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NO ONE ever said the 7 series flat out sucks. Its just the ones with the problems appear to be limited to the 7 series, thats all.

As a matter of fact, the fact that is was just the 7 series was not even know til a ways into the thread and it helped narrow things down.

If you screen is fine, good for you - go play, but for those with the problem its distracting at any brightness and no acceptable!

I believe your posts have been informative and fair on this subject, and I do agree that if the screen bothering you, you SHOULD seek to have it replaced. However the tone of this tread is pretty clearly stating that 7 screens are inherently bad.

Even back one page there is a comment ending with "7-series = defective" and a discussion of how you can't tell by the box if the screen is good or bad (7 or 5). The accusation that Apple has replaced high quality 5 parts with cheaper and lower quality 7 parts carries a strong implication that "7 series flat out suck".

This thread is filled with complaints about receiving 7's as replacements and a general anxiety about "what if I get a 7?!".

This tread is getting very long and I felt it was important to reiterate that some 7 screens can be of a very high quality and can exceed some 5 screens. Not everybody reading this tread has the ability to do a direct side-by-side comparison so by reading this, some people will feel let down due the part number on their phone. Unfortunately screen quality can be a subjective matter and people need to stop worrying about the part number and focus on the experience.
Clearly not all screens are created, or even installed, equally. The problem arises from someone who returns a 7 series screen hoping to get a 5 series who already has a preconceived notion of what is superior. Who cares what you get as long as it is good. My 7 is fine and side by side with a 5 series, I like it better but that is my opinion. I wholeheartedly agree with err404 that this thread feeds into a certain group-think anxiety where reality gets clouded by a part number, especially when people seem desperate to find out about how they can tell if their phone's screen part number is identifiable from outside the box. I know I would actually like to know my phone WORKS even before I worry about what screen it comes with.
Hi, This is my first post here and my first problem with the iphone.

I have the 7 series with the white pattern and NO ONE seems to recognize this problem anywhere around here. Here being Northern Illinois.

I have called the apple store in the mall where I purchased the phone, I called applecare twice and no one has a clue about the screen issue.

Also, I just noticed my screen is not placed flush either like the others light shows up through the black up top. I'm going to try to get it replaced. We'll see what happens.


J00SH - Which store? I was at Oak Brook. I'd love to know where you got the 7 series and when? I just got another 5 today and find them inferior to the 7. Did you have any luck returning it?
Problem With Grid On Iphone Is Version 7

I Have Had The Same Problem With My Iphone....problem Is I Didnt Have This Problem With My First Iphone. I Sent That One In To Get Fixed Cause I Was Loosing Reception Real Bad On It. I Know It's Not The Service Around Here Because I've Had Several Cheaper Phones, Some Just Straight Crap And Never Had A Problem With Static Until The Iphone. So They Sent Me A Loaner Which To My Suprise Did The Same Thing, Anyways Both My First Iphone And The Loaner Was L.c.d Version 5******. Any Number That Starts With 5. Well Instead Of Fixing My First Phone They Ended Up Sending Me A Knew One Which Has The Same Reception Problem And The Screen Had A Deep Dotted Grid Line So I Got Nosey Went To The Field Test Mode And Noticed It Was A Version 7******, Any Number That Starts With 7 Is The Lcd Screen That Needs To Be Recalled And They Wont Admit It On The Phone Until You Break In Down To The Person On The Phone. So There Sending My Another One And We Can Only Hope That He Noted Everything I Said And Not To Send Me A Version 7 But A Version 5. They Actually Were Very Helpful And Showed Really No Resistance.
I Have Had The Same Problem With My Iphone....problem Is I Didnt Have This Problem With My First Iphone. I Sent That One In To Get Fixed Cause I Was Loosing Reception Real Bad On It. I Know It's Not The Service Around Here Because I've Had Several Cheaper Phones, Some Just Straight Crap And Never Had A Problem With Static Until The Iphone. So They Sent Me A Loaner Which To My Suprise Did The Same Thing, Anyways Both My First Iphone And The Loaner Was L.c.d Version 5******. Any Number That Starts With 5. Well Instead Of Fixing My First Phone They Ended Up Sending Me A Knew One Which Has The Same Reception Problem And The Screen Had A Deep Dotted Grid Line So I Got Nosey Went To The Field Test Mode And Noticed It Was A Version 7******, Any Number That Starts With 7 Is The Lcd Screen That Needs To Be Recalled And They Wont Admit It On The Phone Until You Break In Down To The Person On The Phone. So There Sending My Another One And We Can Only Hope That He Noted Everything I Said And Not To Send Me A Version 7 But A Version 5. They Actually Were Very Helpful And Showed Really No Resistance.

