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Does your iMac display suffer from image persistence?

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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I'd certainly not go out again and pay Apple one more penny of my hard earned cash unless they resolved this issue once and for all.
I agree, I would have requested a refund and moved on to another machine at that point, but that's just me.

As I've said before in this thread, I don't have the issue, but given the issues the OP does seem to have, the iMac may not be the best machine for him. Its too expensive and if he's not happy with it, why continue to spend $$ on it.

I just re-checked my machine as its now over 6 months hold, and so far so good, no IR
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Oct 26, 2015
New York
Yeah well that's the downside of an all-in-one computer. Also another reason why I consider getting a pc as my next computer were the screen and machine is separate and I can replace whatever breaks without sending the whole thing in for repair....I don't even have an Apple Store in my country so the repair can take 2-3 weeks

But that doesn't make any sense. o_O Why put out a product has had a clearly flawed design and thousands of customers are reporting the same issue around the world.

If the right technology isn't there yet for a properly functional All in one computer, then don't make one yet, just wait until the technology becomes available. This is such a rip off.

And you people in the US are lucky cause Apple might replace you the whole computer for free, but outside the US and in my case I was forced to live with a defective machine after 5 years now cause both the store that I bought the iMac and the AASP refused to replace it after the screen repeatedly appeared grey shadow smudges on the left of the screen.

Apple should change its policies and take care of their customers wherever they live. I talked with an apple representative and he didn't mention anything about my right to replace the defective unit with a brand new for free. All he kept telling me is if I frickin' smoke inside the room implying that might be the cause of the screen issues which isn't the case cause I don't smoke at all in general.
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macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2009
But that doesn't make any sense. o_O Why put out a product has had a clearly flawed design and thousands of customers are reporting the same issue around the world.

If the right technology isn't there yet for a fully functional AIO computer, then don't make one yet, just wait until the technology becomes available. This is such a rip off.

And you people in the US are lucky cause Apple might replace you the whole computer for free, but outside the US and in my case I was forced to live with a defective machine after 5 years now cause both the store that I bought the iMac and the AASP refused to replace it after the screen repeatedly appeared grey shadow smudges on the left of the screen.

Apple should change its policies and take care of their customers wherever they live. I talked with an apple representative and he didn't mention anything about my right to replace the defective unit with a brand new for free. All he kept telling me is if I frickin' smoke inside the room implying that might be the cause of the screen issues which isn't the case cause I don't smoke at all in general.

I think people are blowing this out of proportions. Yes it is something the iMac might experience more than other screens. but then again, other screens have other problems. Any monitor you buy, if its a pro screen from Dell, Samsung, whatever they all have certain problems (just check youtube for reviews). Some are less contrasty, some have uneven lighting. All in all, the iMac screen are the best screen you can get for your money, from my experience and also from pretty much any test reviews I've seen as well. And its one of the reasons I struggle to swap my iMac out for a PC.

the image retention usually doesn't show up before after a few years. Maybe if you put your machine through some completely unrealistic stress tests you might see hints of retention - but does it mater if its "only" there?. Once it become obvious/prominent, you will without doubt notice it. It happened to my previous iMac. So 1/3 Macs Ive owned so far has got the problem. My current 5K imac which is 1,5 years and hasn't had any yet.

I live in Norway, so theres no nearby apple support. This is a problem, because I do professional work with this machine and I cannot live without this machine for a week. Last time it happened to me, I was lucky it happened in the transition between 2 iMacs, so while waiting for the 5K iMac it suddenly popped up. So I used the machine until I got my 5K imac then I sent in in for repair and sold it when I got it back.
If my current 5K iMac will get this problem now, I will order a PC and use the imac until I receive the PC and then sell the iMac. If I wont get any retention Ill wait and see what happens in the end of the year...if Apple will be able to pull their sh*t together on their Mac products or not.
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Oct 26, 2015
New York
I think people are blowing this out of proportions. Yes it is something the iMac might experience more than other screens. but then again, other screens have other problems. Any monitor you buy, if its a pro screen from Dell, Samsung, whatever they all have certain problems (just check youtube for reviews). Some are less contrasty, some have uneven lighting.

Ok fair enough. Is it logical to say then that no matter which company, whenever a hardware defect like this comes up that companies should replace the entire screen for free and in apple's case they should acknowledge this common and widespread issue among its customers and replace the entire computer for free no matter where they live and no matter if the warranty is valid or expired.

