The world is flat
The next iPad will be flat, like the iPhone 4.
It's funny, the curved back thing really did feel sleek and modern when it first came out on the iPhone, and I'm absolutely amazed at how much more elegant the flat shape feels. It also allows a lot more room inside, and I think is a big part of how much more processing the iPhone 4 can do.
Unfortunately, holding a call is not a function of processing power.
(Mine's mostly fine, but I still love joking about it.)
re: displays, wow, move along. ALL displays are "retinal." You see them with your retinas. No retina, no display. Before iPhone 4, NOBODY was talking the meager res on iPads! They were talking about how tiny the iPhone screen seems in comparison...and it still does! It's tiny!!! Doesn't matter how many pixels deep it is - it's still TINY!
In the meantime, the "retinal display" chatter is smoke and mirrors meant to distract the gullible and the competition, which is going to have to answer whether or not it's nonsense. The point is that iPhone 4 screens look better than iPhone 3 screens -- which they definitely do -- and other people's screens - which they mostly do.
And the iPad looks better than all of them.
Also worth remembering: it would reasonable to expect full HD res on the MacBook Pro, except that Steve has said it's never going to happen. Translation: until it does. But the point being, res isn't actually at the top of the list of things to do, nor should it be.
The problem I have with how the iPad looks is that there's too much wasted space on the desktop. Folders for app icons will definitely help, but six in the dock? Ridiculous.
re: 3D - have you tried anaglyph glasses with Pinball 3D? Awesome. The problem for better 3D isn't the number of pixels. It's the refresh rate, and at least currently for the best passive 3D, lack of polarization. Until there's an active emitter of some sort, whether on the iPad (highly unlikely) or a 3rd party (still pretty unlikely), anaglyph is what we have, and it's really wonderful.
Coming back to the beginning, I would really love to see a flat iPad. Maybe more than anything else, that would make me buy iPad 2 instead of my typical pattern of waiting for #3.
That's me - someone who sees through Apple's marketing BS and mocks it openly, and who will pay virtually any price for something pretty.