Lol true...sadly. Still no movement for me. If it was not for this iPhone trade in credit could have picked up a device yesterday. Oh well here I sit patiently waiting something.And barely works there.
Lol true...sadly. Still no movement for me. If it was not for this iPhone trade in credit could have picked up a device yesterday. Oh well here I sit patiently waiting something.And barely works there.
yea....See what really sucks is, I was taking a peek over at the Apple preorder forum, and they are already receiving 256gb Jet Black 7 Plus's. While I'm still sitting here waiting on my 128gb Jet Black Plus. Additionally, they're receiving Matte Black models in various capacities as well.
This blows ass.
I asked same question on Reddit Tmobile and someone did it with the 7 sprint model from apple store and worked fine with his Tmobile sim.Does an unlocked sprint 7s work on tmo? Ready to go buy one at Apple if that's the case
Yup my buddy walked into an Apple Store on Saturday and walked out with a 128gb 7+ matte black. So much for preorder huh?See what really sucks is, I was taking a peek over at the Apple preorder forum, and they are already receiving 256gb Jet Black 7 Plus's. While I'm still sitting here waiting on my 128gb Jet Black Plus. Additionally, they're receiving Matte Black models in various capacities as well.
This blows ass.
Yes, it will work.Does an unlocked sprint 7+ work on tmo? Ready to go buy one at Apple if that's the case
Yes, it will work.
[doublepost=1474378106][/doublepost]All the Apple Stores in NYC seem to have various pluses in stock(except Jet Black).
So I just had a fraudulent activity alert on the card I preordered with. They had to issue me a new card number. FML. Sweatergod if TMO doesn't let me update the payment card on my order I'm going to sh*t a brick.
Worst iPhone preorder EVAAAAAAR.
Welp, thanks to T-Mobile's archaic system, my order is now cancelled since they have no option of updating payment info.
Welp, thanks to T-Mobile's archaic system, my order is now cancelled since they have no option of updating payment info.
The only option was to recreate the order and go to the back of the line (November 15 for a 128 GB 7+).
Not even going to waste my time. I'll ride this 6S JoD lease out, sell it on Swappa and get the hell away from JoD altogether. Good riddance, since it basically equates to getting screwed somehow, some way during a hyped launch.
I was told on more than one occasion that if the cc chrges do not go through, they will give send you a text message and/or email and ask to update the information, and will only cancel your order only if you do not do it after 96 hours. I asked them whether this was new, because it happened to me when I ordered the iphone 6, two years ago and they said that it was a practice they started recently.
Well of course the ill-informed rep didn't say anything about this. Shocker, right?
I'm over it to be honest. Don't even care at this point. It's a phone. When I can walk into a store and get one without all the shenanigans is when I'll get one.
I honestly don't even know why I try
I understand it is just a phone and there are far greater concerns to be had. My issue for those of us that are on Jump! or JOD is that we pay an extra premium to be able to upgrade each year when a new device is released. Ignore for a moment the system issues that put many of us, like myself, near the back of the line despite placing our orders at 3:01am; what upsets me purely from a customer service perspective is why the other carriers are shipping 7+ JB 128GB models and yet T-Mobile has not only not shipped any of these units, but also hasn't stated why they have not received stock like the competition. It is also very frustrating to hear some of the models available for walk-ins but the pre-orders are left to wait. At this point as a Jump! customer I am stuck to wait. But if other carriers are receiving and shipping stock, I want to know why we are not.
Yup my buddy walked into an Apple Store on Saturday and walked out with a 128gb 7+ matte black. So much for preorder huh?