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macrumors newbie
Sep 9, 2015
Just wanted to add another report of keyboard issues, 15" touch bar model. Had it for about a week. I have two distinct issues: 1) the "a" key is less responsive than all others, especially on the top part of the key, and it often does not respond during normal typing; 2) similarly as described by the OP, my "tab" key will sometimes double-type, for no apparent reason (that I'm aware of). Quite annoying when cmd+tabbing through open applications.

Have to find time to get to an apple store, but I can't decide - should I get it fixed, or just return it and get a 2015 pro? Any opinions?
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 5, 2016
Just wanted to add another report of keyboard issues, 15" touch bar model. Had it for about a week. I have two distinct issues: 1) the "a" key is less responsive than all others, especially on the top part of the key, and it often does not respond during normal typing; 2) similarly as described by the OP, my "tab" key will sometimes double-type, for no apparent reason (that I'm aware of). Quite annoying when cmd+tabbing through open applications.

Have to find time to get to an apple store, but I can't decide - should I get it fixed, or just return it and get a 2015 pro? Any opinions?

Return it and get the 2015 model. You can find these discounted at other retailers and eBay (From trusted sellers) for much less. Way too many QC issues concerning the 2016 models from what I've observed in this forum. Just my $0.02


macrumors 65832
May 7, 2009
Well, what I noticed is that my "e" key issue is getting better by the day. As if it had to "burn in" somehow.

Despite having the Genius at the Apple Store recommend me to return my MacBook, I'm tempted to keep it as it is perfect otherwise, and you never know what you're going to receive in return. OTOH, for that price you expect a perfect machine.

So there you go, I can't decide myself... although I definitely wouldn't get a 2015 Pro. This machine is just too awesome to return :)
Return it and get the 2015 model. You can find these discounted at other retailers and eBay (From trusted sellers) for much less. Way too many QC issues concerning the 2016 models from what I've observed in this forum. Just my $0.02

Well, the point is that happy people will not post in the forums to say they're happy... also, it comes with a warranty, so any issues that might pop up later on can be repaired for free.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 5, 2016
Well, what I noticed is that my "e" key issue is getting better by the day. As if it had to "burn in" somehow.

Despite having the Genius at the Apple Store recommend me to return my MacBook, I'm tempted to keep it as it is perfect otherwise, and you never know what you're going to receive in return. OTOH, for that price you expect a perfect machine.

So there you go, I can't decide myself... although I definitely wouldn't get a 2015 Pro. This machine is just too awesome to return :)

Well, the point is that happy people will not post in the forums to say they're happy... also, it comes with a warranty, so any issues that might pop up later on can be repaired for free.

Browse this subforum a bit more. You'll come across people who only post positives about this year's MacBook Pro. I think there is even a thread whose objective is to only post compliments.

Also, on top of the keyboard issues, if the dGPU in this model is the same as others in terms of the problems, you'll have to repeatedly return this computer over and over again, wasting time talking with reps, gas money to travel up and down, and have stretches of periods without your MBP.

In that case, I would rather not spend a premium on this product with those faults in mind, and go with a laptop I am more comfortable with, and that doesn't have these problems.

Jasper Wang

macrumors newbie
Nov 24, 2016
does any one have the issue with the up or down arrow button? Mine seems like need to click hevaily in order to work..


macrumors newbie
Jun 30, 2009
Just posting to say I had the exact same problem with the delete key on a new 15" with TB. Now waiting on a replacement machine.

Out of the box my key often didn't respond, then it more commonly started to double-press after a tiny bit of use. The delete key was easy to notice, but it's definitely good to check the keyboard thoroughly when you get these delivered!


macrumors 68040
Mar 26, 2010
I tried today the new MacBook Pro and man, the keyboard is so loud! Never seen a keyboard that loud. It was very loud even in the middle of the store. Otherwise it was good.


macrumors newbie
Nov 21, 2016
Milton Keynes, UK
I've got the 15 inch and the "v" key and the "o" double-type. (Actually the "v" key sometimes registers three times - once on the way down, once at the bottom of travel, once on the way back up again). ALTHOUGH the more I use it the more it seems to be behaving itself a little better...

It's a shame that a £3000+ laptop has too many grumbly little issues (graphical glitches, dodgy ports on the right-hand side, stupid pointless touchbar ;-) )


macrumors member
Sep 15, 2016
The enter key on my 2016 MBP completely lacked the tactite feel and seemed "sticky". So i ended up returning mine... Now for the long wait before i get a new one!

Same problem but not waiting so will put up with it. Not a big issue to me.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2012
Same problem but not waiting so will put up with it. Not a big issue to me.
Yeah it was more of an annoyance than a problem to be honest. If it doesn't bother you and the key works, why not keep it :) I hope you get lots of joy out of your Mac!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2016
LA, California
I have two 13" tMBP and my friend is using 4 of the 15" models in his studio. I also have a friend working at Apple here in LA and she's always giving me the lowdown on what's happening with service and various horror stories.

Keyboard issues are NOT common. I'm sorry, but the voices of darkness here have an agenda (which we see when any premium product is released, be it a camera, car or computer).

I have no doubt that there are a few bad keyboards out there, but it's not some rampant issue, or it would be instantly observable web-wide and there's be 10's of thousands of reports on it.

If the keyboard is not right for you, exchange it.



macrumors 68020
Nov 23, 2007
Aaah, so it seems they're others having issues as well. Just noticed that my v key occasionally double entry, i hope it's just a temporary thing. Would hate to having to return a Radeon 460 and waiting another month for the replacement :(


macrumors regular
Mar 19, 2011
I have the same thing with my brand new 15 inch! The u key. Sometimes it doesn't work at all. Other times it types twice.

Guess I'll be returning it. Wanted to take this laptop on a trip next week. :-/
I ran into this is on the 12" rMB. Not cool (missing key presses and doing double entries with a single press). I also had a couple of 15" I exchanged because of bogus keyboards... some felt mushy while other clicky... had a mushy spacebar key on one and though it was just my imagination. It bugged me though and sure enough after checking out a demo, I had a bad spacebar on my 15" MBP.

Wes S

macrumors newbie
Dec 27, 2016
Hi all - just to weigh in here... a week ago I was having issues with the "d" key on my brand new 2016 Retina MBP 13' (basic model) - any press that was toward the lower right failed to register 3/5 times. Substantial enough to make coding a nightmare.

Now the "d" key works, but the right side of the spacebar fails to register in the same way. Not a super big issue for me as I "space" with my left thumb. But if I try to space with my right thumb - nothing.

I'm going to guess that the new keyboard design may be super sensitive to small amounts of dust/dirt. This might be why other users see improvement after a while - what ever is blocking might move or break down over time.

A bit disappointing given I had a 2013 MBA for 3 years without a single keyboard issue and I'm sure the keywell is filled with junk given the wider gaps etc.

All that said, I will be taking back to the apple store and will see what they have to say about it...


macrumors newbie
Feb 2, 2010
Sunny, FL
Just returned my 16' 15" TB MBP for an exchange. The D key was double typing whenever I touched the lower left side. Apple care had me do all kids of troubleshooting going as far as completely resetting it to new and nothing worked. They wanted me to send it in for repair but I didn't want a 2 day old computer to be opened. Had I known this issue has been happening for this long I should of just returned it for a refund.
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