Anything that can run a decent browser is a computer.
Experienced users are used to a different (read: offline) way of working, so they have trouble adjusting. In a few years, every single thing that you do with a computer will be done over the web and apps will disappear. Even games will run over the browser. Then, nobody will even think about asking if iPad is a computer or not.
The web apps are even worse than than apps them self.
Google maps, google docs, google sheets so on are garbage compared to google earth on the desktop and Microsoft office Suit and Libra office suit is light years ahead of the garbage google docs and google sheets be it desktop or iPad.
The google docs or google sheets are simple go to for simple office stuff but no where close to features of Microsoft office Suit and Libra office suit.
And most monopoly rule because of the money and people needed.
There is no app that comes any where close to photoshop. Even GIMP being free and open source being photoshop clone is no where close to features of photoshop.
The Firefox app on the iPad are beyond garbage in how UI looks now and have one out of hundred of features of desktop app has. And every year the desktop Firefox app is getting worse to point that Vivaldi is way more customizable and feature pack where Firefox is being less customizable every year and less features. Where Vivaldi, Microsoft browser and Brave browser is fresh and new getting new features every year where Firefox getting worse every year.
If it was not for the Firefox extension it would of died long ago.
The only large corporations putting lots of money or team of people over say 5 or 10 years can pull of a really good app.
Only Apple as a company with billions of dollars or Microsoft with billion of dollars could bring out photoshop clone that is way better and cheaper.
Where GIMP will never over take photoshop with out hundreds of more programmers spending most of the day programming. And that not going to happen when people have to pay the bills.
So GIMP will get better but will always feel like they are playing catch up to photoshop.
Unfortunately the monopoly of apps is because they are best apps. It sad but there is not 10 to 15 apps to choose from when it comes to video editing or photo editing that similar in features and quality.
The monopoly of apps rule because they are the best on the millions dollars needed to develop a video editing or photo editing app.