Should be right at the top of the post
But here is it again:
I am doing this based off of your tracking and the departure information from flightaware... And I still have no import scan on mine going to Rochester, NY - but I know my flight to be UPS1144 (I know it by heart) and it will leave around 4 AM from KSDF for me
That flight will not have any of our packages on it. All of ours are going to Louisville KSDF first - that Ontario flight is only for domestic pacakges, as well as a "reassign" for the aircraft - basically moving it to a new location for its next scheduled flight.
I don't know... if you give me your city I could tell you in a heartbeat
But at that distance it is iffy... it may require limited air transport, but I dont know...
Nonononono!! LOL I was referring to the ones that leave at 3-4AM.