iOS 8 was really that bad? come on, 2 months ago , that is all we apple fans had for the iPhone 6 and the air 2
AIR 2 was just fine running any version of 8, can say the same for my iPhone 6. I didnt own a 6+
8 ran just fine on last years i devices, its not like we are now years ahead in technology in a matter of months
I've had 9.1 on my phone crash more than than iOS 8.4.1 ever did and I've had 9.1 on my phone for a shorter period of time. The only thing i really notice running better is maybe Safari, that is about it.Everything else is about the same or worse than 8.4.1. Never really noticed any safari crashes with any version of iOS 8 on my iPhone 6 or my air 2 despite the RAM differences. I guess maybe I wasn't "power using" them.
I don't think your positive 8.4.1 experiences were wrong at all, and I also don't think those who have issues with iOS 9 are wrong either. Those who ha
But compare iOS 9 at this point in time to when iOS 8 first came out, it was pretty bad. I remember how buggy iOS 8 was on my iPhone 6 at the time...I got it at launch. Portrait mode bug wasn't fixed until 8.2 or so, which was a long time, never mind the other performance issues and bugs that were present. The 5s and 6 ran fine on it initially but the other phones had lots of issues until 8.1.2 and 8.2. iOS 8 brought my favourite features to the iPhone, such as quick reply which I absolutely love, but it was also the buggiest iOS that I and many other iOS fans had ever encountered. I am not sure about iPhone OS 1-3 because I only started using iPhones with iOS 4, which had some issues at launch but iOS 8 was pretty bad when it came out and it took a very long time to improve.
iOS 8 for the longest time performed the best on the iPhone 5s until about 8.1 or so iirc. Whereas iOS 9 today, for all its faults, is a lot less (comparatively) bug ridden. The 9.2b 3 is better than anything I remember from iOS 8 being mid-Novmember of last year.
These laggy issues on the 64 bit phones aside, iOS 9 is arguably more stable than iOS 8 was
Its always good to take a trip back in time for reference; when iOS 8 came out this forum was filled with people having issues.
It took a while for apple to sort it out and stabilize it, and hopefully iOS 9 will be mostly bug free and the metal API issues will be solved so its smooth and fast across all the 64 bit devices. 8.4.1 is still the performance standard for the A7 and non-X A8 devices.
The main issue is that from the beginning iOS 9 was pegged to be a performance enhancing and optimization focused update, which thus far has not been the case as evident by the number of users who are having issues with bugs and performance. I agree with those who are having such issues, as it should have the performance enhancements as promised by Apple. Though iOS 8 was bug ridden at launch, it was never pegged by Apple to be a performance enhancing release.