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Nice to see the new iPhone gets 512mb of ram and they stick 256 in our ipads.

I don't know , seems like the iPad got short changed as far as ram and display. :rolleyes:
Nice to see the new iPhone gets 512mb of ram and they stick 256 in our ipads.

I don't know , seems like the iPad got short changed as far as ram and display. :rolleyes:

Oh for the love of god...

How many times is this nonsense about the iPad display going to keep coming up? Just because the iPhone got a 300ppi+ display does not magically mean there's a suitable equivalent for iPad or that the a4 could drive it. Please can everyone just stop going on about it?

As for memory who cares? The iPad runs perfectly well as is and got the a4 months ahead of any other idevice. Putting more memory in would have bumped the price up as well, something apple have made clear they tried to keep down (within their business model of course). Buy these machines for what they can do (or not if it's not what you want) and stop complaining about tech specs that have a minimal real world impact at best.
I'm wanting an iPad for Christmas... however, I hope it does get a refresh... mainly,
front facing camera (for FaceTime or iChat, Skype, etc.)
512 MB of RAM.
I was just watching the WWDC keynote again and I noticed Steve said there would be x amount of FaceTime devices in 2010. That gives me the impression we're going to see another Apple device supporting FaceTime before 2011. It does seem too soon for an iPad refresh, but you have to expect the retina display, gyroscope and probably the front facing camera to come to the iPad.

The iPod touch would qualify as it is up for a refresh this year.
The iPad isn't even available in my country yet and you guys are talking about iPad 2 and when it wil be out.

Feels weird.
What about FaceTime?

Ok, everybody is talking about retina display on the iPad and, yeah, it's not practical because of the processor, etc; and also not really necessary on a device like the iPad...

But what about the front camera and FaceTime? Apple could bring this to the iPad in a heart beat! And I think they may just do that now that the iPhone got the lead. And we could also have that sweet iMovie application and 512MB RAM or more... What do you think? :)
I don't know about you guys but personally when using the ipad I don't hold it 3 inches from my face, so I don't see a need for 'retina display'
I think people forget how heavily subsidized smartphones are. It's miraculous enough that the iPad is $500 considering its IPS display, graphics, cpu, aluminum chassis etc. Any more features and it would be more expensive.

I agree it would be nice if it had cameras in it and maybe the extra RAM if that extra RAM actually really has noticable performance effects. But at same time, all those things would make it more expensive and anyway the iPad is fast anyway and I already have like 50 little digital cameras in devices that don't work nearly as well as my "real" cameras. I'll use my iPhone for video chat when not at iMac or Macbook.

Rumors are that the iPhone costs ATT like $700 or something. If the iPad had as many features as the iPhone but with its larger display and chassis it would only cost more.
When the iPad was being built earlier this year, there was no process for building a SOC package with more than 256MB RAM. Actually I'm skeptical of what the 512MB claim means since the iPhone 4 CPU has the same part number as the iPad (33950084). It could refer to an OS change to use a virtual swap space to present 512MB to the apps. If that is the case, the iPad could see a similar bump in the Fall.

Due to it's size, the iPad already has 20% more pixels then the iPhone 4.
A 9.7" display at the same DPI as the iPhone 4 would be 2480x1860 and be far more expensive. You can't get the screen your looking for on an iPad without a significant price jump.
I agree with the original post.

As soon as I saw the iPhone 4 presentation it made me thought should I wait.

Then it was found that the iPhone 4 has 512MB of ram opposed to the iPads 265MB, I think this is a reason to wait.

I don't think there will be a full Retina display but I do think the next generation will have a higher ppi.

Originally I didn't care about the camera but then I saw face to face.

Personally I am going to wait the 12-14 months if that, and they will update the iPad soon for sure
I think people waiting for a higher resolution screen are going to be in for a disappointment.

If you want an iPad with the same pixel density as the iPhone 4, you're going to be waiting a long time.


Because mobile GPUs that can both fit in the iPad form factor and are as low power as the current model just don't exist. You would need a mobile GPU that is on par with current desktop GPUs to be able to push that interface smoothly. Not to mention games. Even the current better than N64 but not quite Dreamcast quality graphics would need a significantly more powerful GPU than the one currently in use to be able to run at that resolution.

I mean, look at the iPad now. Take a game like Hero of Sparta or that new "2XL Trophylite". The iPhone versions run fantastic on the iPhone 3G S. But the "HD" versions on the iPad, which are no more than the same game running at a higher native resolution, run like crap. Just because the GPU can't push that many pixels.

Now the iPhone 4 runs the same GPU as the iPad and iPhone 3G S, but with a higher resolution than the iPhone 3G S. We'll see the same thing there as we see on the iPad.

Now if you want an iPad with a "Retina" display (stupid marketing term, I swear), you're truly going to need a GPU that is close to what desktops and high end laptops run today. It'll be several years before that kind of power is in a chip so small and low power.

As for the extra RAM, I don't care. My iPad isn't any slower now. It's still faster than my iPhone 3G S. It's going to get the full OS 4 update. So honestly, who cares? Theres still nothing else like it on the planet.
I could see a camera added now that we have friend face.

Think about it. Granny with her iPad (she can't use a computer) being able to see her grandson at her parents, as her parents have iPhone 4's

Before this, no, but now, it seems logical, plus the fact it's WiFi only seems to make it obvious that iPads at home will link to iPhones for this feature.
What will the iPads features be in 2010?

What will the iPad's features be 10 years from now?
Um, the ability to predict the future?

Phones will be our conduit to the cloud where all our data will reside and be interacted with as needed from platform agnostic devices.
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