Are you certain that you've been able to get 4K60 8-bit 444 HDMI with your dongle? I tried many and never could. Amazon is filled with reviews of these adapters failing. Maybe you got 1080p and you were happy, but 4K is between difficult and impossible.
Why does this matter? First, 1080p is pretty low resolution these days. So the next bump in HDMI, in televisions, is 4K. Although 4K30 is great for video, use it with your computer and you instantly see the flaws: Scrolling is really slow and jumpy, windows move slowly, it's just not a good experience. If you want 4K60, 4:2:0 looks pretty good if your content is video, because nearly all video is shot as 4:2:0 anyway. But black text on a white background totally falls apart with 4:2:0 and 4:2:2. You need full 4:4:4, 60 Hz if you want a decent computer graphics desktop. And that means full HDMI 2.0-level performance, and most, if not all, USB Type-C to HDMI dongles won't deliver that. Here's my challenge to you: Paste in a link of just one single USB-C to HDMI dongle which states that it supports 4K60 HDMI with 8-bit 4:4:4. You'll see plenty of 4K60 claims, but do you see any with 4:4:4? And you won't see any which post their HDMI certificate as a 4K60 4:4:4 product.
Here's one which claims to support it:
But then, they also claim to support 8-bit HDR... and HDR requires 10-bit or 12-bit, so if they can't describe their product correctly, it's probably not worth handing them $20.