Disabling HDVoice isn't a real solution. Using voLTE is important for a lot of us who use the iPhone to make telephone calls.
Its the solution to stop from getting dropped phone calls and getting emails/txts.
Disabling HDVoice isn't a real solution. Using voLTE is important for a lot of us who use the iPhone to make telephone calls.
Well here's a nice twist to the puzzle. As I mentioned earlier, this morning on my commute to work my signal dropped during a certain part of the freeway and I only had 3G until I toggled airplane mode (which restored LTE).
This evening, I went down that same freeway to do an errand, then drove back home and I had signal the entire time. It was LTE the whole way like how it's supposed to be. Why do I have reception issues sometimes and not others? I only toggled the HD voice on my phone and account before my commute this morning; I didn't touch it before my evening commute. I'm stumped now.
I've noticed the same thing
hey guys. I'm new here but have been a reader/lurker for a very long time. what finally prompted me to register was the extreme frustration that's followed since getting an iPhone 7 on September 16. after having no prior issues with the other iPhones I've owned, the 7 has been a constant headache. I'm now on my second device (the first did have a malfunctioning antenna) and the conclusion I've reached is that there's simply no way to use this phone reliably right now with VoLTE enabled. as a Verizon customer, I have contacted the carrier numerous times and received different responses, the most recent of which was that Verizon concluded the problem rested solely with Apple and no further support would be offered. Apple, to their credit, has been more consistently responsive, but there is still the issue of a fairly expensive phone that just doesn't work properly.
I did try the "fix" described a few pages back (disabling HD Voice on my Verizon account, etc.), and while that seems to have made the 7 work a bit better than before with VoLTE active, there were still instances when I'd be dropped off all data networks entirely, connected only to Verizon voice. For what it's worth, this seems to be a problem mostly in areas with less than stellar data coverage, but with my iPhone 6s or with VoLTE disabled on the 7, I would never end up in a situation with no data at all. If I keep VoLTE off, the phone maintains a data connection, but having an iPhone 7 without the ability to use the internet while on the phone doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
just out of curiosity, to you folks who like me had started dealing with ping-ponging data connections since using an iPhone 7, which is the storage size and color of your phone? I'm curious if there's any correlation beyond the possible Qualcomm or carrier settings issues.
I'm thinking this is an Apple issue. I went from a 6s plus on IOS 10 with no issues with wifi calling or LTE to the 7 that can't use these features and even with this stuff turned off I get crap service and dropped calls.hey guys. I'm new here but have been a reader/lurker for a very long time. what finally prompted me to register was the extreme frustration that's followed since getting an iPhone 7 on September 16. after having no prior issues with the other iPhones I've owned, the 7 has been a constant headache. I'm now on my second device (the first did have a malfunctioning antenna) and the conclusion I've reached is that there's simply no way to use this phone reliably right now with VoLTE enabled. as a Verizon customer, I have contacted the carrier numerous times and received different responses, the most recent of which was that Verizon concluded the problem rested solely with Apple and no further support would be offered. Apple, to their credit, has been more consistently responsive, but there is still the issue of a fairly expensive phone that just doesn't work properly.
I did try the "fix" described a few pages back (disabling HD Voice on my Verizon account, etc.), and while that seems to have made the 7 work a bit better than before with VoLTE active, there were still instances where I'd be dropped off all data networks entirely, connected only to Verizon voice. This happened in areas where I always had strong LTE service, and users of older model iPhones in my family still have strong service. For what it's worth, this seems to be a problem mostly in areas with less than stellar data coverage, but with my iPhone 6s or with VoLTE disabled on the 7, I would never end up in a situation with no data at all. If I keep VoLTE off, the phone maintains a data connection, but having an iPhone 7 without the ability to use the internet while on the phone doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
just out of curiosity, to you folks who like me had started dealing with ping-ponging data connections since using an iPhone 7, which is the storage size and color of your phone? I'm curious if there's any correlation beyond the possible Qualcomm or carrier settings issues.
The new modem, possibly. I m hoping it's just software and an easy fix.It could very well be iOS 10 and how it works the modem
The new modem, possibly. I m hoping it's just software and an easy fix.
So does the Redit fix work?
They claim it's a software issue.
They're playing the blame game. Shows you how interested they are in actually rectifying the issue. This is completely unacceptable.Hey dictoresno, who is they?
Whoever they is better hurry. I'll be exchanging my iphone every 14 days until they figure it out.
Never forget apple did get away antenna gate by saying we were holding it wrong ....
That would only work if the carrier had issues with all phones on the networkSo I guess the new one is.. You're using the wrong carrier.
That would only work if the carrier had issues with all phones on the network
They're playing the blame game. Shows you how interested they are in actually rectifying the issue. This is completely unacceptable.
Waiting on a class action law suit to happen.
They aren't playing the blame game. Their network isn't the issue of you think about it. The network works fine for other devices, and my iPhone 7 worked very well over the past 24 hours. It's either the carrier software or iOS 10 and the way it communicates with the hardware. Verizon said they work with apple on the carrier settings software to make sure it's 100% compatible with all devices. Apple has the final say and is apparently the one that pushes it to the actual devices. So they need to work with apple to make this software issue rectified.