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I found one article written by some guy in Ohio who claims he was told by two different stores that they would have them in Sunday and to check back then. That's the only evidence I've heard. All 4 stores I visited told me the exact same line, "Apple sends them directly to us instead of on our trucks, so we never know when we're going to get them. I recommend that you check back sometime next week and see if there are any in. We've had them on order for a while."

I then asked if they thought Monday or Tuesday, and they replied, "we have no way of knowing," each time. No one hinted to me at a Sunday shipment, but maybe they don't want to publicize it... it's worth checking online in the morning to see if its listen as available in store. I don't know how its updated though.

one lady at a best buy I called said something along the lines of "you may wanna check back cause if its going to be in the ad tomorrow then we'll have them" so that to me sounds like they will.
one lady at a best buy I called said something along the lines of "you may wanna check back cause if its going to be in the ad tomorrow then we'll have them" so that to me sounds like they will.

That is the thought process most have: they won't advertise it in their Sunday ad if they don't have them in stock. Perhaps we'll be able to pull up this week's tonight and see if it's listed. All I see on their site is last weeks so far. I suppose it's worth a shot to go by there tomorrow some time to check. I don't know if there will be a line or not since they didn't sell all of theres last week till Tuesday.

The store opens at 11, so it's not like you have to get up that early tomorrow to go check! I doubt there will be a huge line forming
That is the thought process most have: they won't advertise it in their Sunday ad if they don't have them in stock. Perhaps we'll be able to pull up this week's tonight and see if it's listed. All I see on their site is last weeks so far. I suppose it's worth a shot to go by there tomorrow some time to check. I don't know if there will be a line or not since they didn't sell all of theres last week till Tuesday.

The store opens at 11, so it's not like you have to get up that early tomorrow to go check! I doubt there will be a huge line forming

I manage a store that sells newspapers. we got the sunday ads last night. I havent went down there to check em yet tho. ill report back going to check in a few.
That is the thought process most have: they won't advertise it in their Sunday ad if they don't have them in stock.
I received the circular this afternoon and the iPad wasn't noted inside.

Granted, there have been a few times when what we get on Saturday differs from what's in the store during the next week, but I can only remember it happening twice over probably eight or nine years.
I gave up and just reserved mine at the Apple store. I don't know if this is a new thing cause of the shortage or its always been this way but you can only reserve 1 iPad at the apple store. I only wanted one but the sales guy that helped me informed me the system only allows you to reserve 1.
I reserved it at my local apple store on Wednesday. Just got the e-mail and hour ago to come pick it up! Only took 3 days to get it. Syncing now. Cant wait to play with it. :) :apple:
Screw it. I guess we won't see any tomorrow at Best Buy. I'll check online every day until they show them in stock. At this rate, I will be able to get a 3G for the just in case types.
Just stopped by at Stockton store in SF to see if they've got camera adapter (they haven't :()

Looks like they only had 64GB model but there were prenty waiting in line to get that.

Same here. I stopped by the Bellevue Square store this afternoon and only the 64GB models were available.
anyone in the dallas fort worth area know ipad stock at best buy? i'll be getting $170 in gift cards soon so i'd like to buy it there
anyone in the dallas fort worth area know ipad stock at best buy? i'll be getting $170 in gift cards soon so i'd like to buy it there

AFAIK, most Best Buy's are sold out. There were some rumors that they'd have them in tomorrow, but it looks like they are now missing from the Sunday ad. Most say to check back next week sometime. I'm in the same boat as you.
i know this potentially way more hassle than it's worth, but you folks with best buy gift certs could sell them for cash. Probably go pretty close to face value on ebay.
i know this potentially way more hassle than it's worth, but you folks with best buy gift certs could sell them for cash. Probably go pretty close to face value on ebay.

or just stand outside best buy and ask people going in if they wanna save a few bucks by using their gift cards. kinda shady but you gotta do what you gotta do haha.
The wait is painful, don't get me wrong, but if BB is out of them for this long, I may get the 3G one. i'll just keep checking the stock online for now. they had them for several days last week, so it's not like they sold out immediately when they went on sale, unless they turn into the type that started out slowly and picked up once word got out on how nice they were.
My BB, Sioux Falls SD swears up and down that they'll be receiving 20 of each WiFi model on Monday.

Who knows if there's any truth, but here's to hoping.
damn... looks like i'll wait longer. i'm willing to wait if it means i'll save $170. that way i can get the 32gb instead of the 16!
Sure enough, no sign of it in the Sunday ad. I'll go check tomorrow and see, but I expect we'll be waiting a bit longer. If they do get them tomorrow, they aren't advertising it.

Best Buy is out nationwide?! Wow.

I almost strolled into the nearby BB Sat just to check out their situation, but got lazy instead. I may have to do it Sun just to see. I'm curious now...

Either Apple/Jobs will be announcing the 1 million sold milestone reached this week (and Mon/Tues rather than Fri) or there seems to be a supply/production problem.
Hey folks,
Just posted my story about getting my iPad here...

Related a bit to stock (and if they are really out when they say). Wondering how many get saved for friends and family of the employees!


I don't see the reason to link back to your conspiracy theory but depending upon the way a store is managed I doubt people are withholding iPads. The problem is one of supply and not some mass conspiracy to keep ipads out of the hands of customers. Notwithstanding, there's an inventory system in BB where they can check stock of the store. This same system sort of fuels the backend of the online "store pickup" request when you add something to your cart. If some ass wad employee is holding an iPad that has not been purchased by him/her then it would still count in the system. If you ask and are turned down then ask a manager. It's that simple really.
Thought I'd contribute here instead of just lurking.

I have to buy my Ipad at BB because I have a line of credit with them.
That being said, there isn't a best buy within a hundred miles that has had one since I decided to buy.

I just called the BGKY store and 3 Nashville, TN stores, all are sold out. None received shipments today, and one guy hazarded Tuesday as a guess. Doesn't look like the "they'll have them Sunday" theory holds water.
Well the 'they'll have them Sunday' theory only works if the stores were withholding them.

Mind you BB gets its iPads through FedEx, so the earliest they could get them is Monday. Here's to hoping that they've got 'em.
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