Greeting all,
I’m a real old time lurker, who used to post here back before the dawn of the OS X days.
In fact it’s been so long I couldn’t remember my old account info or my old email address after many tries to log in, so I had to create a new profile.
First off, I just
HAD to chime in and thank tiamo for his boot loader patch !
WOW man, thanks !
I tried a couple of times, in the past few years, to use Chameleon and some other tricks to get 10.8 and then 10.9 going, but I found them just too kludgy and finicky for everyday use.
I have to say your is efi patch pure genius ! !
I’ve been running 10.9.1 for about a month now, and it’s totally seamless on my Mac Pro 1,1 maxed out on RAM w/ a Geforce 610 GT.
Thanks again man !!
My second reason for re-upping and posting here again is a question.
Has anyone got the recovery partition working with the modified “boot.efi” file ?
I know I can boot off my modified installer USB stick, but when I tried to burn the modified installer back to a “installESD” dmg and put it on my recovery partition I still can’t boot from it.
There must be some kind of checksum check happening, because sometimes I get an error and sometimes the “Command R” keys are just ignored and it boots to my startup drive.
Not a huge deal, as I still have the USB installer, but I’ve gotten kind of hung up on trying to get this to work.
You know how that can be.
Thanks again to tiamo, and all the good folks here at macrumors for the help.
The info in the threads about this here are
pure gold !
You’ve breathed new life into my aging Mac Pro iron!
Thanks again guys !
- Jay