Having problem playing MP4 files from iTunes? Also my volume can't be adjusted. Any idea why?
I think the issue is the instant on plugin for Audio Hijack, this fixed it for me:
sudo mv /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/InstantOn.driver /tmp
Spotlight doesn't work at all for me. It crashes whenever typing something into the search field.
This is why you don't install the first preview of a beta on a machine that matters.
If you *need* these apps to work, you shouldn't be installing them on that machine.
Working Mac Games
-Grand Theft Auto IV [Cider Port]
-Tomb Raider 2014
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution 2012
-Batman Arkham City 2012
NOT-Opening or NOT-Working Mac Games
-Hitman mac game 2014 crashes at opening
-Metro Last Night 2013 crashes at opening
Still updating...
Yosemite install also breaks rEFIt and existing GRUB installations. Linux boot from Option+Startup shows a "Windows" partition that boots into Grub Recovery.
Anyone having any luck with Nuke/NukeX ?
Reading through threads, the only commonality I notice is that OS X 10.10 takes quite a bit of time in optimizing your system upon first use. Some claim 1-2 days, others quicker, but those who don't wait until the process is over may experience such issues.
Oddly, I've noticed the system is performing better the more I use it. I've only cold booted 2-3 times since Monday. Initially Safari stammered, iCloud became bi-polar, and iTunes forgot how to play nice. After 6-7 hours a day of work and development on my 2013 Mac Pro 8-Core, it's improving. Is it adapting to my use? Is that even possible?
Here is apple's own list:
Try Clover r2696+
FWIW, my installation of Parallels Desktop is fine. This is "Build 8.0.18619 (Revision 1001606; April 24, 2014)", on a late 2013 rMBP.
Also good:
Xcode Version 5.1.1 (5B1008)
Pixelmator Version 3.2 Sandstone (40509)
Vienna Version 3.0.0 Beta 18
Aperture 3.5.1
Install Clover on my MacBook? What, and use that to boot Ubuntu? My issue is that rEFIt seems to have broken after the Yosemite install. Without that, I can't even boot Linux. I can get into Grub Repair, but even when repairing, it won't boot because it has no EFI boot module. I haven't tried rEFInd recently, but it never worked for me when I was installing Linux.
Care to share some more info about it? Thanks!