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had the 5 series from launch date. Was relieved to find out that I had the 5 series until I had issues with the touch screen. The bottom portion of the touch screen on the 5 series wouldn't work so on the key pad you couldn't enter 0 or on the home screen you couldn't press mail or safari. On reboots sometimes the problem went away but would come back. Went to the apple store and got a replacement. Craziest thing was I could hover my finger an inch off the screen and launch ipod or phone without touching it.

Now I have the 7 series and can see the white dots and the grid pattern issue however certain pictures look a bit more vivid. Actually almost too vivid where it looks grainy. Loaded up pictures from iphoto taken from my other phone and its much more different. Still up in the air if I want to return it and get a 5 series.
I've compared my 5 series screen numerous times to many 7 series screens (more of those out there) and I personally, along with te 7 series screen owners/passers by/random folk claim that the 5 series screen looks better. Maybe it's that it's brighter but I don't honestly see a difference in contrast at all. I watched some videos that have black/shadow areas and they look fabulous even if I'm watching in a completely dark room. When I'm on the home screen the black behind the icons is pitch black. I think 7 series screens are fantastic until you really compare them to a 5 series...that's just IMHO.

Also as a side note...just wanted to add that manufacturers switching from a higher-quality display to a lower-quality display in their products is definitely not heard of at all.

My friend recently bough a Samsung 226BW 22" LCD and after doing some research it turns out there are 3 types of panels used. S, A and C. It turns out that the S was the original one used and is FAR SUPERIOR to the A annd C panels which are what is shipping today. No one disagrees that the S panel is much better than A or C and some people like people on here are hunting for a 226BW that has an S panel.

Samsung switched to the A/C panels because they were CHEAPER for them and they figured most people couldn't tell the difference in quality. So I'm assuming that's what happened with Apple, they initially went with a high quality/expensive display and then switched to cheaper manufacturer/supplier.

One of hundreds/thousands of articles on the Samsung thing ->

Could be that or According to the Apple genius at my store he says that Samsung and LG both make the LCD's for the iPhone, so there is a difference between them. According to him they both currently have contracts and are still making them, so if thats the case then there will always be the 5*** and 7*** around until one stops making them.
Hi, This is my first post here and my first problem with the iphone.

I have the 7 series with the white pattern and NO ONE seems to recognize this problem anywhere around here. Here being Northern Illinois.

I have called the apple store in the mall where I purchased the phone, I called applecare twice and no one has a clue about the screen issue.

Also, I just noticed my screen is not placed flush either like the others light shows up through the black up top. I'm going to try to get it replaced. We'll see what happens.

No software update will ever fix a dead pixel... ;)

Absolute agree, bad luck for you...
Try to get waranty repair.

We all have to understand that from 500,000 iPhones, there should one, two or probably 1000 broken iPhones...
absolutely normal.

I am sure it has been said before but the dots are normal. They are the sensors for the touch screen and must be there to function. Sometimes they are more noticeable that others but this is not a defect and it will be very surprising if Apple attempts to do anything since there is nothing wrong. If you need more proof take a look at any PDA or Smart-phone with a touch screen and you will see the same dots.
I am sure it has been said before but the dots are normal. They are the sensors for the touch screen and must be there to function. Sometimes they are more noticeable that others but this is not a defect and it will be very surprising if Apple attempts to do anything since there is nothing wrong. If you need more proof take a look at any PDA or Smart-phone with a touch screen and you will see the same dots.

Please read the thread and you will see that for one its not normal and two its not the grid.

I know the grid you speak of. Those are not capacitive matrix like the iPhone, those are pressure matrix. Also they stay fixed. The iPhone grid is transient, always shifting and differing in concentration.
What will be funny is when they fix this issue with an update .... then all of the 5 series owners will be clamoring for a 7 due to better contrast and more saturation .....
What will be funny is when they fix this issue with an update .... then all of the 5 series owners will be clamoring for a 7 due to better contrast and more saturation .....

What's funnier is all the 5 series owners like me that can enjoy their amazing iPhone screens NOW without holding out hope this is actually an issue that can be solved by software and then that Apple decides to fix it some time soon. :D
What will be funny is when they fix this issue with an update .... then all of the 5 series owners will be clamoring for a 7 due to better contrast and more saturation .....