I don't see why Apple forces me to settle with repair after repair only for the screen problem to reappear again until the warranty ends when I have paid 2K and it clearly is a hardware issue on apples' part not my fault.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
Kansas City
At this point I must ask; you have previously bought 5 iMacs and you say that all of them had these image retention issues. Why on earth did you get yet another one? Whether it's that you're just unlucky, have a 100/20 vision or whether the majority of iMacs really do come with this defect, why give Apple your hard earned cash yet again? I don't understand it, to be perfectly honest. Once okay, twice, well, okay. But six times in a row with the exact same result?

As I said previously in this thread, my 5k iMac does not show these issues. Why that is, I don't know. I do have a rMBP and this device does have the image retention issues, so I'm not blind to it. Either way, if I spotted these image retention issues on my expensive new iMac, I'd certainly not go out again and pay Apple one more penny of my hard earned cash unless they resolved this issue once and for all.

I guess I have more faith in Apple than I should that this issue would be "silently" fixed and that if I kept trying, I would eventually get a machine that does not have it. You seem to be missing the whole point of this thread however, and that is that this is NOT normal behavior as Apple claims and should NOT be happening at all. It needs to be addressed and fixed once and for all. I guess I am the type of person who feels the need to fight the good fight that Steve's legacy left behind, and to me that was quality you could count on. Well, I am seeing that slip away with Apple under Tim C. and honestly it makes me very sad. Having been a Mac user for 20 years I hate seeing the company I know and love dissolve into nothing more than a "Dell". You also missed the point that the 5 iMac computers I have had over the past 3 years are all different models except for these last 2 5k machines. If this issue was really a "thing of the past" it would of been fixed in the past, and has not been. I am sorry, but I will continue to push this issue until Apple finally does something. If I don't who will? It is worth it to me to fight for the company I used to love so much and want to see pull their head out... Spending nearly $3k US on a machine I believe entitles us to expect a flawless screen. I will not simply "stop" looking for the issue and duck my head in the sand as some of you on here are suggesting I should do. Yes, I am an Apple fan, but I am not a sheep who will blindly follow and defend a company when they are in the wrong. More people need to stand up for what is right. IMHO that is part of what is wrong with this world, is people accepting the status quo. I am not that guy. As trivial as some of you might see this, $3k of my money is not trivial to me. And really, to say that I am "unlucky" of just have some kind of Superman vision that spots the issue better than others, C'mon get real! I am not asking anyone on this thread to get as fired up as me about it, but I tell you it sure would be nice to see more people getting passionate about a cause they believe in. Even if that cause appears trivial and pointless to others around them. I have even gone as far as starting an entire website about this "image persistence" issue, and I will continue to gather as much info as I can. I will keep posting on the website until Apple has a real solution, and not one of telling their users how to user their Mac, aka. "turn your screensaver on", or "let your screen go to sleep". Some of us work at our computer ALL DAY LONG with static windows in place and cannot do this. We shouldn't be asked to either. Anyway, thanks for all the responses. I sincerely hope for all of us Apple people that some BIG things shift at Apple soon.
I think people are blowing this out of proportions. Yes it is something the iMac might experience more than other screens. but then again, other screens have other problems. Any monitor you buy, if its a pro screen from Dell, Samsung, whatever they all have certain problems (just check youtube for reviews). Some are less contrasty, some have uneven lighting. All in all, the iMac screen are the best screen you can get for your money, from my experience and also from pretty much any test reviews I've seen as well. And its one of the reasons I struggle to swap my iMac out for a PC.

the image retention usually doesn't show up before after a few years. Maybe if you put your machine through some completely unrealistic stress tests you might see hints of retention - but does it mater if its "only" there?. Once it become obvious/prominent, you will without doubt notice it. It happened to my previous iMac. So 1/3 Macs Ive owned so far has got the problem. My current 5K imac which is 1,5 years and hasn't had any yet.

I live in Norway, so theres no nearby apple support. This is a problem, because I do professional work with this machine and I cannot live without this machine for a week. Last time it happened to me, I was lucky it happened in the transition between 2 iMacs, so while waiting for the 5K iMac it suddenly popped up. So I used the machine until I got my 5K imac then I sent in in for repair and sold it when I got it back.
If my current 5K iMac will get this problem now, I will order a PC and use the imac until I receive the PC and then sell the iMac. If I wont get any retention Ill wait and see what happens in the end of the year...if Apple will be able to pull their sh*t together on their Mac products or not.

