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I've been a big supporter of widescreen for years. Even when VHS were the big thing, if a widescreen copy of a film I wanted existed (didn't happen often, but sometimes it did) I would always go the extra mile to get it.

So I never though I would hear myself say this, but.....I think 4:3 is fine for the iPad. Wide screen doesn't make a lot of sense, for practical reasons.

If the iPad started cropping my videos, then I'd have a big problem, but as it stands now, I'm happy with watching them though a letterbox.

....though I've gotta say, it'd be nice if things didn't wind up being distorted when I connect the iPad up to a TV. For some reason, widescreen films played out, end up being squished slightly, from 16:9 to 14:9 for some odd reason.
I think it would be more comfortable to hold but unless anyone has a mock-up built to the exact dimensions and weight then we're just offering up competing guesses and hunches here as to what it would feel like.

It's probably true that an entire back made of glass would add a lot of weight but there are other materials they could look at. Carbon fibre would be one, I don't know what it would do for the cost but a decent CF reinforced polymer would be much lighter than aluminium and give the black look to the back similar to the iPhone 4 glass, maybe even nicer looking. Sony used CFRP in their really high end ultra slim laptop about 5 years back (can't remember the model number, it might have had "505" in it somewhare but I'm not sure).

With an iPhone4 like design they could get further weight and space savings by moving the antenna (or antennae for the 3G version) onto the outer band similar to the iPhone 4. I suspect they could avoid the iPhone 4 antenna issue completely because the strip around the edge would be just over 2.5 times the length of the one on the iPhone 4 so they could play various tricks to avoid having "grips of death" on the device (multiple alternate antennae regions and/or inactive buffer zones between the 3G and WiFi antennae).

- Julian
Sorry, I had a typo in my post - plus, I wasn't very clear. I just meant the sharp edges coupled with the weight of an iPad wouldn't be too comfortable on the hands. We are in agreement that for the sake of durability, the back needs to be made of a non-glass material (I really like your suggestions). I do think the back needs a bit of a curve.
I really want to get the iPad now but I know that a new one is right around the corner. Here are my predictions of what the iPad 2 is going to be like.
2. iPad 2 is going to need a speed boost.

3. 512 MB-1 GB of RAM-With multitasking

4. I think Apple will go to 1336X1080 for a 1080p resolution.

7. Double the Storage- Apple will drop the 16 GB and introduce a 128GB model.

8. No price drops and a few minor tweaks

What do you think the iPad 2 is going to be like?
Comment Below!

2 & 3- They will definitely up processors and RAM with time. Every release will improve something there, because this is now a surprise blow-out success. Apple is going to put full efforts to make it as compact, high function, long battery life, as possible. There is no doubt this thing will be as powerful (or more) as a current MBP in about 6 years. What the next upgrade will be... I have no idea.

4- They should do this. Same screen size, but SLIGHTLY higher res.

7- Probably. I mean, yes, 128GB, but they have the possibility to keep the 16GB and make a crap-level iPad for far under $500. We'll see how they work the platform in the next release, because it will probably show how they are planning to sell them in the near future. The iPad can be "dumbed down" to sell cheaper for the cheaper folks with higher end models selling upwards to $899.

8- Maybe. They'll probably start decking these out with all the cameras and gyroscopes and everything they can pack into the frame for extra price, naturally.

iPad will slowly cannibalize the lower end notebooks. Be prepared for iPads possibly going up into the $999 range with enlarged capabilities and storage knocking out the Macbook altogether. With a little more resolution and twice the memory, the iPad becomes a Macbook with limited computing here and there. If Apple can just up some of the function of the iPad they will destroy the MacBook and can easily move in their iPad line to compensate.
Obviously it will have a Camera.
I think the design will remain the same, but with a 1.2-1.4 A4 chip. 512MB of ram, and a higher res screen. Most likely around 1280x720.

Battery life will either remain the same or have a slight increase.
I'm not totally sold on the idea that a camera is a foregone conclusion. We might see a little guidance based on the iPod touch, but then again, the size makes a rear camera a bit unwieldy, and without a rear camera, Facetime is crippled on the iPad.

Something that I don't think has been mentioned, but is not insignificant, would be utilizing the so-called "optical lamination" method of assembling the displays. Even if there is no resolution bump, it would really upgrade the overall appearance of the display.
Definitely definitely definitely -not- up for making it widescreen! Have you seen how ridiculous the JooJoo looks before it's even turned on? Widescreen might be great for movies but that's just one facet of this device - for games, browsing, photos and typing, 4:3 is the perfect resolution.

I absolutely agree with you; a 4:3 screen wasn't a fashionable choice but it was absolutely the right choice for this tablet.
Here is what i think

1. Facetime ( Apple would be stupid if they didn't put a front facing camera into the 2nd generation)
2. Capacity (Introduction of the 96GB model, drop the 16GB
3. Price Change ($500 for 32GB wifi, $600 for 64GB wifi, $700 for 96GB wifi, and the same thing for the 3G version, just $130 more
4. VERIZON 3G VERSION (The iPhone is coming next January and the iPad will follow)
5. Higher Screen Resolution (Still keep the 4:3 screen ratio though)

Let me know what you guys think!!! :)
3. Price Change ($500 for 32GB wifi, $600 for 64GB wifi, $700 for 96GB wifi, and the same thing for the 3G version, just $130 more
Let me know what you guys think!!! :)
Good comments. Yours is the first comment I've noticed that talks about pricing (I'm sure there are others I haven't noticed) and it got me thinking.

