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Now I want to be in an ad!

The person in the ad is our cousin. What a sweet gig - he got paid to play with an iPad!
I remember when the Mac came out all the commentators in the big computer mags of the day like "Byte" where saying Mouse driven GUI wasn't a practical way to interact with a computer, it was slower than using key combinations.

There is a significant part of the population that simply can't grasp a new idea, until it is a proven old idea. If they had been around in pre-history they would have dismissed the wheel as pointless/not for them/too much work to build/not as strong as a log roller...

I remember how experts were saying full color monitors were hard on the eyes, was just a gimmick and nothing would replace green text on black for easy reading... Then IBM added it to their PCs and suddenly it was alright.

Also, an early reference regarding rail travel: Trains will never travel faster then 35 mph. The human body can't withstand such speed.
I'm not sold on it either. While it offers a bigger screen than a Touch, it offers no new functionality.

Except for the option of a GPS, and always-on internet for as little as $15/month. Those are both important factors to me. And the speed appears to be significantly improved as well.

And contrary to what you may have heard, size does matter... :rolleyes:


  • iPad-camera.jpg
    43.3 KB · Views: 144
The Asian's hair is for real?
No, he's just a stupid dork who was trying to look cool. (btw, I'm asian).

I remember how experts were saying full color monitors were hard on the eyes, was just a gimmick and nothing would replace green text on black for easy reading... Then IBM added it to their PCs and suddenly it was alright.

Also, an early reference regarding rail travel: Trains will never travel faster then 35 mph. The human body can't withstand such speed.

I also remember the saying: "anything heavier than air will not fly". :eek: :eek:
9to5mac has the screen shot up as well

Probably just a proximity sensor

I dont post much if ever but just read all the posts.

I'm still in two minds whether to buy it. If it had a camera then it would be a no brainer. I'm a sign language interpreter and this would be great for communicating not only with my parents (who are deaf) but a lot of work colleagues who I need to talk to when I'm out of the office.......

However, I was thinking about this and as unlikely as it is a camera, it seems to be in an odd place to be one of the sensors as by holding it in landscape mode, you would be covering the the sensors (and I suppose the lens) with your thumb (i'm presuming - as you can see from these pics)



Just a thought.......:rolleyes:
However, I was thinking about this and as unlikely as it is a camera, it seems to be in an odd place to be one of the sensors as by holding it in landscape mode, you would be covering the the sensors (and I suppose the lens) with your thumb (i'm presuming - as you can see from these pics)

Just a thought.......:rolleyes:

Good point
There is an article about this ad posted over at Apple Thoughts but the video is in Flash so it couldn't even be viewed on the iPad itself! I was so wanting an iPad for casual surfing but not without this one required (for me) feature. There is just too much still out there in Flash for me. For example, I am currently researching new cars for a purchase or lease this summer, and most all car manufacturer and research sites have at least some functionality in Flash (almost everything at VW and BMW sites require it).
I dont post much if ever but just read all the posts.

I'm still in two minds whether to buy it. If it had a camera then it would be a no brainer. I'm a sign language interpreter and this would be great for communicating not only with my parents (who are deaf) but a lot of work colleagues who I need to talk to when I'm out of the office.......

However, I was thinking about this and as unlikely as it is a camera, it seems to be in an odd place to be one of the sensors as by holding it in landscape mode, you would be covering the the sensors (and I suppose the lens) with your thumb (i'm presuming - as you can see from these pics)



Just a thought.......:rolleyes:

Well, I hope it is a camera. That and Office would magically put money in my pocket. ;) My aunt is deaf and a camera would be a definite boon IMO.
iPad Accessories in Commercial???

Enough with the naked iPad in the lap...Lets see a user working on it with the Keyboard Dock! Better yet; how about a user out & about looking savvy with the iPad Case reviewing presentations & taking notes, then having a little R&R time with the iPad in Case watching a movie! Now that would stir up more anticipation.
It's on now.

IMO, apple made a huge mistake with the song. The song is good for an iPod commercial, but not for a device that is intended for all ages. Parents and older people will be turned off by it.

I totally disagree. It's in keeping with Apple's image of being hip, young and cool. It's what we all want to be, even if we're physically older. ;)
Only if it's useable. In it's current state, and from how we've seen Apple develop touch OS devices, it won't. If this is supposed to take the place of a computer at some point it's going to need to make up a lot of ground in features.

It is CLEARLY not being positioned as a replacement for a computer.
my parents just called to ask me about it. They are not tech savvy, but now they want one. They thought it looked amazing.

+1 for ad doing it's job.


I was watching the Oscars with my dad, who's 97 and extremely technically UNsavvy (as you might expect--he still can't get over how amazing my iPhone is), and after seeing the iPad commercial, he exclaimed again how amazing these new gadgets are. It wasn't lost on him at all......
Enough with the naked iPad in the lap...Lets see a user working on it with the Keyboard Dock! Better yet; how about a user out & about looking savvy with the iPad Case reviewing presentations & taking notes, then having a little R&R time with the iPad in Case watching a movie! Now that would stir up more anticipation.

Not really. The iPad must establish an identity of its own before start pimping accessories. If start showing the accessories too early folks will not know what is the "iPad" and what is an accessory. At worst you'll set expectations that the keyboard dock and other stuff comes in the box ... which it won't.

#1 Apple needs to set up that iPad can be used in many instances without a keyboard. If the keyboard was essential then it should have been yet another laptop+tablet computer. It is not. So only soft keyboards in view.

The case is another slippery slope because there eventually be a rack full of cases to choose from. Again it can add value but should not be portrayed as essential. For traveling a case probably is an extremely good idea, but doubtful that Apple's version will be the final word. Besides a case "covers up" the product. Would be like a car commercial with the car in a car cover. You have only limited number of seconds to convey the size , shape , and look of the product. A case only hides some of those elements.

Once have established need/want of an iPad and there are a few added value items ( case and dock keyboard) then can introduce them at point of sale. Stuff like "I'd buy one but how do a prop it up on an airplane fold down tray to watch movies" easy to solve later once in that "I'd buy one.." state. However, those can't be the core mechanisms that are driving folks to buy one. No significant number of folks buys iPod/iPhones because of the covers or accessories.

One problem they have is that this looks and sounds like an iPod commercial. Same basic formula. Overstated music track. MTV style cuts.
I'm disappointed to see Jobs in a tux. If anyone could stick it to the dress code it should have been him. Perhaps he is mellowing!

Wearing a tux *is* sticking it to the dress code!

Seriously, how many people have you seen in real life wearing a tux in the past year? It's not like everyone in the US dresses in tuxes except for Steve Jobs, who is there to break up our mindless conformity.
There is an article about this ad posted over at Apple Thoughts but the video is in Flash so it couldn't even be viewed on the iPad itself! I was so wanting an iPad for casual surfing but not without this one required (for me) feature. There is just too much still out there in Flash for me. For example, I am currently researching new cars for a purchase or lease this summer, and most all car manufacturer and research sites have at least some functionality in Flash (almost everything at VW and BMW sites require it).

the ad is not in flash what are you talking about apple does not use flash on the site for video
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