Installed the 1gb ADATA stick from the same eBay seller works like a charm.....faultless and i've been testing my MB out, great deal highly reccomended for £40!!!
shadowmoses said:Installed the 1gb ADATA stick from the same eBay seller works like a charm.....faultless and i've been testing my MB out, great deal highly reccomended for £40!!!
Balli said:I have to thank you guys sooo much. You just saved me around £170!
nomad01 said:I'm assuming this ram off eBay is good for the Macbook Pro too? Looks like the spec of RAM for both machines is the same.
Has anyone tried any in a Macbook Pro?
sockwars said:I have been reading this thread and a few people have been buying just one 1GB stick and using it with one of the smaller 256MB sticks from Apple. But then some people have been saying that everything will work best when the RAM sticks match... I can only really get one 1GB stick at the moment (student) but with the plan to buy another one in the next few months.... Is that safe/a good way to go?
sgd88 said:Ok. I thought it was all working out ok but then my hard disk became errorsome, and I have since had to reformat it. I don't know if this was at all affected by the 1 GB RAM from eBay. I tried the RAM back in the machine after the reformat and it was definately faulty. I couldn't play QuickTime movies and a load of other stuff.
So I am back on the 512 MB, I will probably buy more expensive RAM next time.
ADS said:Got two 1GB Corsair value select sticks from Now just need MacBook to put them in! Its coming Friday! I'll let you know how they are.
In the meantime I also upgraded my eMac and iBook with the same ram. All working fine so far. Cost approx £120 for 2GB + £7 for next day delivery.
sgd88 said:Ok. I thought it was all working out ok but then my hard disk became errorsome, and I have since had to reformat it. I don't know if this was at all affected by the 1 GB RAM from eBay. I tried the RAM back in the machine after the reformat and it was definately faulty. I couldn't play QuickTime movies and a load of other stuff.
So I am back on the 512 MB, I will probably buy more expensive RAM next time.
yellowmunky said:Hi TBR,
I am also concerned about getting imported RAM. For 2 x 1GB @ 80 seems a bargain but it may have issues further down the line.
Can you give me the exact link of the RAM bought from
Is it currently the best choice of RAM for reliability and price in the UK for MB and MBP's?
yellowmunky said:Hi TBR,
Can you give me the exact link of the RAM bought from
Is it currently the best choice of RAM for reliability and price in the UK for MB and MBP's?
TBi said:That dabs link is for normal desktop DIMM's and not SO-DIMMs needed for the intel Mac's
These corsair ones are the right size and corsair is a reputable company. I have corsair value ram in my Mini and i've never had a problem with it. If i knew about this before i bought the crucial ram i would have bought this.
yellowmunky said:thanks for the exact link robbieduncan and also thanks TBR for your comments.
the scan ram seems a bargain when compared to crucial or orcalogic.
hopefully they will work hassle free in the macbook.
thanks again,