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On the left, how the album appears when selected in Cover Flow on my iPhone. In the center, how the album appears (correctly) in iTunes. On the right, to the left of From a Basement on a Hill, how the album appears when not selected in Cover Flow on iTunes.
Iphone 3gs 16gb

I jailbroke my iphone 3gs with greenposi0n. Then installed cydia with iloader then with cydia i tried to unlock my phone with ultrasn0w. i added the source 'repo666......' and it said not available but was still there installed it, nw no service. How can i fix it, i need it unlocked, PLEASE HELP : |
network shows full signal but the phone is not help

i am facing a strange problem with my factory unlocked i phone 4(o.s 4.2.1).the phone shows full signal but when u call it says not reachable.i have changed the sim and also the i phone itself.if you call on the phone 5 times,the call will go through only 3 times.this is mini sim converted 2 a micro sim.can this happen 'coz of wrong cutting of the sim.i use bsnl 3g sim in india.
The Application AppleMobileDeviceHelper quit unexpectedly

This is what I get when I try to Sync my IPhone3GS with 4 updated software
Also it hangs when trying to sync the Contacts
Cant play netflix on iphone

I cant play netflix on verizon iPhone. It just tells me that the iphone does not support netflix. Also i cant seem to add any pics to my facebook account.
Does anyone have random reboots on their iPhone 4. I sometimes get a reboot when bluetooth has been on for about 10 minutes or more and the phone is asleep.

I also get reboots when I get home and my phone automatically connects to my home wifi.

Is My Profiles a safe app to use, these random reboots started only after I started using My Profiles (cydia)
Windows XP and its new-hardware installer try to recognize iPhone as a camera when there are photos in the Camera Roll. Then, Windows crashes into the blue screen of death with an error message 0x0000007e blahblahblah. When there are no photos in the Camera Roll, Windows doesn't crash, and iTunes opens the phone normally.

I have had it try to make me use a certain product to view or download pictures instead of just opening itunes and itunes isn't on the list to choose. So I just click the x to ignore it and then I have to open itunes myself. This is when I just trying to sync the phone or check for updates. Seems odd to me
My iPhone 4 has just booted me off my home wifi network and said "unable to join network" when entering the correct password. This is the second time it has done it when all other wifi enabled devices are fine.

Has anybody else had this? won't open on Iphone

Hello everyone!
I have an iPhone 4 16gb!
iOS 4.2.1, Jailbroken!
I've downloaded many songs frOm YouTube Downloader and added thEm to the!
Everything was working fine until today!
I tried backing up the downloaded videos through iPhone Browser! Out of 47, it backed up only 7 and said something like, "the iPhone source is bad or something!"
After that I opened the on my iPhone but it would never open! Always crashes! I tried resyncing, rebooting, respring, even tried removing YouTube Downloader but still the won't open!
It opened 2-3 times but it would only show the downloaded videos!
No podcast or song!
So, my real problem is, my won't open! Even if it does, it only shows the downloaded videos but not the songs and podcasts!
Plz, tell me a solution to this without restoring my IPhone! :)

My settings switch themselves on and off on their own, but intermittently, eg speaker phone comes on while I'm speaking, Enable 3G came on in America!! What can I do? Supplier says it can't happen.
Stopwatch Bug

The stopwatch will inadvertently add a minute to the time! The time will be counting up and a 1 will show up in the minute field when it isnt supposed to??:confused:
Album art from deleted songs still on the iphone

I recently inherited an iPhone 3G from a family member who was getting a new one. I synced it with my computer and replaced all her photos, music etc. with my own. The problem is, whenever it plays music, the lockscreen doesn't show the album art for my music, but for her music. This is especially strange because when the iPhone is not locked and is in the, it shows the correct album art.
I recently inherited an iPhone 3G from a family member who was getting a new one. I synced it with my computer and replaced all her photos, music etc. with my own. The problem is, whenever it plays music, the lockscreen doesn't show the album art for my music, but for her music. This is especially strange because when the iPhone is not locked and is in the, it shows the correct album art.

Have you tried restoring it?

Since updating my 3GS to the 4.3.2 os, after writing a text message and returning to my inbox the keypad stays on with the 'send' bar too.
If you swipe to your last homepage and stop. Then swipe all the way to spotlight without stopping and don't press anything when you get to spotlight then the keyboard doesn't come up.

theres a little problem with my calendar:

Today (30 of April) comes after 1st and 2nd of May..not a big problem, but strange. Is this a known bug or just me? :D

I already closed the app and restarted my iphone (4, 32gb, no jailbreak)
That is a strange one, Cle. If it is widespread (I don't see this bug on my iPhone) it is going to have people showing up at events a week ahead of time!
I just tried this:

I´ve got 2 Calenders activated (my google calender, and my google holidays calender). When I deactivate one of them (it doesnt matter which one) it works correctly.

Thats strange.. :rolleyes:

is anyone know how to fix intermittent wifi not detected issue for Iphone 2?
sometimes slider for answering call isn't responding (I try to drag it few times, but it doesn't move)
stuck Bluetooth

when i am trying to reconnect manually (automatic connect does not work) to my car BT, IP4 ios 4.3.3 bluetooth is stuck. unable to turn it on and off again. need to restart.
i did not have any problem with IP3GS ios 4.3.3.


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Itunes sync multiplies my contacts by thousands.

I am having a serious bug with the syncing of my iphone 4 through iTunes: Each time I do that all my contacts in my Yahoo address book get multiplied by hundreds until they reach 5000. I have deleted all my contacts in my address book, but when I sync my phone with iTunes, the contacts come again by thousands at each sync. This is really driving me mad and it only happens when I sync my phone, also the box that allows you to sync iIunes to the address book of any mail system is not ticked.
The no app bug!

I was erasing all content and settings on my iphone and pulled out my sim card during the apple logo loading and now my Iphone 4 has NO APPS at all. I am very sad :( I can't even enter the settings from my Iphone 4 I can't do anything with it! I tried doing the holding of the home and lock key but my iphone won't connect to itunes during the hard reset. If anyone knows how to solve this problem please tell me asap! I want to fix my iphone 4!!
Unusual iPhoto album pics

Within the last month I've found unexpected pics within the albums on my iphone 3Gs.
I've re-synced it with iTunes and even gone so far as a full restore. All to no avail.
At the Apple Store in Covent Garden it left them bemused and even more so when I created an album, added just one pic, synced it to my iphone and the wrong pic appeared.
The laptop has up-to-date software, as does the iphone.
Please, please help. I'm getting rather peeved!
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