Your picture says it all, "Fanboy". STOP insinuating that this ISSUE is NORMAL for IPS displays! IT IS NOT! I have had many many many IPS displays and NOT ONE of them did it! Also, STOP saying that people, including myself, are putting their Mac through some kind of "unrealistic stress test" or are using it in any other way than they way he or she wants to use it! Having a static finder window open on the bottom right hand corner of your screen is NOT unreasonable usage!!! The one thing you and I agree on is that Apple needs to get their "S!@#" together! I hope you put some of your energy into fighting this ISSUE and getting Apple to resolve it with their panel manufacturer LG, rather than telling us to have a YouTube and watch some videos. Thanks!
I agree, I would have requested a refund and moved on to another machine at that point, but that's just me.

As I've said before in this thread, I don't have the issue, but given the issues the OP does seem to have, the iMac may not be the best machine for him. Its too expensive and if he's not happy with it, why continue to spend $$ on it.

I just re-checked my machine as its now over 6 months hold, and so far so good, no IR

maflynn, I really wish you would stop. Really... Stop telling me to switch machines, please. Stop telling us how your machine doesn't do it, stop... Please. We really don't need you to continue being a commentator every single time I post on here. I mean I appreciate it and all, but it in my opinion it is nothing more that you coming along and poking me in the eye and running off like a little kid. I ask that you refer back to what I wrote to sartrekid and please don't kick me off the forum to "punish" me for what I just said. I feel it is reasonable, and last I checked we have freedom of expression. If you just re-checked your machine with the black and white checkerboard test, full brightness, for 10 minutes on a plain dark gray background and there is no issue, then I guess God has blessed you. Amen! You don't however need to keep chiming in and rubbing it in my face. I am sorry, I highly doubt you have no IR at all, but then again, as sartrekid said, maybe I have Superman vision... I will tend to believe though that you simply aren't being forthcoming.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2009
Your picture says it all, "Fanboy". STOP insinuating that this ISSUE is NORMAL for IPS displays! IT IS NOT! I have had many many many IPS displays and NOT ONE of them did it! Also, STOP saying that people, including myself, are putting their Mac through some kind of "unrealistic stress test" or are using it in any other way than they way he or she wants to use it! Having a static finder window open on the bottom right hand corner of your screen is NOT unreasonable usage!!! The one thing you and I agree on is that Apple needs to get their "S!@#" together! I hope you put some of your energy into fighting this ISSUE and getting Apple to resolve it with their panel manufacturer LG, rather than telling us to have a YouTube and watch some videos. Thanks!

geeez, chill out. Maybe its time to consider som other product. Just because of my profile image you dont need to stuff words into my mouth. Read what people write or gtfo....apart from the image retention that happens for some (myself included once) the 5K is a good display compared to other screens in the 10k $ range. If you disagree to that what made you buy an imac in the first place?!?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
Kansas City
geeez, chill out. Maybe its time to consider som other product. Just because of my profile image you dont need to stuff words into my mouth. Read what people write or gtfo....apart from the image retention that happens for some (myself included once) the 5K is a good display compared to other screens in the 10k $ range. If you disagree to that what made you buy an imac in the first place?!?

I didn't "stuff any words in your mouth", and no I won't chill out. It is my thread so why don't you "gtfo"... Stop questioning my decision to buy an iMac, that is irrelevant to the issue at hand and none of your business why I buy what I do. I certainly don't think Apple would appreciate you telling people to "consider another product". If I want to pay $3k for a machine, that is my business and it ought to NOT have this issue. Period. Having the remnants of windows on my display after I have closed them is NOT a "good display" at ANY price range. Thanks.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2009
Ok fair enough. Is it logical to say then that no matter which company, whenever a hardware defect like this comes up that companies should replace the entire screen for free and in apple's case they should acknowledge this common and widespread issue among its customers and replace the entire computer for free no matter where they live and no matter if the warranty is valid or expired.

I don't see why Apple forces me to settle with repair after repair only for the screen problem to reappear again until the warranty ends when I have paid 2K and it clearly is a hardware issue on apples' part not my fault.

