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Mine hasn't been delayed, the shipping estimate has been the same since I ordered, 9/19 - 9/26.
Still waiting though...

I just say its 'delayed' because previously tmo had those dates as placeholders and the phones always came in for me way earlier than those (align with the release date etc). This time around they really were that much behind release date- which seems silly. (Similarily to how they always said back ordered when everyone preordered, everyone freaked out lol, then it really wasn't back ordered- just needed the stock to come in) I guess apple likes creating a hype for their product via a 'shortage'.
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If I had to choose one, I'd say T-Mobile. Look at this thread. Some people ordered their phones on friggin Wendesday and already have them. Some people ordered their phones at the stroke of midnight and haven't even seen a sign of a tracking number. Rose gold, gold, silver, black, jet black? Doesn't matter. Long time customer or new customer? Doesn't matter. How much they whined and cried to T-Force? Also doesn't seem to matter lol.

The way they're handling that is messed up. The forecasting stuff is dumb, but the prioritization stuff shouldn't be happening. Orders should be fulfilled in the order they were received.

Apple screwed it up too, I believe. They've had plenty of time to know that whenever they introduce a new color, everyone ends up going crazy for it. They also suck at prioritizing orders, and have the same thing happen where someone orders on Wednesday and gets it Friday. That's wrong.

T-Mobile doesn't have to ship a single damn phone to their stores. Customers walk in and they can make them buy a Samsung SomethingOranother 7+LTE edge hulk edition. Apple, they have to have something in stock. because that's all they sell. XD

That said, T-Mobile does the equivalent of pooping in the box. All they do is take your iphone box and shove it in a t-mobile box. No info on the trade in, no receipt. Nothing. Probably not even bubble wrap. Why? And if you think this is a disorganized mess, wait until you don't get that $650 "over 24 months" when you trade in your old iphone lol.

Of course, T-Mobile isn't alone here. They've got 3 other just-as-crappy carriers that have their back. For every person here that swears off T-Mobile, there will be 3 that swear off att/vzw/sprint. XD

Just want to add some color here.

Many people have pointed out that Apple screwed up forecasting demand big time. I just want to say if you take a step back, say 2 months before the launch, when arguably all the final production orders leading up to the launch and quarter are finalized, NONE and I say that very confidently, none of the industry reports, analysts or sales signs even within Apple pointed to such huge sales numbers for iPhone 7. Apple also knew that because there was no dramatic change in design - one of the major reasons people upgrade. Combine these two factors and it's easy to underestimate the demand.

One of key things fueling this demand has actually nothing to do with iPhone. The #Uncarrier brought back subsidy-era pricing by free iPhone promo and all other carriers jumped in. Again, if you read analysts reports, nobody actually expected this to happen because carriers were *very* happy living out of the subsidy world since they were enjoying record high profits. So no one had reason to suspect that they would dive right back in this world. What John Legere and co. started soon was copied by others, pehaps as a defensive move. But none of them knew that the response would be this big and backfire them- 4x for T-Mobile and Sprint. (There's a reason why they are now allowing only ONE customers after Sep 15th. They have to find an escape hatch).

Again, I am not saying Apple or T-Mobile is not at fault here, of course they are way off with their numbers. But try to understand that things don't always work as formulas on spreadsheet even for the biggest of the companies and smartest of the people. If they had, the stock market would never have anything called as volatitlity.
I just say its 'delayed' because previously tmo had those dates as placeholders and the phones always came in for me way earlier than those (align with the release date etc). This time around they really were that much behind release date- which seems silly. (Similarily to how they always said back ordered when everyone preordered, everyone freaked out lol, then it really wasn't back ordered- just needed the stock to come in) I guess apple likes creating a hype for their product via a 'shortage'.
I never freaked out. I've been acting a little of a clown on this thread, but I haven't freaked out about my order.
It's like other people have mentioned here and what I have experienced in my 6+ order is you have to get in early to get on release day period(for the most part), then if you delay even slightly you'll more than likely have to wait a week or so. I can only speak for myself though, anyone can draw there own conclusions.
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As far as this trade in offer if someone buys a iphone6 from elsewhere and trade it in will it matter.. My iphone 6 is actually in good shape and 64gb rather pass that to my lil couSin and cop one for the low as the trade in
As far as this trade in offer if someone buys a iphone6 from elsewhere and trade it in will it matter.. My iphone 6 is actually in good shape and 64gb rather pass that to my lil couSin and cop one for the low as the trade in

No it does not matter. Just make sure the iPhone that you trade-in is paid in full and in acceptable working condition.
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I wish this was something other than shoes.

I never freaked out. I've been acting a little of a clown on this thread, but I haven't freaked out about my order.
It's like other people have mentioned here and what I have experienced in my 6+ order is you have to get in early to get on release day period(for the most part), then if you delay even slightly you'll more than likely have to wait a week or so. I can only speak for myself though, anyone can draw there own conclusions.

Don't take me too literally, that wasn't at YOU. I'm not being an ******* in anyways. I meant in the last few years, when I participated in these threads, there are 25+ pages dedicated to the back ordered status. When it meant nothing.

I'm literally sarcastic and am not really upset over this. Yes, it's disappointing but **** happens. I keep hoping this gets smoother each release. I really only want the phone for the new colour and double camera. I ordered within the first 5 min so I mean, I was the first call the guy even took- I called in at 11:59pm and got it all done by 12:04am. aka I didn't delay. I got a call later that day from the exec team saying she finalized/fixed the order from the system issues and she prioritized/fixed my place in line to my original time. She touched based with me later to say they're delayed getting the phones on time etc. and here I am chilling with you fine people lol <3
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For all who cancelled their order to get the Samsung Note 7 instead without a long wait time.