Sometimes I Capitalize All Of The Letters In Every Sentence I Write. It Takes Me 4x As Long To Write, But It Looks Really Good Once Im Done!
OK, I'm done with exchanging iPhone every other day and feeling like I'm living in Apple Stores.

Since my last post, I've got my iPhone exchanged 3 times. I got one 5 series but it had a huge dead pixel so I have to replace it again.

As some people said, not all 7 units are having this problem. In my opinion, if the dots are not visible, I like the color on 7 units better than 5s.

So my last two units are 7 again, and showing dots, dead pixels, moving bottom plastic and home button.

Then finally I got a perfect unit. It's a 7, but dots are not noticeable at regular brightness, only a little even at highest brightness. And no other issues that I have experienced with previous units including 5s.

There may be tiny scratches on the chrome, or whatever minor stuff, but I am done with exchanging and WILL KEEP this unit. I've had enough and very happy with my phone now. I'll get back to actually exploring and playing with iPhone.

I've said this before, but if you are happy (or even just "OK") with 7 unit you have, don't replace it!! I can clearly say the original unit I had was the 2nd best, right next to the one I have.
my first phone had a checker pattern that you could see very easily, especially when it was on standby mode. when i got it replaced for audio issues, the replacement i was sent you cant see checkers at all.
iPhone Update 1.0.1 is out

Has anyone tried updating their iPhone to see if the pattern is removed?

I was lucky in that my 4th iPhone that I exchanged (for completely unrelated reasons to this thread) has a 5**** screen.

Just passing along the news....

Installation note

This update is only available through iTunes, and will not appear in your computer's Software Update application, or on the Apple Support Downloads site. Make sure you have an Internet connection and have installed the latest version of iTunes from (

iTunes automatically checks Apple's update server on its weekly schedule. When an update is detected, it will download it. When the iPhone is docked, iTunes will present the user with the option to install the update. We recommend applying the update immediately if possible. Selecting "don't install" will present the option the next time you connect your iPhone. The automatic update process may take up to a week depending on the day that iTunes checks for updates.

You can manually obtain the update via the "Check for Updates" button or menu choice in iTunes. After doing this, the update can be applied when your iPhone is docked to your computer.

To check that the iPhone has been updated:

1. Navigate to Settings on the iPhone.
2. Click General.
3. Click About. The version after applying this update will be "1.0.1 (1C25)".
Has anyone tried updating their iPhone to see if the pattern is removed?

I was lucky in that my 4th iPhone that I exchanged (for completely unrelated reasons to this thread) has a 5**** screen.

Just passing along the news....

Installation note

This update is only available through iTunes, and will not appear in your computer's Software Update application, or on the Apple Support Downloads site. Make sure you have an Internet connection and have installed the latest version of iTunes from (

iTunes automatically checks Apple's update server on its weekly schedule. When an update is detected, it will download it. When the iPhone is docked, iTunes will present the user with the option to install the update. We recommend applying the update immediately if possible. Selecting "don't install" will present the option the next time you connect your iPhone. The automatic update process may take up to a week depending on the day that iTunes checks for updates.

You can manually obtain the update via the "Check for Updates" button or menu choice in iTunes. After doing this, the update can be applied when your iPhone is docked to your computer.

To check that the iPhone has been updated:

1. Navigate to Settings on the iPhone.
2. Click General.
3. Click About. The version after applying this update will be "1.0.1 (1C25)".

This Firmware update has not fixed the checkered pattern. I had my hopes up that it would, but it is still there... Very Frustrating.

I hate to say this and i am not 100% sure, but i got a 5 in exchange after complaining about the checkered pattern on my previous 7.

All was good: no checkered pattern.

However i installed the update today and i can see it, once again.

I am smiling about it, cause i don't know if it was always there ( i really don't think so, since i have become quite good at recognizing it) or if the update brought it where it wasn't before.

Anybody else?
I hate to say this and i am not 100% sure, but i got a 5 in exchange after complaining about the checkered pattern on my previous 7.