I dont want apple to swap my entire machine, since I have the BTO, that would require an even longer wait. But, if you have a standard setup I see your point. But I dont think you can expect them to replace an entire machine if they can offer to replace the entire screen. THats like asking a car vendor for a brand new car just because the breaks are failing or whatnot.
I didn't "stuff any words in your mouth", and no I won't chill out. It is my thread so why don't you "gtfo"... Stop questioning my decision to buy an iMac, that is irrelevant to the issue at hand and none of your business why I buy what I do. If I want to pay $3k for a machine, that is my business and it ought to NOT have this issue. Period. Having the remnants of windows on my display after I have closed them is NOT a "good display" at ANY price range. Thanks.

ok, dont read what people write then...I talk in whatever thread I like, just pretend I dont talk to you. ...some people are just impossible to talk sense with...clearly you are one of them


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
Kansas City
I dont want apple to swap my entire machine, since I have the BTO, that would require an even longer wait. But, if you have a standard setup I see your point. But I dont think you can expect them to replace an entire machine if they can offer to replace the entire screen. THats like asking a car vendor for a brand new car just because the breaks are failing or whatnot.

ok, dont read what people write then...I talk in whatever thread I like, just pretend I dont talk to you. ...some people are just impossible to talk sense with...clearly you are one of them

You are talking nonsense, not sense. Telling someone to buy something else is NOT sense. Pushing a company to fix a lingering issue of around 5 years is sense. I would think from READING what you have written that you would agree. Apparently some people just like to argue...


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2009
You are talking nonsense, not sense. Telling someone to buy something else is NOT sense. Pushing a company to fix a lingering issue of around 5 years is sense. I would think from READING what you have written that you would agree. Apparently some people just like to argue...

Ofc. I would be pissed getting faulty screens. I'm talking sensible in my eyes, and if anyone is arguing here, its you!
Please tell me what you are looking to get out of this thread then if not peoples input and opinions. To me is seems all you are looking for is a place to moan about how unlucky you are and how bad apples displays are. Maybe they are, but what do you get out of it? None of us can fix your displays.

....and if we are not allowed to suggest you buy something else. then well, how can we help you?? If you are completely determined on owning an iMac and it should be flawless, maybe its better to waste the energy and frustration talking to apple instead?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
Kansas City
Ofc. I would be pissed getting faulty screens. Om talking sensible in my eyes, and if anyone is arguing here, its you!
Please tell me what you are looking to get out of this thread then if not peoples input and opinions. To me is seems all you are looking for is moaning about how unlucky you are and how bad apples displays are. Maybe they are, but what do you get out of it? None of us can fix your displays.

Seriously? LOL. What I am getting out creating this thread is a "paper trail" or documentation if you will, of the lingering issue or as I like to call it, "the plague" of image persistence that is still rearing its ugly head after 5 years. In the hopes that maybe, just maybe Apple will take notice and actually do something. I certainly don't expect anyone such as yourself to do anything. You are too busy poking at me for trying to get Apple to fix their product.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2009
Seriously? LOL. What I am getting out creating this thread is a "paper trail" or documentation if you will, of the lingering issue or as I like to call it, "the plague" of image persistence that is still rearing its ugly head after 5 years. In the hopes that maybe, just maybe Apple will take notice and actually do something. I certainly don't expect anyone such as yourself to do anything. You are too busy poking at me for trying to get Apple to fix their product.

and therefor when you are not getting the exact response you are looking for the paper trail isn't good enough? -since you clearly tilt over from everyones response.
Im sorry the problem isnt as big for me as it is for you. Ive had the problems you are referring to, Ive done the stress test when I started to notice problems and I made the nescessary steps to get it fixed.....which is what you should do. This paper trail will not help you fighting over apple. you should know that by now if you know how apple works.

Only enough replacements to make them loose money on repairs will make them be more aware on future products. Not a thread in Mac rumors.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
Kansas City
and therefor when you are not getting the exact response you are looking for then the paper trail isn't good enough? Im sorry the problem isnt as big for me as it is for you. Ive had the problems you are referring to, Ive done the stress test when I started to notice problems and I made the nescessary steps to get it fixed.....which is what you should do. This paper trail will not help you fighting over apple. you should know that by now if you know how apple works.