Sales are expected to start again not earlier than October 21st...
Just exchanges are scheduled for tomorrow 9/21!
Don't take me too literally, that wasn't at YOU. I'm not being an ******* in anyways. I meant in the last few years, when I participated in these threads, there are 25+ pages dedicated to the back ordered status. When it meant nothing.

I'm literally sarcastic and am not really upset over this. Yes, it's disappointing but **** happens. I keep hoping this gets smoother each release. I really only want the phone for the new colour and double camera. I ordered within the first 5 min so I mean, I was the first call the guy even took- I called in at 11:59pm and got it all done by 12:04am. aka I didn't delay. I got a call later that day from the exec team saying she finalized/fixed the order from the system issues and she prioritized/fixed my place in line to my original time. She touched based with me later to say they're delayed getting the phones on time etc. and here I am chilling with you fine people lol <3
I plan to ride this out like Bonnie and Clyde. Hopefully you will get your phone soon as well as the rest of us.
Alright, I ordered a black iPhone 7 plus 128GB. Order placed September 14th with an estimated shipping date of October 10th - 24th.

What can anyone deduce from that information? Has there been a common thread as to when orders will arrive based on the given details? haha

New to all this iPhone pre-order party. Been with the Note and Nexus series for the most part, but never iPhone user. Whoa, I know right?! I had the Note 7, but due to the recall, the T-Mobile store offered an iPhone 6S Plus. This is odd seeing as how its a completely different operating system! The manager then offered to order the iPhone 7 Plus instead because all they had in stock were the iPhone 6S and Galaxy S7 edge. Didn't want either so went with the iPhone 7 Plus.

(There was another thread similar to this one, soooo reaching out to both.)
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So I just had a fraudulent activity alert on the card I preordered with. They had to issue me a new card number. FML. Sweatergod if TMO doesn't let me update the payment card on my order I'm going to sh*t a brick.

Worst iPhone preorder EVAAAAAAR.
iPhone 7+ 128gb black
EIP signed at 218a CDT on 9/9
No charge - order still processing

Any orders exactly like mine, shipped yet?

I got word that 9/19-9/26 orders will not ship until 9/26. My order looks exactly like yours and I have no charge yet.
Alright, I ordered a black iPhone 7 plus 128GB. Order placed September 14th with an estimated shipping date of October 10th - 24th.

What can anyone deduce from that information? Has there been a common thread as to when orders will arrive based on the given details? haha

New to all this iPhone pre-order party. Been with the Note and Nexus series for the most part, but never iPhone user. Whoa, I know right?! I had the Note 7, but due to the recall, the T-Mobile store offered an iPhone 6S Plus. This is odd seeing as how its a completely different operating system! The manager then offered to order the iPhone 7 Plus instead because all they had in stock were the iPhone 6S and Galaxy S7 edge. Didn't want either so went with the iPhone 7 Plus.

(There was another thread similar to this one, soooo reaching out to both.)

I'm also an Android convert this time around :) Black 7+ also. I have an iPad3 from day one, but I've never rocked an iPhone. Swore I'd never use a closed file system on a phone, as I used to be a heavy modder and rootaholic. Not so much anymore, because I'm on JOD. I also had the Note 7, but turned it in under buyers remorse, a few days after launch...not due to the recall, but more due to the edge display. Drove me crazy.

I think we made the right choice. If anything just for a change of pace for a while. Or longer. The dual camera, IP67, stereo speakers and some new iOS10 features drew me to the dark side. Or is it the light side? ;)

I ordered on launch day and have the same shipping estimate as you. Good chance we'll get it either before, or on the early side of that estimate. Quite a few people have had tracking activity start, for estimates that are still weeks away. Including some Black +'s. Won't be long now :)
I'm also an Android convert this time around :) Black 7+ also. I have an iPad3 from day one, but I've never rocked an iPhone. Swore I'd never use a closed file system on a phone, as I used to be a heavy modder and rootaholic. Not so much anymore, because I'm on JOD. I also had the Note 7, but turned it in under buyers remorse, a few days after launch...not due to the recall, but more due to the edge display. Drove me crazy.

I think we made the right choice. If anything just for a change of pace for a while. Or longer. The dual camera, IP67, stereo speakers and some new iOS10 features drew me to the dark side. Or is it the light side? ;)

I ordered on launch day and have the same shipping estimate as you. Good chance we'll get it either before, or on the early side of that estimate. Quite a few people have had tracking activity start, for estimates that are still weeks away. Including some Black +'s. Won't be long now :)
I didn't mind the edge screen, in fact, I still think it's interesting. However, Samsung lacked any useful functionality with it other than the light show it produced when someone would call while the phone was face down. The other options could be easily accessible with a widget or the app itself in the same amount of time or less.

Agreed! I do think we made the better choice. I just seen a YouTube video of what the messaging app can do with the latest iOS... Wow! I will still have my eyes and ears out for the Google Pixel rumored to debut next month.

I've seen some have shipping dates in November that ordered before I did. That's weird. If mine gets pushed into Christmas time, I may abandon ship. Haha
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This waiting game for a new iPhone to be shipped is like trying to get your hands on a Sidekick 3 device from tmobile. I missed my sidekick 3 / LX. Lol
Questions, I ordered 2 matte black 7's 128 and 32 g on 9/12. My card was charged on Saturday but my order still says processing. Called T mobile and they were no help saying they are on back order until October. She thought it was odd that my card was charged. Any ideas?
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