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I set up ios 5 (and did not re-jailbreak) by putting my phone into DFU mode and setting it up as a new phone. Installation went fine and I have had no real problems except for one relatively small irritant. One time out of 20 times or so I will click on the Settings app and for a fraction of a second it will start up before crashing to the springboard. Theoretically it could be a low memory issue but periodically I have checked memory usage and nothing inordinately wrong there.

Anybody had a similar experience?
Both my wife and I have the iPhone 4. The upgrade to iOS 5 has been a terrible experience. The upgrade itself took an inordinate amount of time. Sync process afterward had to be run multiple times before everything showed up and ran. First attempt had every app (except built-in apps) simply flash and go away, but still show running. It required another sync to fix that.

The biggest issue at the moment is I can't trust email anymore. After upgrade, my inbox was empty except for the email Apple sends about the cloud setup. Fortunately I had the emails on my laptop. Sending or replying to a few emails now has them not showing up in the sent items folder. So I don't really have confidence they went. Testing emails between wife and I on our phones has occasionally had them not go or take a good 10 minutes to get from one to the other. Huge problem for relying on it for work email. Wife has a bunch of emails with no sender that say they're from 1969. Nothing in them and she can't get rid of them.

And now when I plug the phone in and it starts to sync, it still mentions transferring music files. I haven't changed any music on the phone or laptop, yet it still wants to copy more.

Videos, books and ring tones my wife had paid for and downloaded still don't want to transfer to the phone after multiple syncs and reboots. So syncing appears to be jacked up.

All in all, this upgrade has been a terrible experience.
Both my wife and I have the iPhone 4. The upgrade to iOS 5 has been a terrible experience. The upgrade itself took an inordinate amount of time. Sync process afterward had to be run multiple times before everything showed up and ran. First attempt had every app (except built-in apps) simply flash and go away, but still show running. It required another sync to fix that.

The biggest issue at the moment is I can't trust email anymore. After upgrade, my inbox was empty except for the email Apple sends about the cloud setup. Fortunately I had the emails on my laptop. Sending or replying to a few emails now has them not showing up in the sent items folder. So I don't really have confidence they went. Testing emails between wife and I on our phones has occasionally had them not go or take a good 10 minutes to get from one to the other. Huge problem for relying on it for work email. Wife has a bunch of emails with no sender that say they're from 1969. Nothing in them and she can't get rid of them.

And now when I plug the phone in and it starts to sync, it still mentions transferring music files. I haven't changed any music on the phone or laptop, yet it still wants to copy more.

Videos, books and ring tones my wife had paid for and downloaded still don't want to transfer to the phone after multiple syncs and reboots. So syncing appears to be jacked up.

All in all, this upgrade has been a terrible experience.

Since you only have that 1 email from ICloud it's possible your other account just isn't set up anymore on there for some reason. Go to settings then Mail and check. If the only mail account there is iCloud, then add back your email on it.
Since you only have that 1 email from ICloud it's possible your other account just isn't set up anymore on there for some reason. Go to settings then Mail and check. If the only mail account there is iCloud, then add back your email on it.

I'm getting incoming emails. It just blew out what was already in my inbox. Primary concern with email, based on my above explanation, is whether they are always getting out when I send.
When I use the Photos app and open an album, when I close the album the icon disappears leaving a blank space on the screen. It will come back if I select the photos tab and then return to albums.
I still use my iPhone 4 for USB Tethering and sometimes WiFi too,and i noticed something on my Windows 7 machine since iOS 5 that everytime i plug in my iPhone it creates a new "home network"? On old iOS the very first time you tethered an iPhone it created a windows home network and that was it. Now everytime i plug my phone in i get windows pop up saying "connected to Home Network#". The # being how many times i tethered since iOS 5, right now my PC has 18 home networks from my iPhone

So next time i plug in to use internet i will be creating Home Network number 19 on my pc! Started with iOS 5 so surely its got to be a bug or something? Is it just me, anybody else?
Not sure if it is an issue with iOS5 or an issue with my Alpine ixa-W407 head unit. If I have bluetooth connected and I try to send a text using talk to text it makes my head unit think I'm making a call. The head unit mutes the music and goes to the phone section on the head unit and starts the call timer like I'm actually talking to someone.
I made a thread about this but no one responded so I'll put it here....

I like to hook up my phone in my car (audio cable into headphone jack, other line into car's aux port) and listen to music when I drive around. Well since I've upgraded to iOS 5 I've noticed that when I get a text message or any other notification, it's REALLY low. The sound is so low (coming from my cars speakers) that the only way I know I've got a notification of some kind is because the audio drops. This is a huge difference from before when everyone within a quarter mile knew I got a text message or an email. I was wondering if anyone else noticed this or if it's just me....
Not sure if it is an issue with iOS5 or an issue with my Alpine ixa-W407 head unit. If I have bluetooth connected and I try to send a text using talk to text it makes my head unit think I'm making a call. The head unit mutes the music and goes to the phone section on the head unit and starts the call timer like I'm actually talking to someone.

