Spontaneous bending is ridiculous, but heat is certainly a plausible cause. It still begs the question though - how are you using your iPad such that it is subject to such temperature extremes? Do you use it outdoors in the hot sun a lot? If it remains indoors, and your house is not a greenhouse... I’m not trying to be facetious, but it still seems unlikely to happen unless in the most extreme circumstances if temperature is really a cause.
Only way it could get that hot would be the battery in thermal runaway. No way you would not notice or at the least smell something if it got that hot. The device screen and other items in the iPad would be toast. There is no way it would just bend without a physical force applied.
I keep it in a Vaja leather case that is a tight fit. The weather where I live routinely gets to 100 degrees Fahrenheit and I used to leave my iPad in its case, in my car, along with my briefcase and other items so I imagine it could have gotten quite hot in there. It isn’t out of the ordinary for me to have to wait for my iPhone to cool off before I can use it as I get a warning that it’s too hot and can’t be used. I’ll attach a pic. Anyway, since noticing the bend and fixing it, I no longer leave it in my car.
I know you’ll never believe it unless it happens to you so I won’t even bother trying to convince you.
Maybe the aluminum is becoming sentient and bending on it's own becasue it wants to.Being to warm to operate is well known. Get so hot that the aluminum bends is stupid!
Looks like you Saturday on it while on the couch. My neighbor did the same, hid it under a pillow on the couch so it would be safe and his kids Saturday on it and it bent just like yours.
Not Apple’s fault, yours!
You are wrong! My ipad was on my desk all night while charging. When i woke up i found this curve! 2 years ago my Iphone 6 bent while playing! There are a lot of cases but Apple refuse to recognise this problem.
This thread dates back almost a full year in the beginning ... but why not, it's fun.
LMAO Saturday on it ...Zaino went to town 'doing the butt'.
LMAO ... your first sentence for some reason reminds me of that troll in 300 "You are wrong! You are wrong Lionidess, wrong!".
Honestly ... an iPad does NOT bend on its on, on flat surfaces. Further why is it shown face down in your pictures? That too is a non-smart move in any case. Still physiques states it doesn't bed on it's own in normal climate. Either you had sex on it and completely didn't know, had a party and someone bent it and felt really bad and embarrased (not able to cover the cost) and placed it elsewhere, or something. Not on it's own. The likelihood that your ipad or anyone elses that was well cared for and never placed on a chair, couch, or bed and never face down, and the room wasn't 150 degrees celcius on a target spot on the iPad ... is so extreme sorry most will not believe you. Since you're so adamant of never making a mistake I doubt you'd believe foul play happening either. Now you're ready to check out the competition. Good for you.
You are wrong! My ipad was on my desk all night while charging. When i woke up i found this curve! 2 years ago my Iphone 6 bent while playing! There are a lot of cases but Apple refuse to recognise this problem.
Still frustrated? Just another useless post. Probably, you've wanted to entertain someone, but you failed in a hilarious way. Try again next time. I am sure you can do it better.
Thanks for... nothing! Here are users with this kind of problem but nobody will believe until it happen.
Keep trolling... Good job. You don't know the story, but you came here to make Apple great again!
I just noticed my iPad Pro 9.7 is a little bent. When I place it face down on a flat surface there’s an about 2 millimeter arch in the middle, lengthwise. I have Apple Care Plus, is this something they will service/replace a device for?
I keep it in a Vaja leather case that is a tight fit. The weather where I live routinely gets to 100 degrees Fahrenheit and I used to leave my iPad in its case, in my car, along with my briefcase and other items so I imagine it could have gotten quite hot in there. It isn’t out of the ordinary for me to have to wait for my iPhone to cool off before I can use it as I get a warning that it’s too hot and can’t be used. I’ll attach a pic. Anyway, since noticing the bend and fixing it, I no longer leave it in my car.
I know you’ll never believe it unless it happens to you so I won’t even bother trying to convince you.
I keep it in a Vaja leather case that is a tight fit. The weather where I live routinely gets to 100 degrees Fahrenheit and I used to leave my iPad in its case, in my car, along with my briefcase and other items so I imagine it could have gotten quite hot in there. It isn’t out of the ordinary for me to have to wait for my iPhone to cool off before I can use it as I get a warning that it’s too hot and can’t be used. I’ll attach a pic. Anyway, since noticing the bend and fixing it, I no longer leave it in my car.
I know you’ll never believe it unless it happens to you so I won’t even bother trying to convince you.
