Ok, as I thought, I've managed to patch manually only the SNB Framebuffer on my IntelHD3000 384 MB, without edit any plist nor touching the AppleIntelHD3000.kext, and it has worked, the only difference from the other thread is on a byte, this method will work on any AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext from Sierra 10.12.x , and will increase VRAM from 384 MB to 1024 MB
Launch Terminal then type:
cd /S*/L*/Ext*/AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext/C*/M*
sudo cp AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.backup
sudo perl -pi -e 's|\xC7\x45\xC4\x00\x00\x00\x18|\xC7\x45\xC4\x00\x00\x00\x40|g' AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB
sudo touch /S*/L*/Extensions
sudo reboot
I assume this will work on any Mojave Mac with an IntelHD3000 GPU.
If for some reason that shouldn't work and you find still 384 MB, use this other script maybe is valid for higher RAM quantity installed:
cd /S*/L*/Ext*/AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext/C*/M*
sudo cp AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.backup
sudo perl -pi -e 's|\xC7\x45\xC4\x00\x00\x00\x20|\xC7\x45\xC4\x00\x00\x00\x40|g' AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB
sudo touch /S*/L*/Extensions
sudo reboot
You are the best
Indeed very cool! Does this also work for a macbook pro 5,3? I'm away and don't remember what my Intel HD GC is. Does this notably improve appearance/performance using the non-accelerated GC?
Indeed. It will improve performance. I didn't test it, but in other forum there many guys who did it properly