan 30, 2009
If you are being honest with yourself, I bet you saw the supposed design of the iPhone 5 that was leaked today and probably thought to yourself: Is that it after waiting for 2 years for a redesign? Just a taller iPhone 4S? It looks so ugly with the elongated design. They could have atleast made it a little wider to make the proportions look better.

If the leaked design indeed turns out to be the final design, iOS 6 will be the only redeeming factor of the next iPhone. Seriously Apple needs to make some drastic changes to iOS to make it look less stale and more modern. If iOS 6 just turns out to be an incremental update with only minor visual changes, the combination of a fugly iPhone 5 with an outdated OS may not go down well with many current iPhone users who were looking for a more revolutionary product last year and the 4S had already let them down badly.

Personally, I'm not 100% convinced that the 'leaked' design is correct. It looks quite cluttered and I just don't think Jony Ive would have designed something like that. But that's just me. :)

As far as iOS 6 goes, I don't think it will be anything drastically different than iOS 5 except that they will probably do something Apple TV related to continually better connect all your media, hopefully update Siri and upgraded battery life is a given.


macrumors member
Feb 1, 2011
Now while I don't think it will happen this time, I think the loss of Steve with mean Apple will feel less need to innovate.

When they showed the new AppleTV ui last keynote, I felt like it was ill designed, and then we get this little bird that tells us it was something Steve had rejected. It was said however, that he had his hand in a lot of what is going to be released now, so there is hope!


macrumors 6502a
May 2, 2010
I'd suggest you take a trip to the local AT&T store and take a look at the HTC One X in person. Then come and tell us if the iPhone 4S really looks better than one One X. The One X epitomizes the modern smartphone design and the iPhone design pales in comparison.

:rolleyes: Sometimes it pays to have an open mind and see what others are putting out there in terms of UI. iOS is stale and needs a make over. Period. It is ok to call Apple out once in a while. See what happened to RIM when they stayed stagnant and didn't innovate? Why does Apple get a pass?
Percent of people who complain about iOS being stale: maybe 5%

Percent of people who own an iPhone and care that it's intuitive, easy to use, and only care for 'press this icon and this happens' functionality: maybe 95%

Apple is going to cater to the majority, whether you or anyone else is happy about it or not. They have been throwing in more and more features with every iOS release (multitasking, Notification Center, etc) so those that care for them can use them. I use NC and multitasking multiple times a day. My wife, mother-in-law, most of my friends and co-workers? Most don't even know what it is till I show them and don't use it even after I have shown it to them.

Don't expect iOS 6 to be some radical change. It is not going to happen. You will still have pages of icons and a dock.


macrumors 65816
Jun 7, 2011
iOS 6 is the update customers deserve, but not the one they need right now. So they'll bash it. Because it can take it. Because it's not their update. It's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight!!!!!!!


Fall 2012

Haha lol.
Thanks man for the good laugh. After the first line I knew what you were aiming for. Good line and great movie.
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