Anyone else still waiting in South Florida?
Not South, but still waiting in Central....
Anyone else still waiting in South Florida?
Who ever has a 10am Van Nuys, CA scan will probably not get their iPad todayIt's too late.
A little disconcerting. Mine has been at the "Destination Scan" location since 9:13 am this morning (over 6 hours ago), with no evidence of it being on the truck for delivery. What kills me is that the UPS office in Madison Heights, MI is only 6.7 miles away from my house in Birmingham, MI.
I'm in North Torrance near the golf course, it's actually just a couple miles to the UPS station I wish I could have just picked it up there. Hopefully they didn't run down south first.
P.S. Can we also have a rule that no other cars are allowed to drive during Apple delivery windows? I keep getting faked out by large cars/trucks driving by!!!
Scripps Ranch
Burbank just delivered. 1121am
Magnolia and Buena Vista
Just got it delivered. The UPS guy said today he is doing special deliveries - something between Apple & UPS. 90 more to deliver ....