All was good: no checkered pattern.

However i installed the update today and i can see it, once again.

I am smiling about it, cause i don't know if it was always there ( i really don't think so, since i have become quite good at recognizing it) or if the update brought it where it wasn't before.

Anybody else?

i read several people make comments about how the update has made their "max" brightness dimmer.......then prior to the update. Based on the 5 vs 7 debate, it seemed as if the 5 screens were brighter at max brightness (mine is a 7 and my friend's is a 5.....and his was noticeably brighter at max brightness). Perhaps, if the max brightness was dialed down a bit, the dots would show through since the brightness before was so bright it "washed" out the dots. Just a thought.
Some people have tested them with meters and claim the 5 & 7 are the same brightness. I have it as a fact in my head that they were equal. BUT were calibrated differently. The 5 is cooler. Blue is more a baby blue or truer blue. Whites are a blue-white. On the 7's the blue (upper bar seen many places) is more a blue/pink. A more purpley blue. Whites are warm.

I believe this is why some say one is brighter than the other. I wish Apple would release some method of calibrating so everyone can be happy.

Signed: 7 Fan.
I would just like to make a request.

If you are posting images that are supposed to portray what you the user are seeing your iPhone appear as, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT USE jpeg!!!.:D

Some of the images posted here look like they were saved as JPEGs with 50% quality, yet we're supposed to look at the images and see the patterning within them that they depict. The JPEG algorithm itself will split the a and b channels (of an image that's in Lab color space) into grids and chunk out the information to save space. In other words, there's a good chance that the pattern the JPEG image format introduces is going to interact with any pattern that's actually depicted in the image itself, resulting in a phenomenon known as moiré.

Please use a lossless image format whenever possible. The best format to use would be 24-bit PNG (In OS X 10.4 and later, the default screenshot format is lossless 24-bit PNG if you need an example of what 24-bit PNG is like). It should produce the smallest file sizes while maintaining all of the detail needed. In some instances, it may even produce a smaller file size than the same image saved in JPEG (even at high qualities).
Have any of you noticed a checkered pattern on the screen when black is being displayed on the screen? On my iphone on the home screen, I can see a light checkered pattern on the black screen behind the icons. This is my second iPhone as the previous one had dead pixels, and my previous iPhone did not have this light checkered pattern on the screen. I have access to another iPhone as well, and it does not have the checkered pattern either.

It is very faint, and I don't know why it bothers me, but I just want the phone to be perfect. I've heard reports that they have several different manufacturers making the screens, so maybe it is just normal on my new screen.

Just curious if anyone else has this? I may be able to post a picture if needed. I'm not certain how well it'd come out. The really really odd part about it is that the screen looks awesome when you first turn it on and it has the black around the Apple logo. However, half-way through the boot-up process is when the checkered pattern appears. I'm not sure if this means it is a software issue, or if it is something else.

I can't say I haven't considered returning this phone as well, but I hate to be so picky. Anyone else notice this?


Here are images that display exactly what we are talking about:





Well i am 15 years old, i owned 2 iphones and sold one. I'm looking at your pictures here and i have to say that on the last one, where you have them on the brightness screen, try turning autobrightness OFF! when your phone is dim you can see the checkered dots easier. By the way those checkered dots are for the touchscreen, if you look at touchscreen computer monitors they have these dots as well. If you turn autobrightness off and turn brightness all the way up you shouldn't be able to see those dots. i have seen 5 other iphones of my buddies and you can see the dots but if you look really close. I hate to call you a noob but im just a kid
I read most of this long thread.

I have the 7 series, bought 1 week after the launch, at the Pasadena, CA store. Did all the tests (dark room) and definitely do not have the white dot issue that I know many of you do have. No dead pixels, great rich blacks.

But I was showing photos to a friend on it and we were sitting outside at a restaurant, under an umbrella. We both noticed how hard it was to see the photos outside. I have the setting on maximum brightness all the time and I have the auto-brightness off (and reset the phone).

I do not want to return my phone as I love my 7 series screen quality but am afraid to upgrade the software as I've read it may darken the screen.

