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Well I hope i get some information today because i am about to cancel my order and get one in store

NOOOO don't! just get a hobby for a week and get off this site! lolll
I was okay until I stumbled upon this thread-_- now I'm impatiently checking myT-mo website, CC charges, and MyUPS for updates constantly!!! seriously lol

yea my order starts with an S as well, why? does it matter? my partner and I want our phones dang it. lol
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I'd prefer not to as well. Though it's not entirely their fault. But if you have JOD like we do, don't you have to go through T Mobile?
It's not their fault that they're not getting stock but it is their fault that they're not being transparent and they just throw dates at us as if they are 100% on them. At Least with Apple, I can check from factory to my door where this phone is.
LOL. I just got a 24 month credit for my iphone 5 which I sold on ebay and tmobile thought I was doing a trade in because their system messed up. remember those messages we got weeks ago by error? yup yup. Sold it on ebay and now I am getting credit for free basically. Karma is good

Still waiting for jet black
You're right. Much easier to walk in and buy one from Apple. As for me though, the only reason I'm doing this is because of the trade-in promo that T-Mo was offering. In a nutshell, I'm getting a $400 credit (spread over 24 months) for handing over an old iPhone 5s. So I'm kind of stuck with this now.

This is the 2nd year in a row that this has been a huge time-waster for me and I know for a fact that I will never do it again, regardless of what promo T-Mo offeres. I don't care if John Legere promises to show up at my doorstep in a pink tutu and hand-deliver a free iPhone to me on Launch Day, I ain't doing it. Time waster.

hahah nice, Agreed. and am in the same situation as far as the Tmo offer. Next year I will not CALL IN but use the apple app to order the phones as many successful 7+ owners have done. I am too old to WAIT for something I want. I did that for years as a child. LOL
Kylee marry me
Man, talk about a cliffhanger- did she accept or not!?

In real news, my phone was out for delivery but then I got an exception notice because I had requested UPS deliver to my local UPS store instead of my front door. I'm hoping it's not a real exception, hope it still gets delivered today.
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As long as the IMEI number on the form matches your return phone, you're good.

Unfortunately, I've been down this road too and it proved to be the biggest time-waster and source of frustration imaginable.

Remember last year's T-Mo promo where you traded in a phone and got a credit each month? Well they listed the right IMEI number, but the model number was incorrect. I was assured in a 30-min follow-up phone call that only the IMEI number mattered and all would be ok. Glad I took pictures of my device before sending it in, because Assurant solutions rejected it. It then took me 5 months, hours of phone calls, and numerous emails to get that one resolved and get the monthly promo credits that were promised.

This may sound like an exaggeration, but between last year's launch and this year's launch, I know I have had to invest at least 20-25 hours of my time just to get things squared away. And I'm not abnormal...I don't call for no reason to check on my order status or any of that crap. I simply place an order for phones, I make sure they call back the info to me to ensure they input it correctly, and then somehow T-Mobile just screws it all up.

The next thing I'm doing is getting an app that lets me record phone calls and I'm going to record every single call I ever have with any CSR from any company from this day forward. I'm sick and tired of them telling me one thing only to discover something else later. Happens all the time and not just with T-Mobile.

Hey, I really do appreciate your feedback on the IMEI number (don't want to sound ungrateful). It's just that I was royally screwed over this last year and I'm not going through that butt pain again.
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I know it has been established that T-Force is just as confused as we are about shipping...

However, I was just told that my order will be delayed until the middle of October.

My order status has not been updated with these new dates on TMO's site though.


iPhone 7 Plus
Matte Black 256GB
Ordered: 09/09
EIP signed @ 03:13 AM EDT
Est. Ship Date: 09/19 - 09/26
So...I'm incorrect in surmising that people are getting charged for their preorders at 3pm?

Even though based on several dozen accounts in this forum people were getting charged at that time the past two days.
You said they were starting at noon all the way through evening. I guess depending on where you are, they start at 3 PM Eastern and go to about 7 PM Eastern
Good god. Never ever ordering tmo again.

Literally reserved a MB iPhone 7+ At the NYC soho location last nifht.

Walked in at 11:05 Am for 11 reservation. Walked out with a sprint 128 ten minutes later.

It my 256 ever comes in next 14 I'll either return this or return TMo. But why do I put myself through this every year when it's now three years in a row I was able to buy at Apple before my tmo preorder arrives?

Hoping others have the same luck.

Did you do an online reservation, choose sprint, then just pay outright?

I'm looking to go down this path as well. I refuse to give TMobile any fee/tax associated with an upgrade at this point.
No, but my partner and I are new tmobile customers. We took the promotion of trading in our 6's to get the 7+'s.
I thought the rep told me that the S meant JOD, but maybe it's just for any trade-in order. I wouldn't worry about it. I think it's just a way for them to tell certain ones from others.
If it makes you feel better, my wife's is an S order and it's out for delivery now
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Well i got a tracking number. label created yesterday 9/21 just says in transit to ups.

Ordered 9/9 830a
MB 7+ estimate of 9/27-10/10
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So...I'm incorrect in surmising that people are getting charged for their preorders at 3pm?

Even though based on several dozen accounts in this forum people were getting charged at that time the past two days.

You're also failing to factor time zone differences.
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