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macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2007
On a superficial level, iOS is old and boring. Sure there's a few new features, reminders, etc, for iOS 5 that weren't there in iOS 4, but to people like my girlfriend, she sees iOS 1 -> iOS 5 as the same OS. And for people like her, iOS is getting stale.

I hate to say it, but Apple needs to change how iOS functions on a basic level if they want to keep their market share.

I have to disagree. People don't enjoy change. Sure a new UI might be a nice refresh, but ultimately people are set in their ways and will get frustrated in trying something different and will usually go back to their previous habits. The iPhone is successful because they don't change the overall UI but are still able to expand features. This keeps previous iPhone users happy and keep coming back.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2002
Middle Earth
I have to disagree. People don't enjoy change. Sure a new UI might be a nice refresh, but ultimately people are set in their ways and will get frustrated in trying something different and will usually go back to their previous habits. The iPhone is successful because they don't change the overall UI but are still able to expand features. This keeps previous iPhone users happy and keep coming back.


Some people say iOS 5 wasn't a big update and I disagree. As a mobile me member I got used to wireless sync but many that setup iCloud got their first taste of it. There are a lot of little things that amount to a more satisfying experience that doesn't require relearning everything.

I bet you the Facebook feature is going to be HUGE in iOS 6 because so many applications are leveraging FB data it's currently cumbersome to authorize or quickly share data because FB's app is simply not very good.

I suspect that there will be another round of polish and much better Siri but that by and larger the good ole Grid will remain. And that will be comforting for many people.


macrumors 68030
Jan 19, 2006
I think Apple will deliver a nicely sized update.
Answer a few obvious questions.
Delight with a couple of new things.
Have a few challenging features in there to set up the obvious questions for next update.
Lastly highlight a few of the new API's to drive app developers to update.

To me a "Big" update is one that has to many features so useful things get lost in the noise or worse end up undercooked.


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
As long as I continue to not notice iOS when I am texting, talking, or opening an app, I'll be happy.

iOS's strength is how "invisible" it is while you are doing the things you really want to be doing.

Apple would be stupid to change this.


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2011
One of the big things I would like to see is a proper text selection ability. Often there are times where I want to select a word or a .com address within a paragraph or bullet list, and it will select the entire list or paragraph, not the single word, no matter how I move my finger about changing the select box.


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2009
Philadelphia, PA



macrumors 65816
Jan 10, 2008
In all honesty all I'd like to see changed in iOS6 is the audio drop on calls issue fixed.


macrumors regular
Mar 10, 2011
i bet they will release 5 new major features and keep one for launch through an update during the iPhone 5 release


macrumors 65816
Oct 18, 2011
Atlantis but in space
A refresh, no. Apple doesn't need to be android. But apple can sure take that android has done with widgets and them in a way that makes them smooth with iOS.


macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2010
I feel Apple are focusing on features within iOS rather than iOS itself. Which is neither bad nor particularly good. In my honest opinion.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2009
Redcar, England
The stock apps need to be added to app store so they can be updated more regularly. And be allowed to delete them. I seriously could not give two ***** about stocks, or a compass or whatever else is on there that gets shoved in a folder never to be seen again.

And so help me god would I love to start a new email or a new tweet directly from the Notification Centre. And would it kill them to stick the date in there too? Sometimes I just dont know what day it is when filling a form in, id like to just pull down ad see, instead i have to leave the app, look at the calendar icon if its on that screen then go back to the app praying it doesnt reset itself.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2008
One of the big things I would like to see is a proper text selection ability. Often there are times where I want to select a word or a .com address within a paragraph or bullet list, and it will select the entire list or paragraph, not the single word, no matter how I move my finger about changing the select box.

Zooming in more sometimes helps with this.


macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2010
:rolleyes: Sometimes it pays to have an open mind and see what others are putting out there in terms of UI. iOS is stale and needs a make over. Period. It is ok to call Apple out once in a while. See what happened to RIM when they stayed stagnant and didn't innovate? Why does Apple get a pass?

I actually get annoyed when places (like facebook and recently gmail) decide to just overhaul a perfectly fine UI that works just because they haven't changed it in a while. In many cases the result in a UI that is less usable then what was where before. I'll take a usable UI over a "fresh" one.


macrumors 65816
Jul 17, 2010
I actually get annoyed when places (like facebook and recently gmail) decide to just overhaul a perfectly fine UI that works just because they haven't changed it in a while. In many cases the result in a UI that is less usable then what was where before. I'll take a usable UI over a "fresh" one.

In other words, change it only IF the change makes a better product! Exactly!


macrumors regular
Nov 14, 2011
Personally I think the beauty of iOS is the fact that it's a means to launch apps to perform specific tasks. Adding widgets keeps you in the basic os and out of the apps allowing you to do something. It's a much more refined approach IMHO.

I don't really see the need to add a calendar on my home screen, over a widget showing my last two emails, beside a picture of my girlfriend. That's just me.

I hope iOS 6 just adds to and further refines a brilliant os.


macrumors newbie
Mar 23, 2012
i just want iOS 6 fix my 4S battery...

If I may say so myself, the 4S still has good battery. Usually it's the user causing the battery to drain.

-Kill all background running apps (double tap the home button, press and hold an app on the quick switch menu that comes up, touch the red icon on the apps to "close" them.
- Turn off wifi when you're not using it.
- Turn off location services.

Try those, then see if you have better battery life.

For everyone else interested in what iOS 6 will have, I have a blog post on that summarizes all of it up.


macrumors 601
Mar 22, 2011
Why doubt Apple. They know they have to be creative and inventive in a new design in both Hardware & Software.
Also keep in mind that theres only so much they can do in the hardware design.
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