I've just invested nearly US$6000 on Apple hardware this year - two iMac 27in BTO's in June alone, neither came with Lion installed or a card allowing for a free download when it becomes available on the App Store - is this enough payment to Apple to allow me a free/pirated copy of Lion?
Further, I've never used the App Store or ITunes store and will never use them - I've jailbroken my mobile devices and have so much more functionality.
Further, and given the companies current market capitalisation and more than US$60 billion in the bank, I have no intention of using cloud-based services be they Apple or Google - do you actually think I'd really believe all my content is secure if I store it on someone else's server - for that is all iCloud is.
Given the cost of storage, I'll invest in my own storage, this includes 3T upgrades to my iMac HDD's, RAID system of 6T and Time Machine back-ups.
If my home burns down, I'll be stuffed, well not really - I also back-up one computer fully at my parents home.
In my own opinion, the Lion upgrade should be free to encourage those with older machines to upgrade to latest technology, technology we expect to get 4-5 years of worth out of before having to upgrade again.