Aluminum melting point is 1,218 degrees Fahrenheit. It's unlikely that it gets that hot in your car, in a bag or not.
Aside from that, just think what you are saying here. An aluminum car engine would fail minutes after being started. Aluminum cooking pans would melt. Aluminum is a very durable metal. It resists heat well. Heck, the glass in the windows of your car would be deforming too. Not to mention that the solder on the components would slide off at about half that temperature.
Just noticed that you said you had a Vaja case and that is was a tight fit.
You would not be the first the bend their device while inserting or removing it from a tight case.
You said it yourself, those temperatures are to make it MELT. Nobody here is claiming their iPads melted, only that they developed a small bend. I mention the heat, not because I am sure it was the heat that bent it, but only because I can’t think of what else could have done it as I am absolutely certain it was never dropped or sat on. If aluminum melts at 1,218 degrees Fahrenheit, at what temperature will it be soft enough to bend when components inside it (batteries, mid-frames, etc) may be causing even the slightest pressure? I’m just at a loss and looking for the cause of the bend. Mind you, it’s not a big deal to me because I absolutely love my iPad Pro and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else but I am curious and also not an Apple-apologist, as apparently many people in these forums are.
The weather where I live routinely gets to 100 degrees Fahrenheit and I used to leave my iPad in its case, in my car, along with my briefcase and other items so I imagine it could have gotten quite hot in there
Thank you for the elaboration. Those circumstances do indeed make it much more likely that heat could cause bending, especially since a car acts like a greenhouse in the sun.
I’m not aware of the exact alloy of aluminum or mix of metals used in the iPad, but given the size, relative thinness and temperatures it is subjected to, bending is possible.
IF aluminum was so susceptible to spontaneous bending, manufacturers wouldn't be using it for semitrailers, load bearing airplane components, vehicle engines, etc... If aluminum were that fragile all of the sudden, the world as we know it would fall to the ground.
The problem is that you are assuming it is a single block of aluminum - it isn't. There are various grades of aluminum as well, so it isn't a cut and dried matter - otherwise we wouldn't have the iPhone "bendgate" in the first place.
Obviously the aluminum should only be sufficient to protect the iPad since it serves no other practical purpose (ignoring aesthetics) - the internals are mostly electronics / screen / battery etc - so in all likelihood it's some kind of shaped thin slice.
While I'm pretty sure it can't bend simply by being left on a e.g. a table or sofa, if you subject it to prolonged temperature swings, it is not hard to imagine that the shape under which it was originally manufactured can be warped.
In addition, you really should see the first page of this thread - I'm one of the initial skeptics of the entire bending thing, but there seem to be a fair number of reports that might suggest this isn't entirely a fabrication or mass conspiracy.
It's not a single block of aluminum? It's basically an aluminum plate that the 'guts' are attached to.
The aluminum is thicker than what is needed to protect it. Tinfoil would protect it at some point.
The shape under which it was originally manufactured? It was MACHINED into the shape it's in. From a solid block of aluminum. It's going back to a solid block? If it were left on a table/sofa/etc, it still won't spontaneously bend, OR turn into a block.
So a lot of people aren't capable of keeping their iPads safe. I'm not surprised. I have even cracked the windshield in my car because I tossed a Kleen Kanteen bottle onto the dash, and it hit the glass and shattered it. I dropped an iPod and destroyed the hard drive in it. I mean, 'poop' happens. The iPad is definitely large enough to skip across a pond, and way large enough to end up being sat on, dropped, had stuff set on it shift, and any number of issues that would warp the heck out of it. (I DID toss my MacBook Pro into my ML430, and it hit a stanchion for the rear seat belts and left a HUGH dent in the front right corner) I mention my issues with Apple devices, and other issues, because I didn't then make a claim that *something happened* and I can't explain it. I OWNED that dent, I OWNED that I destroyed my iPod by being careless, I OWNED that shattered windshield.
Stuff like the iPad Pro 'just bending' like that doesn't 'just happen'. Sorry...
It's not a single block of aluminum? It's basically an aluminum plate that the 'guts' are attached to.
The aluminum is thicker than what is needed to protect it. Tinfoil would protect it at some point.
The shape under which it was originally manufactured? It was MACHINED into the shape it's in. From a solid block of aluminum. It's going back to a solid block?
If it were left on a table/sofa/etc, it still won't spontaneously bend, OR turn into a block.
So a lot of people aren't capable of keeping their iPads safe. ....
I just have to ask, did that work?!?Thank you! Same here. It was very hot. No drop. I take care like is my baby) I will try to fix it.