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Applejuiced - Ok. Listen. I don't think either one of us is going to convince the other to change their opinion. While I enjoy a healthy debate as much as anyone, I don't want us to take this debate too seriously. I get it. You feel they messed it up. I can see how you could feel that way. But do I think they did they best they could given the surprise they had on their hands and having never seen the Plus model outsell the regular size model over the previous two launches. Even large companies like Apple get thrown a curveball sometimes and have to react in unexpected ways. I don't think they did everything 100% right, but I also don't feel they botched it.

I think we can agree to disagree. Cool? :)

My friend, there is no hard feelings.
We can agree that we disagree and see things differently that's all.
We both still love Apple and our iphones. :D
I was just hoping they managed this release a little better that's all.
Did they build factories on sacred native burial grounds? Did they offend the LGBT community with their Terms of Service? Did they shoot a gorilla?

No, a product that they are still going to deliver is taking some time due to the massive amount of preorders and probably some supplier issues. This happens on a daily basis in manufacturing. T-Mobile alone had 4 times more preorders than any other iPhone release before this one. If John Legere walked up to Tim Cook and told him "we are going to need twice as many phones as our last preorder" he probably would have been laughed out of the room. Who could have predicted 4x as many? There is no algorithm or forecasting for that.

They do not have to apologize to anyone for still getting you their product. Slowly albeit, but still beating predicted shipping times in most cases. Nobody is entitled to an apology from them nor do they have to give one. They are still going to sell 100 million iPhones by the end of 2016 and consumers will be more than pleased. Can you even fathom the production and logistics that have to go into that?

Look at this thread. Over 400 pages of people just talking about their preorders. Their customers are not going anywhere because the have a superior product (see Galaxy S7 recall). The only PR move they would need to make is if an issue as big as Samsung's pops up. Their customers will forgive, their stockholders will forgive, and that profit margin number at the end of the fiscal year is all they have to worry about. Which I am guessing is going to be record breaking.

I hear you.
At least their phones didn't blow up and catch fire like some others :D lol
But I still think a little better PR like a public statement about the shortages would help their image.
Maybe, but it was mentioned here and number of other tech sites on Wednesday, 1.5 days before. Once they realized the demand was overwhelming for those models, and more than expected, considering its the first time EVER that the Plus model has outsold the regular model.

have to factor in people reading this forum and those sites. unless it's on cbs, abc, nbc etc. most people wouldnt even know. apple likes those lines on the news. they like the media attention it generates to make their share holders happy. they could've forecasted the + sales better but they didn't and here we all are :(
I definitely think Apple or T-mobile screwed up, but not sure which. Sounds more like Apple. But their fans never fault them on anything.

Apple may have made some 7+ in black and jet black for t-mobile, but clearly they made almost none. Look how many people never had a ship date for 9/16 and the fact that most still haven't gotten them shows that T-mobile got the shaft from Apple.

I get unprecedented demand skews forecasting, but sounds like their forecasting was WAY off. The reality is all the complaints and frustration won't change anything. Apple will do what Apple wants and people will buy their products. This is because for all their faults, Apple overall makes a good product most times. I'm looking forward to the new 7+, but I'm hoping they actually start trying some new things. The design is getting tired and so is the display. Would love to see them do some different things. I'd also love to see them leverage iOS to take advantage specifically for the plus. The only two features I think the plus has is landscape mode on the home screen and reachability. That's one thing that Samsung has figured out. How to use a large screen correctly.
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I'm somewhat surprised no carrier has tried to charge "expedited processing" fees to put people at the head of the queue, similar to how Google auctions/prices ads, given that this mode of launching a phone is mostly a win for Apple, and quite the losing proposition for the carrier (and what are the chances it gets better next year?).
My friend, there is no hard feelings.
We can agree that we disagree and see things differently that's all.
We both still love Apple and our iphones. :D
I was just hoping they managed this release a little better that's all.

I hear you.
At least their phones didn't blow up and catch fire like some others :D lol
But I still think a little better PR like a public statement about the shortages would help their image.

