AllRez output:
It is 5300M and intel 630.
I didn't yet try to create custom res with SwitchResX. I only tried existing resolutions within that app. I'm not sure how would I even set those timings and other stuff. If you can share some examples it would be helpful.
BTW I did use this TV normally with M2 Pro MBP via HDMI 2.1 output (8K 60Hz with some chroma subsampling, probabbly 4:2:2)
ah... this is what explains it I guess... Theory behind not being able to get 4:4:4 on mac via HDMI2.1 while on 8k60Hz was that mac didn't support DSC via HDMI port. Now, if nothing changed for DSC, I won't be able to output 8k60Hz even with higherst chroma subsampling?
The website removed indenting.
You can run it like this in
allrez > MBPro2019_with_Samsung_8K60_allrez.txt
Then compress the result and post the zip file as an attachment to your post.
The list of modes does include modes that use DSC (4 vertical slices, 12bpp). The modes that use DSC have pixel clock of 1103.75MHz or 1188MHz (which should be sufficient for 8K30).
The non-DSC modes have pixel clock up to 594MHz.
There's a
that say 2380MHz is the max pixel clock but the
says the max pixel clock is 1284MHz.
2380MHz comes from the EDID of the display so perhaps 1284MHz is the limit of the GPU or macOS driver? 8K60 is usually 2376MHz.
The modes have active resolutions up to 4096x2160 but you want 7680x4320.
The modes have scaled resolutions up to 15360x8640 which is sufficient for 8K HiDPI.
The modes have SDR and HDR modes.
chromo sub-sampling 4:2:0 with 8bpc has the same average 12bpp as DSC but it looks like no non-RGB modes were created. The IOFBTimingRange says 4:2:0 is a possible encoding but all the modes are RGB.
The connection info for the Samsung display is missing DisplayPort info. Maybe the adapter is doing something weird? Or maybe it's the OS? Maybe try a different OS or a different Intel Mac to get the DisplayPort info for the adapter.
The EDID says 4:2:0 is possible. The EDID says the max DSC bandwidth is 18 Gbps for TMDS (HDMI 2.0 bandwidth) and 24 Gbps for FRL (better than HBR2 x4 but less than HBR3 x4). Without DSC, it can use 40 Gbps FRL. DSC at 24 Gbps will get you more pixels (1778MHz@12bpp) than non-DSC at 40 Gbps (1481MHz@8bpc). In either case DSC + 4.2.0 would be required for 8K60. Or it could do DSC@8bpp instead of the default 12bpp. There's a setting in macOS to change the DSC target bpp but I haven't seen anyone try it.
All the 8K modes are listed in the Video Data Block and the YCbCr 4:2:0 Capability Map Data Block. Not sure why macOS is excluding them.
In SwitchResX, you can create custom resolutions using CVT-RB timing or CVT-RB2 timing. For HDMI timing, I think you need to enter the info manually. Here's the info for 8K HDMI modes:
edid-decode --list-vics --long
VIC 194: 7680x4320 24.000000 Hz 16:9 108.000 kHz 1188.000000 MHz
Hfront 2552 Hsync 176 Hback 592 Hpol P
Vfront 16 Vsync 20 Vback 144 Vpol P
VIC 195: 7680x4320 25.000000 Hz 16:9 110.000 kHz 1188.000000 MHz
Hfront 2352 Hsync 176 Hback 592 Hpol P
Vfront 16 Vsync 20 Vback 44 Vpol P
VIC 196: 7680x4320 30.000000 Hz 16:9 132.000 kHz 1188.000000 MHz
Hfront 552 Hsync 176 Hback 592 Hpol P
Vfront 16 Vsync 20 Vback 44 Vpol P
VIC 197: 7680x4320 48.000000 Hz 16:9 216.000 kHz 2376.000000 MHz
Hfront 2552 Hsync 176 Hback 592 Hpol P
Vfront 16 Vsync 20 Vback 144 Vpol P
VIC 198: 7680x4320 50.000000 Hz 16:9 220.000 kHz 2376.000000 MHz
Hfront 2352 Hsync 176 Hback 592 Hpol P
Vfront 16 Vsync 20 Vback 44 Vpol P
VIC 199: 7680x4320 60.000000 Hz 16:9 264.000 kHz 2376.000000 MHz
Hfront 552 Hsync 176 Hback 592 Hpol P
Vfront 16 Vsync 20 Vback 44 Vpol P
If creating a custom resolution (8K30 should work) doesn't work, then maybe using OpenCore + Lilu + WhateverGreen will allow more modes to be added.