Right. If it's canceled it's canceled. Especially if Apple thinks the new Macbook Pro should take it's place. But it's still there on the store...
When Apple cancels things they cancel them. Axing it at the same time as the display or today would have made sense. After a year or two you could argue that Apple is trying to sell off remaining stock. Now it just looks conspicuous. After three years Apple hasn't been able to sell off the remaining stock, and they aren't having a fire sale on them or an EOL announcement?
Look, I don't blame anyone for running to Windows right now with the wait. But if Apple was going to outright cancel it, why do they miss every opportunity to do so?
Well, maybe for the same reason they keep the iPod around. Their focus has moved on, but they're unwilling to cut off the revenue stream, even if it's small.
I don't know. It's been a long, frustrating day, and I'm just babbling.