I dunno. From the many 7 series I have seen, I would rather have a 5. Me and my friend though the 5 series had better contract actually.

But if they do make a software update that can fix this, maybe both screens will get a "tune-up".
Everything I put on my 7 series looks fantastic.. I have the dots, but they aren't noticeable under normal viewing circumstances.. they aren't visible watching video or such, and my contrast and saturation look phenomenal. I would have a harder time dealing with dead pixels and the other potential iPhone issues that my phone doesn't suffer from :)

Good luck to all of you who are seeking replacements
Okay. says "product replaced" and the shipping info says it's been delivered at my house. Let's hope it's a 5-series! :D

They gave me a NEW 7-series, with dots, and it has an EVEN BIGGER bubble in the glass around the same area. :mad::mad:

I'm on the phone with Apple right now, on hold.:mad:

They gave me a NEW 7-series, with dots, and it has an EVEN BIGGER bubble in the glass around the same area. :mad::mad:

I'm on the phone with Apple right now, on hold.:mad:

I would just get a 7 and keep it, its totally random... you may end up sending back 5 phones just to get a 5***.
I would just get a 7 and keep it, its totally random... you may end up sending back 5 phones just to get a 5***.

I received replacement from AppleCare and it was 7 as well. AND it's got huuge white dots much worse than the original one. I brought it to local Apple Store and they agreed that was way too bad. They replaced it again, but it was another 7. I'll live with this...
I would just get a 7 and keep it, its totally random... you may end up sending back 5 phones just to get a 5***.

If that's what it takes to get a phone that is not defective, then that's what I am going to do. :rolleyes:

7-series = defective. :mad:
Wonder if there's a way to detect 5s without opening the box

I was at the Apple Store yesterday 1/2 the models on display were 5s and the other half were 7s.

I have arranged for mine to be replaced today for other battery issues, but I wonder if there's a way to know a 5 from a 7 without opening the box.

I thought someone posted earlier on this thread or some other thread about the "Designed in California" looking different on the two boxes...
I plan on going to the store today..just don't want to keep opening boxes and taking phones back...I know it's unreasonable yet I don't want to settle for a defective (or maybe 'non-perfect') phone.
I thought someone posted earlier on this thread or some other thread about the "Designed in California" looking different on the two boxes...
I plan on going to the store today..just don't want to keep opening boxes and taking phones back...I know it's unreasonable yet I don't want to settle for a defective (or maybe 'non-perfect') phone.

You won't be able to tell from the box and good luck having a genius opening more than one because of the white dots!

Unfortunately they don't recognize it as an issue.
5 series possible screen issue?

My 5-series phone does not have the white dot pattern that I can detect on full brightness, but I have noticed that when viewing moving images, in most lighting conditions, lines appear within solid colored objects. This also happens when the phone is resting on a table displaying a still photo and I move. Is this optical illusion a moire pattern, and is it unique to my phone or are others experiencing this. Thanks in advance for your comments!
If that's what it takes to get a phone that is not defective, then that's what I am going to do. :rolleyes:

7-series = defective. :mad:

I believe its more like its just made from a different manufacturer... Many Plasma TV's have different screens, some with better quality and some with worse. I dont think its right that there is a difference but thats just how Apple chose to do business, by getting different companies to produce the LCD's - which means they will most likely have different appearences.
Hopefully this will help everyone

Guys, I just got back from the Apple store, thank god with a 5 Series and I have a few points that I'd like to share with you.
Just so you all know (that's a little disclaimer): I'm called a perfectionist by people who know me close so YMMV depending on how much of a 'perfectionist' you are. I just wanted to share my experience and story with you guys since I've found this thread so very informative and helpful to me personally.