Of course you would want them to manage it better. I still haven't seen any updates on my phone either but people with exact same color/size/storage who ordered well after me have gotten their phones already (which I believe is more on T-Mobile). But I don't ask for an apology, I just want to have a great product in my hands in a reasonable timeframe. Manufacturing is tough especially with the standard that Apple sets for their products. That's why we don't have phones blowing up on us. We have to cut them some slack and let them do what they do best.
I'm somewhat surprised no carrier has tried to charge "expedited processing" fees to put people at the head of the queue, similar to how Google auctions/prices ads, given that this mode of launching a phone is mostly a win for Apple, and quite the losing proposition for the carrier (and what are the chances it gets better next year?).

Forgot to add - it's very clear (from eBay and similar sales) there are hundreds if not thousands of people who'd pay a significant premium to get to the front of the queue, it seems like both Apple and the carriers are leaving money on the table. Odd, that. IANAL - are there legal reasons this doesn't happen?
I definitely think Apple or T-mobile screwed up, but not sure which. Sounds more like Apple. But their fans never fault them on anything.

Apple may have made some 7+ in black and jet black for t-mobile, but clearly they made almost none. Look how many people never had a ship date for 9/16 and the fact that most still haven't gotten them shows that T-mobile got the shaft from Apple.

I get unprecedented demand skews forecasting, but sounds like their forecasting was WAY off. The reality is all the complaints and frustration won't change anything. Apple will do what Apple wants and people will buy their products. This is because for all their faults, Apple overall makes a good product most times. I'm looking forward to the new 7+, but I'm hoping they actually start trying some new things. The design is getting tired and so is the display. Would love to see them do some different things. I'd also love to see them leverage iOS to take advantage specifically for the plus. The only two features I think the plus has is landscape mode on the home screen and reachability. That's one thing that Samsung has figured out. How to use a large screen correctly.

it's on both. apple for not ordering enough and t-mo for having the worst preordering system I've ever seen
My matte 7 is still processing.

What's making it hard for me, though, is my mom's 7 (rose gold) arrived on the 16th. She waited until TODAY to set it up (she's 65). Just knowing that she's had the phone all weekend sitting in a box, while I wait drooling is aggregating! :confused:

Here we are looking at the freaking UPS planes in China, hoping for a status update and she's just chilling the entire weekend with her phone in a box....
I definitely think Apple or T-mobile screwed up, but not sure which. Sounds more like Apple. But their fans never fault them on anything.

If I had to choose one, I'd say T-Mobile. Look at this thread. Some people ordered their phones on friggin Wendesday and already have them. Some people ordered their phones at the stroke of midnight and haven't even seen a sign of a tracking number. Rose gold, gold, silver, black, jet black? Doesn't matter. Long time customer or new customer? Doesn't matter. How much they whined and cried to T-Force? Also doesn't seem to matter lol.

The way they're handling that is messed up. The forecasting stuff is dumb, but the prioritization stuff shouldn't be happening. Orders should be fulfilled in the order they were received.

Apple screwed it up too, I believe. They've had plenty of time to know that whenever they introduce a new color, everyone ends up going crazy for it. They also suck at prioritizing orders, and have the same thing happen where someone orders on Wednesday and gets it Friday. That's wrong.

T-Mobile doesn't have to ship a single damn phone to their stores. Customers walk in and they can make them buy a Samsung SomethingOranother 7+LTE edge hulk edition. Apple, they have to have something in stock. because that's all they sell. XD

That said, T-Mobile does the equivalent of pooping in the box. All they do is take your iphone box and shove it in a t-mobile box. No info on the trade in, no receipt. Nothing. Probably not even bubble wrap. Why? And if you think this is a disorganized mess, wait until you don't get that $650 "over 24 months" when you trade in your old iphone lol.

