Reading back through Federico Veticci’s article, I think some of the things he says could be read two different ways. On rereading it, I think he is meaning to say that background tasks on iPadOS aren’t as consistent as on macOS and more limited, not necessarily that they aren’t at all possible. Though what he wrote implies that none are possible at all. And that wouldn’t be accurate. I think on a second read-through, I jumped to some wrong conclusions on what he was trying to say. Though I totally disagree with him on some of his takes in there, such as “Files is a bad product”. But I do think that it’s phrased too ambiguously for my preferences, and that he winds up heavily implying a number of things in his article that I don’t think are consistent with the facts, or for that matter, his actual opinion and thoughts when reading other pieces of his. 👍🏻
Your lived experiences with using an iPad is just as valuable as Viticci's experiences. Never discount that.
Viticci can only talk about how he likes to compute and how he wants to do it. It basically stops there, and even with that, I'd be careful in applying what he says about the workflows he uses because I'm not so sure he knows what he is talking about even there. It's not to say that he doesn't know what he's talking about - he has his lived experience which is indeed valuable and knowledgeable - but computing systems are complex and it's pretty rare to find anyone who knows how to do everything. His article definitely indicates he doesn't know all of the iPad's capabilities.
Like, most readers should have to just surfed away when the thing he lead with was iPadOS missing simple apps, where he said "Of all the issues I have with iPadOS, I want to start with a relatively simple one: some apps from macOS and iOS just aren’t available on the platform." His examples were: Calculator, TextEdit, Preview and Journal.
First of all, he forgot to include the words, "... available on the platform by default." Even with that, that lead-in item to the article was ********. There are ample apps on the platform to do those things. That those apps are not there by default is not some deficiency of iPadOS, especially in an article about its problems. It's easily solvable and not a problem. Why he choose to lead with that, who knows? It was stupid. It's one of those things that makes you question his expertise, and maybe you shouldn't read the article at all.
I agree with him that "desktop" apps are few and far between, and something Apple promulgates itself. It's a technical debt from the iPad having small amounts of RAM without a page file, so this one is slow going until the iPad makes its way to more professional workflows. Not sure what Apple can do about MS Office. MS purposely leaves features out of the non-Windows version of Office to ensure its Windows dominance. Apple has to count itself lucky that the MS Exchange team was off the reservation in letting companies interface with the email server well. Apple has to press to get full-featured Xcode, FCP, and hypervisors for iPadOS. Same with visionOS.
You already disagree with him on the He lists several esoteric features that are niche use cases (Shortcuts and Quick Actions), and lists something of questionable value, and ignores that you have 3rd party file managers available. During my vacation the last 3 weeks, I imported gigabytes of images from SD cards directly into photos and downloaded gigabytes of photos from a photographer's Google Drive directly into the on my iPP10.5. It had progress icons and transfer rate data displayed. Seems to work fine. I already talked about his app association issue. So, if you are a ShortCuts users, there may be problems with the Otherwise, the 97% of the remaining userbase is likely unaware.
For multitasking, Viticci is not a Stage Manager user. So, you should doubt anything he says about it as he likely doesn't use it enough. To this day, none of the Apple mediarati have written about what the characteristics of Stage Manager are. Like, if you are connected to an external display with Stage Manager, are all 8 windows: 4 on the iPad display and 4 on the external display, live and running? What are the characteristics of the pagefile, how large will iPadOS let it grow? What apps stop running when they lose input focus (ie, do they run in the background if their window is displayed but doesn't have input focus)?
The biggest issue among the Apple mediarati with iPads boils down to one thing imo: there isn't a way to record multiple streams of audio. They need a way to record their own audio while recording multiple audio streams from conferencing platforms of their choice. If this was there, it lets them podcast on iPads, and I think 99% of their whining goes away. Whether Apple enables that who knows. If meeting software enables that, it may mean they can use iPads full time.