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macrumors 603
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
Not sure if this even applies in the UK, but many credit cards in the US offer extended warranty or accidental damage protection, provided you use the credit card to make the purchase.

How did you buy the iPhone X in the first place? if you used a CC, maybe you already have some sort of coverage that might cover the UK279 price for swapping the screen.


macrumors 68030
Mar 7, 2009
Westland, Michigan
I don’t know. It sounds like you are living outside your means. You took a gamble and it didn’t pay off. Thems the breaks

I agree with this, and I agree with the guy in the store. You don't need the latest gadget. It won't make you happier. Take that X and keep it for a couple years. Put some money in the bank.

Are you debt free yet, by the way?

So many people getting the iPhone that just seem like they aren’t necessarily in great financial standing. No remorse for the OP. Jesus.

These types of posts really need to stop. You do not need to be rich, nor should you be, to buy an iPhone. It is absolutely none of your business what OP's finances are; not to mention "affording" something carries vastly different meanings for different people.

Please stop shaming people. The elitism is overwhelming here sometimes. OP is a goof for taking the screen protector off but goodness, the condescending replies. Would you rich people be happy that you lost 500 dollars in value?


macrumors member
Nov 29, 2006
OP, fix the X, and then I say keep using it for another year. I think it is marginal for you to sell the X to get the XS. However, at this point, if you don't fix it, 1) you will lose value in resale 2) if you end up using it yourself, you will forever be bothered by the nick on the screen. So first things first, get it repaired, and don't go through the same genius. Sometimes one person's reaction is not the same to the next.

Good luck.


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2010
Buffalo, NY
I'm not really sure what to do know, looks like I may have to return my iPhone Xs Max as soon as it arrives tomorrow. If anyone can think of a solution to my problem it would really help me out.

You sort of have to pay £280 to fix your current phone. Makes sense financially.

You were already willing to pay £1,099 - £550 (previous trade in value) = £550 for the new phone, so you've got £550 available....

Think of it as this - you're saving about (£550 - £280) = £270 by keeping your current phone. You'll just have to keep it another year, I guess... unless you can come up with £280 more
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macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2010
You mean the type where we provide our opinions? Last time I checked, this was a message board in which people type what they think. Who appointed you the thought and speech cop?

But are you debt free?

Seriously though, why do people feel the need to lambast someone based on their finances? I thought this was a mac forum, not


macrumors 68020
Mar 7, 2009
But are you debt free?

Seriously though, why do people feel the need to lambast someone based on their finances? I thought this was a mac forum, not

Having debt vs living in/out of ones means are completely different things. Sometimes having debt is smarter than paying for something in cash. Example: If a car dealership is offering 0% APR It is a smarter move to take the debt because leaving your cash in the bank will earn interest. The dealership has extended you a 'free' bank loan. In this case debt > no debt because in the same 12 -36 month period you will have earned interest on the cash that would have otherwise been spent on the car. Assuming you needed the car in the first place...

On the other hand, living paycheck to paycheck and purchasing something one didn't have the cash on had to back up is financially irresponsible. It's not shaming, it's just sound advice.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2012
New York, NY
Having debt vs living in/out of ones means are completely different things. Sometimes having debt is smarter than paying for something in cash. Example: If a car dealership is offering 0% APR It is a smarter move to take the debt because leaving your cash in the bank will earn interest. The dealership has extended you a 'free' bank loan. In this case debt > no debt because in the same 12 -36 month period you will have earned interest on the cash that would have otherwise been spent on the car. Assuming you needed the car in the first place...

On the other hand, living paycheck to paycheck and purchasing something one didn't have the cash on had to back up is financially irresponsible. It's not shaming, it's just sound advice.
Also having “good debt” like a carloan, mortgage or student loans and paying it every month responsively is really great for your credit score. People are here saying “I’m debt free” as if that’s a good thing. I mean, it is a good thing, but it doesn’t necessarily help you either.

People defending OP are missing the point. I think everyone here giving their opinions took him wanting to get his phone fixed for free the wrong way. I know I did. Also the fact that he was banking on selling his phone for the full trade-in value to be able to afford the XS Max screams he’s living above his means. If he didn’t want us to give him our opinion on the matter then maybe he shouldn’t have posted anything to begin with.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 21, 2016
Just repair the device and get the 280 off and eat ramen or cans of soup/tuna for however long you need to

You made a mistake and it's either you give the max back or sacrifice whatever you need to afford the device. Just that simple
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macrumors 68020
Nov 4, 2009
London, UK
Don't listen to some of the replies on here.

Apple were right in the fact that they have a process to follow, however, he had know right saying what he said to you.

I would send an email to the store ( for the attention of: Product Zone Managers and explain how you were treated.

To be clear, these are store managers and will listen to your concerns. They may even help with the broken iPhone... but they don't have to.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 9, 2007
Just think, somewhere in this world millions of people are worried about where their next meal will come from, or where they will sleep tonight.

But here on Macrumors we have deep, philosophical conversations about whether or not it is "rude" when a for-profit business doesn't fix a broken phone for free?


macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2012
OP you said you were willing for them to deduct cost of repairing screen. So why not pay for the repair then get the £500 or so back. Same thing right?


macrumors 65816
Jan 22, 2008
Rough time of year at Macrumors, new iPhone time, activity picks up, and the rudeness increases. People feel an odd sense to say in typing what they typically wouldn’t say in person. Just because it enters your mind doesn’t mean you have to type it, and doesn’t make you right, it makes you rude.

From what I read, I maybe wrong....the OP didn’t lie about the broken screen. He admitted fault. He’s explaining that he understands the situation, HOPED they would fix it for free, and feels accountable for the damage....but the rude reply of the “genius” was the big complaint.

