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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 17, 2010
The Apple Store
I really want to get the iPad now but I know that a new one is right around the corner. Here are my predictions of what the iPad 2 is going to be like.

1. Facetime-The new iPad has almost 100% of having a front camera of Facetime

2. 1.5-2.0 GHz A4 or A5 Processor-The 1 GHz has great speed but with iOS 4 and a 2GHz Andriod Phone on the horizon the iPad 2 is going to need a speed boost.

3. 512 MB-1 GB of RAM-With multitasking coming to the iPad this fall and all the new apps to come in the future (including iOS 5) Also the iPhone 4 has 512 MB of ram so it only makes sense to have the iPad following in it's footsteps.

4. Retina Screen-Obviously Apple couldn't put 326ppi into the iPad, I think Apple will go to 1336X1080 for a 1080p resolution.

5. Gyroscope- There is a slot for one on the current iPad it only makes sense for it to be on the iPad 2.

6. Same design but lighter- It iPad design now is good and I like it but I wish it could be lighter.

7. Double the Storage- Apple will drop the 16 GB and introduce a 128GB model.

8. No price drops and a few minor tweaks

What do you think the iPad 2 is going to be like?
Comment Below!
with those specs, i'll buy one. i haven't seen the retina screen but if it's what everyone says it's supposed to be, i want my ipad to have it.
You're being extremely optimistic about the release of the next iPad. It's not "right around the corner." The iPad hasn't even been launched in all countries yet. The roll out is still occuring.
More than likely, we won't see a new iPad hitting stores before April. I'm waiting for the second generation because it's not an emergency for me to have an iPad now. If you really want one, you are better off purchasing it now and enjoying it. You can always sell it come March/April.
You're being extremely optimistic about the release of the next iPad. It's not "right around the corner." The iPad hasn't even been launched in all countries yet. The roll out is still occuring.
More than likely, we won't see a new iPad hitting stores before April.
I Know it isn't right around the corner but remember that some countries went directly to the iPhone 3G all i am saying is that it will be anywhere from September-April
The New Technology is going to get cheaper by the time the new iPad is gets released. Therefore Apple will be able to keep it the same price.

Well, which is it? "Right around the corner"? Or when new technology is the same price as current technology?

There's not a doubt in my mind that we'll get a new iPad next year, but not with your laundry list included.
Well, which is it? "Right around the corner"? Or when new technology is the same price as current technology?

There's not a doubt in my mind that we'll get a new iPad next year, but not with your laundry list included.

new technology is the same price as current technology, By The end of the year the iPad is going to have competition so I think my list is going to be very accurate.
I think you're thinking about it all wrong. I'll agree that we'll get some hardware spec bumps like the RAM and possibly processor but I'm sure what we will see is greater use of the OS especially as it's cutting into the business market.

  • Crossing fingers to get print directly from iPad functionality
  • I think email aliases to be a bigger deal than they think as well as being able to create email groups
  • Greater support for formats throughout the iWork Suite so importing existing docs are smoother

I can't think of any other OS enhancements at the moment. Maybe that's what we should be thinking about. I'm not including the known 4.0 enhancements like multitasking, folders, etc. because they are known to be coming.
I think you're thinking about it all wrong. I'll agree that we'll get some hardware spec bumps like the RAM and possibly processor but I'm sure what we will see is greater use of the OS especially as it's cutting into the business market.

  • Crossing fingers to get print directly from iPad functionality
  • I think email aliases to be a bigger deal than they think as well as being able to create email groups
  • Greater support for formats throughout the iWork Suite so importing existing docs are smoother

I can't think of any other OS enhancements at the moment. Maybe that's what we should be thinking about. I'm not including the known 4.0 enhancements like multitasking, folders, etc. because they are known to be coming.
Camera and Gyroscope are almost guaranteed due to hints in the current iPad. Also Apple will defiantly increase the storage.
I Know it isn't right around the corner but remember that some countries went directly to the iPhone 3G all i am saying is that it will be anywhere from September-April
Hang on - it's only been out 3 months in the US and less than 2 months everywhere else it has been launched (some of which were only released a few days ago).

