Been getting very poor battery life/heat on my 5S but couldn't pin it down. Plugged the phone into Xcode and started up the activity monitor to see what was going on. Found 2 things
- backboardd chewing up CPU cycles: Think it was mentioned in another thread - turn on reduce motion. If it's off already turn it on and then off. This reduced the cpu usage significantly
- whatsapp: as you soon as you start it the mediaanalysisd daemon goes into overdrive. Only remedy is to kill whatsapp
Using SysStatsLite will tell you the load average - quite helpful. Still looking but thought this might help folks here to see what's going on their devices
[Update] Looks mediaanalysisd goes into overdrive immediately when the phone sleeps. Have tried to turn off spotlight, killing all applications but to no avail. Anyone know what this daemon does exactly or how to kill it off or even prevent it from running
[Update2] A reset of all settings does seem to help as confirmed by a few folks here on the this thread. I have not not touched any other settings so far and i don't see the mediaanalysisd daemon going nuts - at least not for 30 mins so far. Will monitor tomorrow
[Update3] Looks like a major contribution to the drain is the public beta itself. The update from 8.4 can cause some problems. Since there is no ipsw for the public beta I decided to install the developer ipsw via DFU. The cpu drain does not seem to be as bad. Still not great as it seems to point to locationd daemon draining the battery now. Turning location services off fixes this. Looking at the battery usage screens doesn't generally doesn't help though apps like WhatsApp and Facebook somehow take more backgrounding cycles than normal. Looks like Apple have some work to fix these some of these issues (at least on the 5S devices).
[Update4] If you have Routing & Traffic on under Privacy set turn it off and do not include Traffic Conditions on your Today Screen. See if that helps. It seems to have reduced the cpu utilisation. Will monitor to see how it goes