Absolutely will do and will run it past you to ensure its all correct. A big thank you again for all your help - you have been so good

I am using the web driver to get that card supported. No Pascal support yet... it's coming though from what I have heard.
[doublepost=1465988984][/doublepost]Here is something cool:
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Now - in terms of a step by step tutorial on how to get this working - please bear with me. I will do this on the weekend as I want to do it properly and make it as simple as possible for you to get it working. My dad is in town for 48 hours and I need to spend family time with him for the next 48 hours. That said, if you have any direct questions, please message me and I'll do my best to help you. On the weekend, I will write and post the tutorial.
In terms of degree of difficulty of being able to follow the tutorial, I'd rate it fairly easy. It is straight forward - there are a few steps that you'll need to follow, but they will be straight forward. I also know the pitfalls, so I'll also be able to warn you on what not to do as well
Maintaining it is very easy. It's a matter of deleting one file on boot post implementing an update. Again, I'll be very specific on exactly how to do that.