Mine does that to with the Bluetooth in my car from the factory. In mine I think that's just how it's connecting cause Siri comes over my car audio system then.
LED only working for Message & Clock alarm.

Two bugs I've found on ios5. On IP4S, on certain custom ringtones, no sound comes out where it worked fine on IP4.
Ios5 IP4 I've noticed that when you set LED flash on notifications is works fine for a while then it just stops working unless turn it off/on. Annoying as this feature is really handy especially coming from Blackberry


Since you only have that 1 email from ICloud it's possible your other account just isn't set up anymore on there for some reason. Go to settings then Mail and check. If the only mail account there is iCloud, then add back your email on it.

Me too. My inbox empty after ios5 upgrade on my IP4. Wtf!!!
I'm confused why there would even be bugs. I thought Apple tested iOS 5 prior to releasing it? It's their software and their hardware. While I appreciate Apple providing free upgrades, I am annoyed at being a free beta tester every time they release software. And I understand that software updates can be very complicated, but what happened to Apple perfection and it just works?

I say, make sure it works BEFORE releasing it.
There's only so much they can test before they release it. It's seeded to developers as well during the beta period, and they also test it and use it and report back bugs. But there's no way to get rid of everything.

Got it to work. I went into notifications, selected Messages, selected Alert style as Banners. LED flash will not work if you choose Alerts or None.

I tried this but it stopped working again after a while. :-(
I made a thread about this but no one responded so I'll put it here....

I like to hook up my phone in my car (audio cable into headphone jack, other line into car's aux port) and listen to music when I drive around. Well since I've upgraded to iOS 5 I've noticed that when I get a text message or any other notification, it's REALLY low. The sound is so low (coming from my cars speakers) that the only way I know I've got a notification of some kind is because the audio drops. This is a huge difference from before when everyone within a quarter mile knew I got a text message or an email. I was wondering if anyone else noticed this or if it's just me....

I still get ear drum blasting text tones through my car stereo.

Are you hooked up through the headphone jack or 30 pin?
*possible bug*
You can't get push email from a account unless you have the mail app running in background.

On my 4s, I tried sending me an email to my account and it will NOT come to my phone unless I had the mail app running in background.

Example: closed mail app. turned off phone (standby). sent email from home computer to Never came in.
Opened mail app (mail came in). turned off phone (standby). sent email from home computer to I got it in under 30 seconds.

I thought my gmail push wasn't working, but it seemed to push with or without the mail app in background.
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*possible bug*
You can't get push email from a account unless you have the mail app running in background.

On my 4s, I tried sending me an email to my account and it will NOT come to my phone unless I had the mail app running in background.

Example: closed mail app. turned off phone (standby). sent email from home computer to Never came in.
Opened mail app (mail came in). turned off phone (standby). sent email from home computer to I got it in under 30 seconds.

I thought my gmail push wasn't working, but it seemed to push with or without the mail app in background.

Push email seems very variable at the moment. In fact, email in general is pretty flaky: My dad had an error on his iPad last night where it bombed out whenever he tried to reply to a particular e-mail. Also, he has an email on the iCloud webmail that was sent last night that still hasn't appeared on his iPad inbox
iOS 5 Kills Cellular Data on iPad 2

Seems there's a growing number of complaints on the APPLE Forum that iOS5 upgrading kills the cellular data account functionality.

Same Issue with me. Bought AT&T IPad2 in US - Now 3G Data won't work here in Europe after iOS5 upgrade.

Same messages, Hangs on trying to set up "Cellular Data Account"

not nice. at all.

Anyone out there have soem solutions? Resetting networks did not work.
I still get ear drum blasting text tones through my car stereo.

Are you hooked up through the headphone jack or 30 pin?

I'm using the headphone jack. Even when I'm listening to music, I'll have the music all the way up and it drowns out the text message sound when before it would still be loud enough for me to know I've gotten a text message. I've tested it on 3 other iphones running iOS 5 and it's all the same. Maybe Apple changed it?
There's only so much they can test before they release it. It's seeded to developers as well during the beta period, and they also test it and use it and report back bugs. But there's no way to get rid of everything.

I think many of us on the forum are very clear on software development process. Fact is Apple did a poor job of regression and integration testing.

I don't think notification bar should pop up when in notification center.

I'm not complaining about this, as I purposely wanted to test what would happen however it is a bug and this is a "iOS 5 bug" thread
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