It would be commercial suicide for Apple to update it now. Not just irate users, but why would they need to when there is no real competition yet and it's selling like hot cakes with trouble trying to keep up with demand.
Hang on - it's only been out 3 months in the US and less than 2 months everywhere else it has been launched (some of which were only released a few days ago).

It would be commercial suicide for Apple to update it now. Not just irate users, but why would they need to when there is no real competition yet and it's selling like hot cakes with trouble trying to keep up with demand.
These Predictions are for 2011
I'd really like to see the weight drop a bit without losing battery life. That would be a killer feature for me. The increased ppi would be nice but I like the current display just fine. I already takes a ton of handbrake time to convert for this resolution and storage is at a premium on these devices...
[*]Greater support for formats throughout the iWork Suite so importing existing docs are smoother

Okay, I'm gonna go a bit off topic here, but have you tried using Quickoffice? I had a lot of problems importing documents with complex formatting into pages, then someone recommended quick office and it displays them almost perfectly (two minor issues, square bullet points become circular and the margins change slightly, but compared to the garbled formatting pages came up with, it's perfect.)
Here is a prediction... there will be a new "iPad 2 predictions" thread in this forum every week for the next six months. Seriously, there are other threads in the forum that cover the same question... what do you think the next iPad will have.

Here is my current list
- Front facing camera
- Mini Display Port out
- 4X resolution screen, following the same strategy of the iPhone 4. 1 pixel in old apps becomes 4 pixels on the new display; makes transition MUCH easier.
- Dual radios, for EVDO and GSM data
- 4G support
- GPS on all models
- USB or mini-USB port in.
- Mini Display Port out
- USB or mini-USB port in.

I find those two hard to imagine. The mini display out port kinda already exists as the TV out cable (okay, as far as I know, only a component model exists but still it does the same job.) And the USB port already kinda exists as the camera connector. Why would Apple add that onto the iPad when they can make more money by selling them as add-ons?
Honestly i don't see the iPad 2 coming before 2012. Even if Apple could bring it to market, it would be unfair to first adopters to obsolete them so quickly. But no doubt many fanbois would buy a new iPad every week if that's how often they came out. :rolleyes:
I would not be surprised to see a "larger" iPod Touch with 6-7" screen in September 2010 with iOS 4 and Facetime.

With the iPad not being a subsidized device (like iPhone), I think it will be hard to cram all the bells and whistles people imagine into one, and keep the price reasonable. Cost isn't the only factor. The iPad needs to be thin, light, and battery efficient. So I guess I'm more of a minimalist. I think perhaps more ram (512mb) and maybe more flash (128GB). I think there's a good chance for Facetime (front VGA camera), and a Gyroscope also.

As far as timing goes, I don't think we're going to see a new iPad until Q2 2011.
I don't think a gyroscope is a lock. Maybe if it makes sense for them to buy the same chip for both the iphone and ipad, but the Gyro really comes into play with games and the iPad doesn't lend itself to being flipped about like the smaller iPhone.

I'd agree and give the front-facing camera a solid chance. It's cheap and would allow them to expand facetime past the iphone.

More RAM and more storage are a good possibility. Maybe a faster chip

Don't count on 4G before at least 2012. The carrier 4G footprints are just too small right now so why add a new radio that won't get used by the majority of the users? There will be more coverage in 2012 and the chips will be cheaper by then as well.
Okay, I'm gonna go a bit off topic here, but have you tried using Quickoffice? I had a lot of problems importing documents with complex formatting into pages, then someone recommended quick office and it displays them almost perfectly (two minor issues, square bullet points become circular and the margins change slightly, but compared to the garbled formatting pages came up with, it's perfect.)

I do actually use QuickOffice HD specifically for importing of existing MS documents. It would be nice to get your fill through the iWork Suite though.
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