How you COULD help, would be by getting on board and "knocking on Apple's" door to try to get them to take heed and fix this once and for all. So NONE of us has to experience it. That would be teamwork. Instead we butt heads and argue, which is nonproductive. I really am trying to make a difference here. The iMac has such great potential, as do ALL Apple products, and there just really is no reason for this issue to linger for so many years. That is all I am saying. There IS a fix to this, but as you said, Apple needs to pull their head out. All they seem to care about is the iPhone...
and therefor when you are not getting the exact response you are looking for the paper trail isn't good enough? -since you clearly tilt over from everyones response.
Im sorry the problem isnt as big for me as it is for you. Ive had the problems you are referring to, Ive done the stress test when I started to notice problems and I made the nescessary steps to get it fixed.....which is what you should do. This paper trail will not help you fighting over apple. you should know that by now if you know how apple works.

Only enough replacements to make them loose money on repairs will make them be more aware on future products. Not a thread in Mac rumors.

I guess I will take your advice then and keep having them replace screen after screen after screen after screen etc... until they go, "WHOA, OH WAIT WE MUST HAVE A PROBLEM HERE". LOL, yeah DUH Apple you sure do. It has been going on for 5 years!
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macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2009
How you COULD help, would be by getting on board and "knocking on Apple's" door to try to get them to take heed and fix this once and for all. So NONE of us has to experience it. That would be teamwork. Instead we butt heads and argue, which is nonproductive. I really am trying to make a difference here. The iMac has such great potential, as do ALL Apple products, and there just really is no reason for this issue to linger for so many years. That is all I am saying. There IS a fix to this, but as you said, Apple needs to pull their head out. All they seem to care about is the iPhone...

I agree to that. The Macs in general are getting way to little attention. But the screen isnt my 1st priority of problems for the iMac. The interior, heat and update cycle is a bigger concern.

Running any games, 3d rendering or anything that require some process power makes my iMac fan go loud as hell and often I must restart it if I switch from one heavy task to another because of throttling. This is not something you should expect from a machine you pay 4K$. But sadly thats just how they all are and its part of the design and Apple decided to make it so thin that it cannot be powerful anymore.

But of course, the second I notice any problems with the iMac screen or whatever I contact apple and require them to repair it....I do to expect a high quality products for the money apple is demanding for their products. On all parts of it. The problem that bothers me is the price vs. what you get. 1 year old iMac is still considered new and awesome in apples eyes....If I would wish for a crusade against apple, their complete lack of attention to Macs in general lately would be my sign of protest.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
Kansas City
I agree to that. The Macs in general are getting way to little attention. But the screen isnt my 1st priority of problems for the iMac. The interior, heat and update cycle is a bigger concern. But of course, the second I notice any problems with the iMac screen or whatever I contact apple and require them to repair it....I do to expect a high quality products for the money apple is demanding for their products. On all parts of it. The problem that bothers me is the price vs. what you get. 1 year old iMac is still considered new and awesome in apples eyes....If I would wish for a crusade against apple, their complete lack of attention to Macs in general lately would be my sign of protest.

Believe me I agree! IMHO Apple has taken their eyes of so many things that used to be important. They seemingly have shifted their focus, and it is hurting users like you and me in a terrible way. I would join the crusade to get the old Apple back in a heartbeat! Unfortunately I do not know anything about biology, and certainly not enough to resurrect Steve. :(


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2009
Believe me I agree! IMHO Apple has taken their eyes of so many things that used to be important. They seemingly have shifted their focus, and it is hurting users like you and me in a terrible way. I would join the crusade to get the old Apple back in a heartbeat! Unfortunately I do not know anything about biology, and certainly not enough to resurrect Steve. :(

Apple is such a large company that the only way to make it really hurt is for enough people to stop buying macs. Im for the first time in 10 years seriously considering buying a PC. The machine I would get in comparison is insane...for the same price. Its always been a big difference but now more than ever, its reach the point of ridicule. Apple sell 5-8 year old hardware for the same price they charged for them many years ago (even more expensive actually)...the Mac Pro, the Macbook Air, etc is seriously on the verge of being the emperors new clothes. The imac is actually the only machine in their pipeline today that is nearly up to date (but still ridiculously expensive)

But if the sales numbers drop and this will have an ripple effect on apples other products such as the phone etc...then they might start to be less arrogant. So I think the best way for me to help you is not giving apple more money tbh.

as for you, if you had that many faulty screens, then I think in the current iMac lineup its like a lottery to get a screen with the quality you'd expect. So then it depends how much you can take of replacements before you give up and just ask for your money back. Apple is a slooow ship to turn.
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Oct 26, 2015
New York
But I dont think you can expect them to replace an entire machine if they can offer to replace the entire screen. THats like asking a car vendor for a brand new car just because the breaks are failing or whatnot.

