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Should be right at the top of the post :)

But here is it again:

I am doing this based off of your tracking and the departure information from flightaware... And I still have no import scan on mine going to Rochester, NY - but I know my flight to be UPS1144 (I know it by heart ;)) and it will leave around 4 AM from KSDF for me :)

That flight will not have any of our packages on it. All of ours are going to Louisville KSDF first - that Ontario flight is only for domestic pacakges, as well as a "reassign" for the aircraft - basically moving it to a new location for its next scheduled flight.

I don't know... if you give me your city I could tell you in a heartbeat :)

But at that distance it is iffy... it may require limited air transport, but I dont know...

Nonononono!! LOL I was referring to the ones that leave at 3-4AM. ;)
I just called UPS because my iPad still says "Billing Information has been sent". They told me I won't be getting mine until Monday because my area doesn't have Saturday deliveries. I live in Sacramento, CA. The state capital. wtf?
I just got off the phone with a supervisor at UPS who said that the ICN routed packages may not be delivered tomorrow and have them slated for Monday. At least mine - in a zip code where there is Saturday shipping.

Fine, if that is what they said...

I am not UPS. I am just offering you my knowledge - that is why this is a forum, not a support group from 800-PICK-UPS...

GUANGZHOU, CN 03/31/2010 2:11 P.M. ORIGIN SCAN
03/31/2010 2:09 P.M. ORIGIN SCAN
SHENZHEN, CN 03/30/2010 12:22 A.M. ORIGIN SCAN

UPS says not going to be here til Monday. If that's the case I have to say Apple really dropped the ball on this one. Preordered on the first day...and they can't manage to get the things shipped out with a 30 day lead time?

We'll see what happens tommorow, going to put the pre sign slip on the door just in case.

This is what I mean. This is the Korea flight. One UPS rep says the person is getting it, the other says not. I think they don't have a clue.
Fine, if that is what they said...

I am not UPS. I am just offering you my knowledge - that is why this is a forum, not a support group from 800-PICK-UPS...


I've been watching this thread very closely and I have to say. You deserve an award for putting up with all this "stuff" in here.

Kudos to you sir! :)
This is what I mean. This is the Korea flight. One UPS rep says the person is getting it, the other says not. I think they don't have a clue.

it seems the English people (or most of them) in the international dept. do but idk...
You paid for it right? It will come.

No I was actually referring to the end of the world comment...

I know my iPad will show up at some point and I hope it is before I head to Minnesota on Tuesday morning as I want to test that battery life out...

I just like feeding into the frenzy in here, this is the most fun I have had in a discussion group in years...
After being stuck in Louisville for days, mine finally left earlier tonight and arrived in Linthicum, MD, about 1 hour from where I live.
Techdude for CEO of UPS

I've been watching this thread very closely and I have to say. You deserve an award for putting up with all this "stuff" in here.

Kudos to you sir! :)

Actually, I think UPS should hire Techdude to run their customer service department as I think he is more knowledgeable than everyone that works for UPS!
No I was actually referring to the end of the world comment...

I know my iPad will show up at some point and I hope it is before I head to Minnesota on Tuesday morning as I want to test that battery life out...

I just like feeding into the frenzy in here, this is the most fun I have had in a discussion group in years...

Haha last time I did something like this was in Sept. of 07 when they released the first ipod touches for preorder - and because of a UPS slipup in estimates, Apple gave me $150 worth of free stuff for the multiple troubles AND the hugeeee delay listed on the UPS site. 2 minutes after I got off the phone with Apple, I was sent an email from Apple China saying it was an error and we are still getting them release day :D
I'm in a unique position because I have two seperate ipad orders on the way to my house. My order and my friend's order.

I'm really concerned about my order. My friend's order shows it arriving at our local hub this morning, but mine still shows it as preparing to leave China. I have this horrible feeling my friend's order is boing to show up and mine won't. :(
I'm in a unique position because I have two seperate ipad orders on the way to my house. Mine and my friend's order.

I'm really concerned about my order. My friend's order shows it arriving at our local hub this morning, but mine still shows it as preparing to leave China. I have this horrible feeling my friend's order is boing to show up and mine won't. :(

How close are the numbers at the end of the tracking number? I don't want to ask you...

but really, if I saw your tracking number, I could tell you how close they were in shipment and if they are reaalllyy close then they could possibly have the same status.

But I wont ask and I dont really want them - they may not look close, you have to know how their numbers work and how they are assigned to the packages - a big difference chronologically may not necessarily mean those pacakges were sent far apart...
I'm pretty annoyed that I pre-ordered and UPS cant get this right. I mean, couldn't they have shipped a couple days early and just been in a warehouse somewhere? My friend at work that reserved his for in store pickup has alerted me that his is STILL saying that it's in China? I'm not sure how thats possible if its an in store reservation...but I guess its going to be a really messy launch day. The good thing is, apple is really good at smoothing things over in some sort of credit of upgrade.

Mine is STILL saying it left Korea, and UPS says it wont be here til Monday. Looks like I'm better off just trying to get one at the apple store? but at this point...I'm sure the lines are around the block. Thanks UPS!

Actually, I think UPS should hire Techdude to run their customer service department as I think he is more knowledgeable than everyone that works for UPS!
Well, sadly this is reminding me of my iMac experience where Apple promised a delivery date and I didn't get it on that date -- UPS was blamed. Right now, my iPad's last scan was "South Korea" and nothing has updated all day. I'm really hoping it's going to get here tomorrow as I arranged my day to actually be here to sign for it, and I won't be here Mon or Tues.


I should have just had it delivered to the store and I could have picked it up. My bad.

UPS does not leave shipments in an international location for any reason OTHER than if they were local deliveries. Air Transit should stick out to you, which it should - because it isnt a normal scan!

it means the flight manifest was scanned but your package is still in transit and NOT exiting the aircraft! That aircraft already went from Hong Kong to Insheon to Anchorage to Louisville TWICE already! I just don't find it plausible...

GREAT POINT....Calm Down! Take an Ambien and the next you will hear is UPS ringing your door bell tomorrow!
apparently its the same deal for instore. If you had one shipped, it may be still stuck in China :(

Well, sadly this is reminding me of my iMac experience where Apple promised a delivery date and I didn't get it on that date -- UPS was blamed. Right now, my iPad's last scan was "South Korea" and nothing has updated all day. I'm really hoping it's going to get here tomorrow as I arranged my day to actually be here to sign for it, and I won't be here Mon or Tues.


I should have just had it delivered to the store and I could have picked it up. My bad.
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