You say "Price Change" but in the Apple world isn't what you suggest at the lower end (32gb WiFi) really the same price, but with the fairly traditional doubling of storage each generation.

I'm wondering whether Apple might effectively increase prices a bit. With the huge success of the current iPad you can be absolutely sure that there are people within Apple who think that this is evidence that they priced it too low and left a lot of money on the table.

One way to get a price increase while at the same time looking to reduce prices could be to adopt a strategy similar to the last two iPhone releases. Leave the 16gb WiFi on the price book as the low level offering but drop the price a bit to the $450-ish level and then hike the price of what is the starting point of the new models, maybe $550 for the 32GB WiFi only model.

- Julian
Not to much to ask =(

iPad wishlist (Pictures Steve Jobs in a Santa costume..)

1. Quality front facing camera. By "quality" I don't mean 10mp.. I mean 60fps, clear image.

2. Moar RAM! With Multi-Tasking will come the need for MOAR RAM!

3. Microphone, to compliment the FFC.

4. To ship one to me free of charge.. This is after all a "wish list" ...
d Fusion b said:
3. Microphone, to compliment the FFC.
Err... you don't own a current iPad I take it. The iPad already has a microphone. Either that or Shazam and Soundhound are even more amazing apps than I already think they are.

In fairness, it's amazing how many people think the iPad doesn't have a mic, myself included until about a month after I bought it. I wasn't even going to download audio apps (like Shazam) because I was convinced that my iPad sitting on my lap didn't have a mic; it does.

- Julian
Front facing camera... I'd say yes... But I'm not sure about a back camera. I mean, that is a freaking huge camera to hold up... And most people have a phone with a camera on it anyway, I'd personally rather use that than my iPad camera... But a front facing camera would work. Especially if Apple decided to put their iMac photobooth on the iPad. Girls would have a ball with that.

I'd definitely say there will be a nice screen res upgrade. Don't know about retina display... But a nice little bump in res would kick ass.

Definitely see a gyroscope put in and a bump in RAM. Currently, the iPhone has more oomph than the iPad so far in the Ram department.

Will it be lighter? Not too sure about that. Maybe. Just maybe. If you look at the iPhone as an indicator, its pretty much stayed the same. But if you look at the iPod touch... well, they HAVE gotten thinner and lighter over the years. Not too sure about this one...

I don't think we'll see a memory upgrade. Highly, highly doubt that. 120GB is a pipe dream in my opinion. And in all honesty, I'm quite happy with 64GB.

A price drop... I can see that coming on. Especially with a rush for new tablet computers coming out. Apple might have some competition on their hands...

... And apple will also put a 4G antenna on the outer edge of the iPad... ;)
I really want to get the iPad now but I know that a new one is right around the corner. Here are my predictions of what the iPad 2 is going to be like.

1. Facetime-The new iPad has almost 100% of having a front camera of Facetime

2. 1.5-2.0 GHz A4 or A5 Processor-The 1 GHz has great speed but with iOS 4 and a 2GHz Andriod Phone on the horizon the iPad 2 is going to need a speed boost.

3. 512 MB-1 GB of RAM-With multitasking coming to the iPad this fall and all the new apps to come in the future (including iOS 5) Also the iPhone 4 has 512 MB of ram so it only makes sense to have the iPad following in it's footsteps.

4. Retina Screen-Obviously Apple couldn't put 326ppi into the iPad, I think Apple will go to 1336X1080 for a 1080p resolution.

5. Gyroscope- There is a slot for one on the current iPad it only makes sense for it to be on the iPad 2.

6. Same design but lighter- It iPad design now is good and I like it but I wish it could be lighter.

7. Double the Storage- Apple will drop the 16 GB and introduce a 128GB model.

8. No price drops and a few minor tweaks

What do you think the iPad 2 is going to be like?
Comment Below!

I totally agree with all the spec upgrades. However, early 2012 will be the target date of release for me...;)
If there is an increase in the hard drive size, wouldn't that be accompanied by a price increase? I really hope that won't happen. XO I'm strapped for cash as it is.
I don't know. The current iPad is pretty amazing. I mean, I had a MacBook (which was stolen last November) and I was excited about the webcam, but I never used it. When I use my iPad I'm not really missing the camrea. More ram and a gyroscope would be nice in 2.0, and there will most likely be a camrea in iPad 2, but I doubt it will come out till late 2011.
I'm typing on my iPad and I love it!

Even though the specs aren't off the chart, it totally blows you away when you use it.

Here my predictions.

1. 1.5 A5 or whatever apple calls it (any higher and you would push it to close to a MacBook computer speed)

2. Higher resolution display (Apple might want to go for a 1080p bet they would never put a retina in the iPad but we will for sure see an upgrade.)

3. Gyroscope (There was a slot for one in the current version)

4. Front facing camera ( facetime would be a hit on this device)

5. Different design (Maybe change the aluminum, the device won't get lighter because of the internal upgrades, but there always is a possibility)

Let me know what you guys think! Tag my post!
lozpop said:

A new iPad with twice the RAM and a faster processor due to early next year.
The second generation after less than a year of the first iPad? So annoying, where is the Apple once-a-year-upgrade?

In Europe (where I am) I received it on may 29th, so it would be a 7-8 months gap between the two models. WTH
The iPad was announced on January 27th 2010 with US availability on 2nd April 2010 (all according to Wikipedia). The article you link to just says that Apple will refresh in the first quarter of 2011 which could be as late as 31st March. If the "refresh" is the point at which they announce it, with availability being a few weeks afterwards, then the rumour in the article is exactly in line with an annual refresh cycle on the iPad,

- Julian
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