But isn't the screen issue related directly to the general design of the machine that causes those image persistence problems in the first place? If the whole computer design is flawed then yes Apple is ought to replace the entire computer for free.

But then again maybe Apple design department should improve the whole design with a better enclosure so that those problems don't come up one repair after another repair. I don't get why Apple doesn't acknowledge this common issue and change the faulty design altogether.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
Kansas City
Apple is such a large company that the only way to make it really hurt is for enough people to stop buying macs. Im for the first time in 10 years seriously considering buying a PC. The machine I would get in comparison is insane...for the same price. Its always been a big difference but now more than ever, its reach the point of ridicule. Apple sell 5-8 year old hardware for the same price they charged for them many years ago (even more expensive actually)...the Mac Pro, the Macbook Air, etc is seriously on the verge of being the emperors new clothes. The imac is actually the only machine in their pipeline today that is nearly up to date (but still ridiculously expensive)

But if the sales numbers drop and this will have an ripple effect on apples other products such as the phone etc...then they might start to be less arrogant. So I think the best way for me to help you is not giving apple more money tbh.

as for you, if you had that many faulty screens, then I think in the current iMac lineup its like a lottery to get a screen with the quality you'd expect. So then it depends how much you can take of replacements before you give up. Apple is a slooow ship to turn.

Sad really. Isn't it? I too have considered switching over to a PC. As a matter of fact, I have gone one step further than you already and built an INSANE machine with a i7 Skylake 4.0, GTX 1080 GPU, 64 GB of RAM, 3 500 GB SSD drives and TWO 27" displays. Price tag you ask...? You don't even want to know. WAYYYYYYY cheaper than any top of the line Mac, and the machine just screams! Honestly I have been embarrassed to even admit it on here. The problem is not the PC, it is Mac OS that I love and I am used to. I am a music producer and the software that I use is so smooth on Mac OS, yet not quite there on Win 10. So therefore this PC I built sits here and stares at me saying, "Hey, I will kick that Mac's A$$ if you give me the chance". LOL, but I ignore it and keep coming back to my Mac, in the hopes that things will be as they once were. Unfortunately, it is like an old shoe that is hard to stop wearing. I miss the stability and quality that all my Mac computers once had.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2009
But isn't the screen issue related directly to the general design of the machine that causes those image persistence problems in the first place? If the whole computer design is flawed then yes Apple is ought to replace the entire computer for free.

But then again maybe Apple design department should improve the whole design with a better enclosure so that those problems don't come up one repair after another repair. I don't get why Apple doesn't acknowledge this common issue and change the faulty design altogether.

If it is because of a faulty design, replacing the screen or the entire thing wont help I'm afraid. The iMac could be amazing. In todays tech they could push the iMac to become the new Mac Pro ...but apple seem to aim and consumers these days and its only us "old" apple users that stick with trying to use the Mac as a pro disagree.

Sad really. Isn't it? I too have considered switching over to a PC. As a matter of fact, I have gone one step further than you already and built an INSANE machine with a i7 Skylake 4.0, GTX 1080 GPU, 64 GB of RAM, 3 500 GB SSD drives and TWO 27" displays. Price tag you ask...? You don't even want to know. WAYYYYYYY cheaper than any top of the line Mac, and the machine just screams! Honestly I have been embarrassed to even admit it on here. The problem is not the PC, it is Mac OS that I love and I am used to. I am a music producer and the software that I use is so smooth on Mac OS, yet not quite there on Win 10. So therefore this PC I built sits here and stares at me saying, "Hey, I will kick that Mac's A$$ if you give me the chance". LOL, but I ignore it and keep coming back to my Mac, in the hopes that things will be as they once were. Unfortunately, it is like an old shoe that is hard to stop wearing. I miss the stability and quality that all my Mac computers once had.

I agree. For me though, its a bit different. I use the Adobe package so the experience is nearly the same on both platforms...I use Unity 3D which is on both platforms as well, but of course benefits from a good GPU which the iMac doesnt have. and apart from that its 3ds Max which actually is a windows only program so I use it through Parallels and I render via a renderfarm because the imac is to weak when I need to make large amount or rendered frames. And like you the only reason I stick with the iMac is because the OS itself is a lot better than windows and I like the clutterfree desktop, the Apple keyboard and the initial quality of apple products with the integration with my phone etc....(though that feeling is diminishing).

