Me at Otay Ranch store today: Any 16 gig iPads?
Apple guy 1: No. Sorry. We haven't seen that model for over a week.
Apple guy 2: Did he want a 16 gig? They just came in like five minutes ago.
Lucky you!!!
Me at Otay Ranch store today: Any 16 gig iPads?
Apple guy 1: No. Sorry. We haven't seen that model for over a week.
Apple guy 2: Did he want a 16 gig? They just came in like five minutes ago.
Just called Rochester, Albany, Syracuse, and Buffalo.
All Out...
That's pretty common procedure for newly-released items, and it's also what happened last I was wondering if there is any truth to the rumor they'll be getting shipments tomorrow and selling them Sunday?
Lucky you!!!
I'll check their website tomorrow morning to see if it says they are available. If not, I'll plan on going by Sunday morningish to see if they have any.
no Ipads at any Best Buy in Orange County. Checked with 2 locations and one of em did a chain wide search. Nothing zip, nada.
Go spend your Saturday outside in the sun. Forget about the Ipad till next week.
All those NC locations seem a long drive for you. Wilmington's a bit closer. There's no Apple Store, but a Best Buy.
The Wilmington NC store on S.College seems to have a steady supply. A week ago I was in there and asked and was told they had plenty of ALL MODELS. I'm kinda surprised; there's UNCW a mile away, and I thought there'd be plenty of students/staff clearing the stock. Have yet to see one in the wild though.
A few days ago I asked a UPS driver if he'd been dropping off many iPads on that truck. He said "You know who's getting tons? Best Buy." We were just down the street from the BB.
I hope you find one. I have to save for a while for mine.
I go to school at Wake Forest, so there is a Best Buy down the road from me. There's an Apple Store in Greensboro, but, like I said, I have a $75 gift card to BB I want to use. I drove the hour and a half to UNC-CH to visit a friend, so I stopped by the Durham, Southpoint, and Greensboro BB too but all were sold out. All said they had no idea when they'd get them, and that they normally randomly get shipments every week or so. Most sold their last one's on Tuesday of last week.
I suppose I'll put stock in that rumor that BB will have them tomorrow for the Sunday flier and go by around 10am or so to check. Surely they won't advertise a product they are sold out of and won't be getting more till next week. None have them today, according to their website. I don't want to keep driving over there to get the same answer.
Solution: Buy your case or other accessories with the gift card at Worst Buy and get the iPad at Apple.
has anyone gotten any concrete info about the best buy sunday holdback? Im contemplating waking up early and going to wait outside best buy but as tomorrow is my only sleep in day ill be plenty pissed if its for nothing.