I'll pop in the Apple store next week and look at the demos there - but those of you with 7s, has anyone upgraded the software and found the brightness changed?
Well i am 15 years old, i owned 2 iphones and sold one. I'm looking at your pictures here and i have to say that on the last one, where you have them on the brightness screen, try turning autobrightness OFF! when your phone is dim you can see the checkered dots easier. By the way those checkered dots are for the touchscreen, if you look at touchscreen computer monitors they have these dots as well. If you turn autobrightness off and turn brightness all the way up you shouldn't be able to see those dots. i have seen 5 other iphones of my buddies and you can see the dots but if you look really close. I hate to call you a noob but im just a kid

You just proved that you are indeed 15 as you clearly have not read much of the thread - but I suppose I cant blame ya, its long. But if you had:

First, turning brightness UP makes them MORE visible. That has been indicated and written many times. Even some 5 series will show these buggers when brightness is full up in a dark room. Hence that general rational is that if the dots dont bug ya at normal brightness, dont worry, move a long.

Second, they are NOT the touch screen. This is a CAPACITIVE touch screen, not a PRESSURE/LAYER based touch screen like the Pilots, Newtons, etc. where pressure from a stylus compresses very thin layers of silicon film together creating a connection. Also on those types of screen the dots are in the physical layers that compose the display. In this iPhone "dot" problem its clear they are pixels at the LCD layer.

look at the picture of the 7 series phone on the left.. it's tilted to the left, you can totally see it... the 5 series is facing straight up.. now take the phone you have now and put it at max brightness and tilt it to the left like that and take a picture of your phone... nuff said.. the 7 is the better iphone. PERIOD.

Thats not the grid in that photo, that the moire (sp?) effect of the vertical lines, and why the "grid" is skewed.

And I think is a matter of taste as to the better screen. ALL my friends find the 5 series screen better.
Just throwing my two cents in. I have the 7455232 Version and I too have the dots. They start to appear just before the brightness slider is halfway and just get worse the brighter you turn it up.
Screen lighting

Not to add another wrinkle to the series 5 versus series 7 debate, but I was curious as to the viewing angle of the 5 versus the 7. I have a 7 series, and the screen on the 7 seems unevenly lite from the right (lighter on the extreme right and darker on the extreme left). The unevenness seems pronounced enough that just looking at the screen head on, there's enough variation in lighting between what my right and left eye is seeing to make me slightly dizzy after a very short while.

I noticed in the side by side comparison photo that the 7, placed on the left, seems to exhibit the unevenness that I see (the brightness setting screen seems darker on the lower left corner than the right) compared to the 5, which looks more washed out but more evenly lite. Can anyone tell me if in their comparisons whether the 5 appears to be more evenly lite across the screen then the 7?

I'm less concerned with polkadot/battery/contrast issues then with which series is more evenly lite across the screen.
My wife and I bought 2 iPhones last week. Shortly after, I noticed a few dead pixels on my iPhone, but not on hers. Genius @ Apple store acknowledged the symptom; dead pixels, and provided a replacement iPhone (since they didn't have any replacement 8GBs in stock, I had to wait a couple of days). After a few days, I received a call from an Apple store and went to pick up the replacement. No more dead pixels, but now I've found something was definitely wrong with the LCD resolution; white dots. I, then, grabbed my wife's iPhone to A/B the LCD. Voila, her's was a lot better than mine and guess what, her's is 5 series and mine is 7455232. I'm still hoping that a software firmware update will fix this issue. I've also realized that my rear black panel is somewhat loose, making squeaky noise when pushing around the edges. Should I go for my 3rd iPhone? or just stick with what I have?
Yeah I have to say just to add to this conversation I am very dissapointed in the differance, Maybe I just got a really bad 7 but if you look at the contrast ratio it is so off especially in comparison to the 5. I took a picture with a 5 and a 7 and the area where it was dark the 7 just lost all information in the picture it was black black. and the 5 had all the detail that you would expect. I am exchanging mine tomorrow, to me this isnt a matter of being picky, the differance is amazing, and it is very poor quality control on part of apple, This product is more about video and pictures than music, thats why i bought it, and if you loose as much detail as i am in the pictures and video thats just unacceptable. Also my theroy on the white dots is if all 7's are like mine then the contrast is just way off, and this causes us to see the grid more. Let me know your thoughts, when i downloaded my pics from my phone to the computer the detail was all there, it just didnt show up on the phone. Also has anyone noticed that in the black areas that it looks like a negative? on mine that negative affect goes away if i tilt in about 20 degrees of center view, also I can see the dots from straight on and not tilted. Again, bad quality control....
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