Of course, T-Mobile isn't alone here. They've got 3 other just-as-crappy carriers that have their back. For every person here that swears off T-Mobile, there will be 3 that swear off att/vzw/sprint. XD
Got our new 7+ 32 matte black today from ups. It's nice!
Enjoy my friends and see you all next year.
Good luck with the crazy new haptic feedback home button.
Drove my wife INSANE for a good 20 minutes until we figured out just the right amount of pressure.
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Here's all I'll say on the subject of "Apple should have done this or that...": why would Apple forecast such huge demand? All of the whining and bitching that was done over the headphone jack being gone, the 'too similar' form factor, the 'real' redesign coming next year, etc. - this was supposed to be a down year, remember? Of course you don't now, because you're whining about getting your phone (that's not late, btw). Just take a look at the live coverage thread for the September Keynote, coverage and "tech journalists" discussion prior to the release, and every leak/image/story on this year's phone - and total lackluster response - THEN tell me that Apple "should've produced 100 million" or whatever.

On top of that, let's not forget that there were reported supply constraints, and both Black models are much more time-consuming to make than the other versions (we all saw the Jet Black polishing procedures; the matte Black is extremely dark as well, and they likely fortified the process for the aluminum so we don't have a repeat of the 'chipped Slate' situation from iPhone 5).

But whatever... I get that it's fun sometimes to complain in forums. If you have a shipment window, hopefully you get an earlier shipment - but you can't complain until the window has been surpassed. 9/19 group: you're up. Hope you get good news over the next couple of days. 9/27 squad: we're up next.
Here's all I'll say on the subject of "Apple should have done this or that...": why would Apple forecast such huge demand? All of the whining and bitching that was done over the headphone jack being gone, the 'too similar' form factor, the 'real' redesign coming next year, etc. - this was supposed to be a down year, remember? Of course you don't now, because you're whining about getting your phone (that's not late, btw). Just take a look at the live coverage thread for the September Keynote, coverage and "tech journalists" discussion prior to the release, and every leak/image/story on this year's phone - and total lackluster response - THEN tell me that Apple "should've produced 100 million" or whatever.

On top of that, let's not forget that there were reported supply constraints, and both Black models are much more time-consuming to make than the other versions (we all saw the Jet Black polishing procedures; the matte Black is extremely dark as well, and they likely fortified the process for the aluminum so we don't have a repeat of the 'chipped Slate' situation from iPhone 5).

But whatever... I get that it's fun sometimes to complain in forums. If you have a shipment window, hopefully you get an earlier shipment - but you can't complain until the window has been surpassed. 9/19 group: you're up. Hope you get good news over the next couple of days. 9/27 squad: we're up next.

You and I are on the same wavelength. Here's to these next 6 planes carrying all T-Mobile Matte Black and Jet Black phones!


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Here's all I'll say on the subject of "Apple should have done this or that...": why would Apple forecast such huge demand? All of the whining and bitching that was done over the headphone jack being gone, the 'too similar' form factor, the 'real' redesign coming next year, etc. - this was supposed to be a down year, remember? Of course you don't now, because you're whining about getting your phone (that's not late, btw). Just take a look at the live coverage thread for the September Keynote, coverage and "tech journalists" discussion prior to the release, and every leak/image/story on this year's phone - and total lackluster response - THEN tell me that Apple "should've produced 100 million" or whatever.

On top of that, let's not forget that there were reported supply constraints, and both Black models are much more time-consuming to make than the other versions (we all saw the Jet Black polishing procedures; the matte Black is extremely dark as well, and they likely fortified the process for the aluminum so we don't have a repeat of the 'chipped Slate' situation from iPhone 5).

But whatever... I get that it's fun sometimes to complain in forums. If you have a shipment window, hopefully you get an earlier shipment - but you can't complain until the window has been surpassed. 9/19 group: you're up. Hope you get good news over the next couple of days. 9/27 squad: we're up next.

Are we up though? Hope so, but doubt it. One day down, six more to go.
I mean it's your window... you're up this week. Meaning also that there's zero reason for 9/27 group people to be up in arms yet.
No, I know, I get it. I'm just not holding my breathe that I'll be getting anything this week.
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