Puppyfightclub - you should have quoted the source and context.
To make it clear to EVERYONE: If there is Saturday Delivery in your area (Call 1-800-PICK-UPS and ask) then you SHOULD GET YOUR iPAD ON SATURDAY! if not, Apple explicitly made it clear that you will get it Monday 4/5 if that was the case.
I do agree that Saturday delivery was probably not the best idea, but maybe it makes it easier for Apple to complete the orders during the week and send them out non stop, versus having many workers switching schedules on the weekends (they can only work 6 days a week, so on the weekends workers are shuffling shifts). So maybe it is so they can keep at full capacity for launch.
For whatever reason, stay tuned here and to all of your tracking resources, and I hope everyone gets their iPad on a golden Chaise with UPS workers fanning it to keep it cool