First of all, I am upgrading from X to Xs, and I am taking it in for Trade in as the $550 plus the AppleCare + refund of $115 helps a lot. It’s not living above my means, but the credit makes it worth it to upgrade to the shiny new every year. If something happened to take that away, I as many others would be naturally disappointed.

I’ve been an Apple customer for a long time. They have offered me amazing service on many occasions going above and beyond. There have been exceptions when they could had handled situations better. It’s like any industry, a bad one slips through. There is no justification for bad service. Sometimes I ask if they can make an exception to the rules to help me out. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. I don’t ask out of entitlement, if you don’t ask, you don’t get, sometimes you still don’t get....but it’s always worth a shot.

It sucks that it happened. It limited your options, chalk it up as a lesson learned. Worse case, maybe you can take the credit they are offering and request a refund for the AppleCare + to add a little towards the purchase. Good luck either way.


macrumors 68020
Jun 15, 2018
The onyl issue I have with your story is that the Genius told you you were "greedy".

They follow a strict communication manual that limits him/her to say "I understand" and "As it turns out" and "unfortunately".

If he/she called you "greedy", which he shouldn't, then he/she deserves to be reported.

Still doesn't mean that you should get a freebie. Believe me, every single person on the planet goes to the Apple Store at least half expecting that they will do repairs for free.

Report him/her, eat the cost, eat at Wendy's for a week or two, you'll survive.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 21, 2016
Rough time of year at Macrumors, new iPhone time, activity picks up, and the rudeness increases. People feel an odd sense to say in typing what they typically wouldn’t say in person. Just because it enters your mind doesn’t mean you have to type it, and doesn’t make you right, it makes you rude.

From what I read, I maybe wrong....the OP didn’t lie about the broken screen. He admitted fault. He’s explaining that he understands the situation, HOPED they would fix it for free, and feels accountable for the damage....but the rude reply of the “genius” was the big complaint.

First of all, I am upgrading from X to Xs, and I am taking it in for Trade in as the $550 plus the AppleCare + refund of $115 helps a lot. It’s not living above my means, but the credit makes it worth it to upgrade to the shiny new every year. If something happened to take that away, I as many others would be naturally disappointed.

I’ve been an Apple customer for a long time. They have offered me amazing service on many occasions going above and beyond. There have been exceptions when they could had handled situations better. It’s like any industry, a bad one slips through. There is no justification for bad service. Sometimes I ask if they can make an exception to the rules to help me out. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. I don’t ask out of entitlement, if you don’t ask, you don’t get, sometimes you still don’t get....but it’s always worth a shot.

It sucks that it happened. It limited your options, chalk it up as a lesson learned. Worse case, maybe you can take the credit they are offering and request a refund for the AppleCare + to add a little towards the purchase. Good luck either way.
He literally said he needs the 550 to afford to upgrade. Meaning he can't afford it

"usually just take the offer from Apple's buyback scheme or Envirofone, it is hassle free and is really the only way I could afford to purchase a new phone."

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
Living on the financial edge of the cliff buying one new iPhone after the other each year, each one depending on the sale of the previous one to finance the next one is reason to step back and reassess how you're living your life (on the bitter edge). Clearly Apple has made you an addict to their products. Maybe it's time to realize that.


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2010
Buffalo, NY
Living on the financial edge of the cliff buying one new iPhone after the other each year, each one depending on the sale of the previous one to finance the next one is reason to step back and reassess how you're living your life (on the bitter edge). Clearly Apple has made you an addict to their products. Maybe it's time to realize that.

It's the same way people buy cars or houses. They sell the previous one to offset part of the cost of the new one.


macrumors 65816
Oct 31, 2015
I'm not defending the very silly OP, I just think some of the replies are condescending.
I disagree. It's better for the OP to receive the advice of maybe he is living above his means and hope he realizes this rather than be severely in debt 5 years from now.

I remember back in university this girl at 20 years old used all her life savings to purchase an iPhone 6s (about 900 USD in my country at the time). She skipped having lunch just to save enough to afford it. She dropped out of university cause of financial issues.

If he can't afford to pay for the XS outright without depending on the full return value of his X then he really shouldn't be purchasing the XS. Although this is a tech forum sometimes we need to tell people the hard truth to save themselves from themselves later.

Note: I am one to advocate that everyone has that 1 guilty pleasure that they spend way more than they should on and it's fine because it makes them happy. Mine is cars / car parts. However, in no way should I ever use my last few hundred dollars to purchase new wheels. I would hope someone beats me if I ever do that lol.
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macrumors 68020
Jun 15, 2018
I think it was here that I read that most people wouldn't have $400 to drop on the spot in case of an emergency.

Here's another example of scraping the piggybank for no reason whatsoever.

Thinking again I'd repair the phone, get a case and keep it for another year. Hell, I did it this year with my 7 plus. Broke it, told the Apple Store I wanted a refurb instead of a screen replacement, got an entirely new phone that'll last me another year and got on with it.


macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2010
Ecuador (Cotopaxi)
Sorry that your phone got damaged.

The guy in the store then proceeded to tell me that I 'shouldn't even bother upgrading' and I 'was just greedy', which I was really taken aback with. Anyway as I had only managed to get an appointment at 6.15pm they said my iPhone wouldn't be ready same day so I would have to come back.

I was genuinely really taken aback by the customer service in the store - very unlike any apple store experience I have ever had.

It wasn’t his place to make that judgment.

If I had the iPhone X I would not upgrade this year.
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macrumors 68020
Jun 15, 2018
It's the same way people buy cars or houses. They sell the previous one to offset part of the cost of the new one.

It's one thing to buy a $250,000 house - something that's a lifetime investment, something you're going to actually live in and that pretty much no one can buy outright. Another thing is to buy a $1,000 phone that costs 1/20 the annual minimum wage.
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