Before iOS 7 when WWDC ended and we got the beta of whatever iOS version was out I was actually EXCITED to try it and for the most part you could run it as a daily driver without any MAJOR bugs or problems... But these days I don't even update to public released builds because they are so terrible. I personally believe they should have never got rid of Scott Forstall. He had the secret recipe for iOS and ever since he left, it's been trash. I was an avid Call of Duty player and the same thing happened with COD. The original dev team split up due to the higher ups forcing them to do things they did not want to do, ever since then COD has sucked and they almost seem to be incompetent at making a good game.
The problem is, just like with everything else these days, as long as Tim keeps making the shareholders happy by selling record number of products, they will just keep putting out this garbage. So to put it simply, if you want change... Hit em where it hurts, stop buying their products.
Now Android is just as bad, if not worse. I've had both Android and iOS devices. iOS is still the less ****** option in my opinion. If I had to pick, I'd go with a OnePlus phone as my Android device of choice. They offer an "Apple-like" experience when it comes to software.