In the Apple store, they have about 8 phones on one table on display (in addition to the ones scattered around the store beside the displays). Of those 8, 4 on one side are 5s and the 4 on the other side are 7s (just luck? maybe). I've played with every phone in the store and had the 5 and the 7 SIDE BY SIDE under direct light with brightness on full and auto-brightness off for about 5 minutes looking at them from pretty much all angles possible. These are the points I've noticed:
- The dot 'badness' varies from one 7 phone to another 7, they're not all that bad and some of them are as good or slightly worse than the 5s.
- The 5 phones ALSO have the dots (if you claim that your 5 phone doesn't have them, pump the brightness, turn auto bright off, and look with phone 1 inch away from your eye under the last row off buttons on the home screen, they ARE there. However, they are NOT at the top of the screen (right under the info bar), those scattered white dots that are available on the 7s are NOT there with the 5s that's for sure.
- The colors on the 7s are definitely darker, looking especially at the icon of Safary the blues on the 7 are DEFINITELY darker than those on the 5.
- if you have the 7 and 5 side by side, the brightness of the 5 really shows up around the word "Clock" on the home screen, on the 7, the grey "Clock" is surrounded by the black background and doesn't really stand out, on the 5, even the grey "Clock" really stands out from the surrounding black.
- With the brightness set to max on both and with both on auto-bright off, the colors of the 5 are lighter and brighter than those of the 7, that's for sure, by how much difference? I wouldn't say a huge lot. Some will like the darker contrasty colors of the 7s, others will like the 5's lighter colors more.

These are my notes around the store, now to the experience at the genius bar:
Yesterday I went to that same store and complained that sometimes I charge the phone and it dies after 2 days on standby and 1.5 hours of talk time and the checker board problem. The genius told me the battery shouldn't be that bad, but said he never heard of the checker board dot problem (that I don't quite believe since he seemed pretty knowledgeable), he pulled out his phone it was a 7 I played with it and frankly the dots on his were not as bad as on mine at all yet he did have the white scattered dots right under the bar at the top and above the first row of icons. Anyway, the guy was really really nice and said that he'll exchange it right away (really no questions asked) I told him I didn't have the box, he said no problem at all, and was ready to take it and said if u have a backup of it I'll exchange it right away, unfortunately I told him it's not backed up and I'd like to bring it another time, he gave me his card with a note on the back "Replace, Battery Issues, <his signature> and <date>"
Today I went to the store, had an appt. at the genius bar. I sat there the guy (different one) asked me what the problem is, I told him the battery (he took the phone as I was talking and hooked it up to power) and then I told him I also have the white checker board problem (he didn't deny it at all and said nothing), I told him that I've scanned the floor and they do have 1/2 their phones are 5s and the other half are 7s, he said it's strange how come they got them layed out with such 'luck' (he knew what I was talking about when I mentioned the "5 and 7 panels" and said there's no way to know from the box or which ones with which serial numbers are 5s and which are 7s). I also told him that I was there yesterday and that the <genius name> looked at it, and pulled out his card with the note, he said "oh ok" (at this point he kinda backed down and it was sort of a done deal).
He proceeded with the exchange process, then went back of the store to grab the replacement. It took him roughly 5 mins (yes a long time) then returned with a sealed phone in the box, cut the plastic rap off the box infront of me, then exchanged the SIM card and said hopefully this one will be better.
I was buying a Crystal film for the phone and the guy asked me about my experience with the phone, I told him about having the checkerboard problem, he said he 'never heard of it'.

Anyway, as I said I have a 5 series phone here and so far I don't see any problems with it, These are things I've noticed:
- Right by the battery at the top of the home screen and right at the edge of the black bezel the brightness is 'VERY VERY slightly' minorly uneven, I'm thinking there's a connection there or something.
- The black seems 'brighter' than my previous 7, I had to push the brightness down to around 30% or so.
- The mesh dots as I said are there on the 5 under the last row however they are NO where as visible as they are on the 7, and u really have to look so very close
- If anyone else has noticed but some phones (most?) have a VERY slight gap (less than a millimeter) between the chrome bezel and the back cover of the phone (clearly visible on the top edges of the phones), on this phone (and it's the 4th exchange for me), the gap is clearly negligible or almost not there.

My conclusion: If you take the phone to an Apple Store and really show the Genius that you know what you're talking about (and mention how 'serious' it's getting known online) and will not settle for any BS (the sort of "it's Ok, it's within spec.") I'm pretty sure they will exchange it.
And my conspiracy theory here is that they somehow do know what's a 5 phone and what's a 7 phone without opening the box, how? I don't know but I pretty much feel (know?) they somehow can, I don't know how but they do.

Sorry for the VERYYYYYYY long post, I hope it will be useful for someone out there, just like you guys helped me. Thanks a lot for everyone who posted every little piece of info. that gave me a little bit more 'light'.
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