I have built together a pc myself, like you, probably 10 times this summer. Never did order it, but I have the money prepared and just waiting until fall to see if something positive will happen with apple. But, from all the stuff I read, this year seems to be less innovative than last Im afraid its time to pull the plug.
the machine I put together has 8core i7-6900, GTX 1080 8gb vram, 1tb SSD, 128gb 2666 mhz ram, 2x 6tb Harddrives with nand flash, a 32" Dell Utrasharp 4K screen. And all of this for the same price of the iMac. Pretty embarassing tbh, I dont know why I havent ordered yet....I actually feel stupid for clinging to the iMac.....and this machine, if anything fails I can be up and running again with 2-3 hours just by replacing whats not working.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
Kansas City
the way I see it: most people just don't see the image retention because they have a desktop picture... mine also suffers from this phenomenon, I wrote about it back in november 2015 ->
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015) Image Retention

EXACTLY! I would venture to say 98-99% of casual iMac owners would never notice because A. They aren't looking for it, or even aware "image persistence" is a thing. and B. They have some "pretty" desktop picture up and aren't using a solid gray background that shows the issue clearly. The problem with us who have had the issue and do know what image persistence is though is that once you have seen something you can't "un-see" it! I cannot un-see this issue and I am very aware of it, and I immediately look for it on ANY new Mac, or any computer for that matter. Which goes back to what I said earlier on in this post. Ignorance is bliss in this case.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2009
EXACTLY! I would venture to say 98-99% of casual iMac owners would never notice because A. They aren't looking for it, or even aware "image persistence" is a thing. and B. They have some "pretty" desktop picture up and aren't using a solid gray background that shows the issue clearly. The problem with us who have had the issue and do know what image persistence is though is that once you have seen something you can't "un-see" it! I cannot un-see this issue and I am very aware of it, and I immediately look for it on ANY new Mac, or any computer for that matter. Which goes back to what I said earlier on in this post. Ignorance is bliss in this case.

I can honestly say though that even with a dark grey background and white windows staying on my screen for a long time there is no retention on my current 5K iMac. From experience I suspect it will start showing up some day, but nothing I can see currently - after 1.5 years of usage (knock on wood)...So the screens do exists. I remember on my previous screen that I saw hints of blueish squares from white windows which disappeared over time...and it became more prominent over a short amount of time. But so far Im lucky then I guess... Doesn't make my machine any faster though ;)

You would think internal Apple designers would notice this and be annoyed by it.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
Kansas City
I can honestly say though that even with a dark grey background and white windows staying on my screen for a long time there is no retention on my current 5K iMac. From experience I suspect it will start showing up some day, but nothing I can see currently - after 1.5 years of usage (knock on wood)...So they do exists. I remember on my previous screen that I saw hints of blueish squares from white windows which disappeared over time...and it became more prominent over a short amount of time. But so far Im lucky then I guess... Doesn't make my machine any faster though ;)

You are indeed lucky. Any yes, this is exactly what I see after leaving up a white window like a finder, or Safari. I see blueish squares outlining where the windows were open on my screen. This is only after 10 minutes too, on a 7 day old late 2015 CTO iMac. I have the specs on this thing maxed out, so it is a nearly $3k machine... Not acceptable. Yet apparently Apple is saying that it is.
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macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2009
You are indeed lucky. Any yes, this is exactly what I see after leaving up a white window like a finder, or Safari. I see blueish squares outlining where the windows were open on my screen. This is only after 10 minutes too, on a 7 day old late 2015 CTO iMac. I have the specs on this thing maxed out, so it is a nearly $3k machine... Not acceptable. Yet apparently Apple is saying that it is.

Well if Apple say it's acceptable that's scary...


macrumors 6502a
Oct 30, 2014
I can honestly say though that even with a dark grey background and white windows staying on my screen for a long time there is no retention on my current 5K iMac. From experience I suspect it will start showing up some day, but nothing I can see currently - after 1.5 years of usage (knock on wood)...So the screens do exists. I remember on my previous screen that I saw hints of blueish squares from white windows which disappeared over time...and it became more prominent over a short amount of time. But so far Im lucky then I guess... Doesn't make my machine any faster though ;)

You would think internal Apple designers would notice this and be annoyed by it.

Same here. With that said, like you, I hope that Apple get their stuff together. I don't want to buy an expensive new device and then having to hope that it'll work as intended. I should be able to expect it to work, not hope to be lucky.
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